Nancy Drew is Back...And She's Hawaiian

I'm so excited to announce the release of Cheryl Linn Martin's debut middle grade mystery series, The Hawaiian Island Detective club!

Any kids who like mysteries in exotic settings are going to love this series. The first book is Pineapples In Peril. Cheryl's writing is crisp and suspenseful. Her characters are loveable. Leilani is the Nancy Drew of the series. She has a thirst to solve mysteries and lets nothing stop her, not even her pestering little brother, Kimo. I'm looking forward to reading all the books in Cheryl's series!

You can find Cheryl at her website, her blog, Facebook and Twitter.

Do you write or read Middle Grade fiction? Have any questions for Cheryl?


Sandra Orchard said…
Sounds like a fun series. Love the title!
Krista Phillips said…
Oh, I'll have to check this out for my daughter! She's reading her older sister's "hand-me-down" books and is getting irritated because they aren't HER books that SHE picked out so they are BORING mom!

This sounds like something she'd enjoy though!

I don't write or read any, but I do make sure the books are suitable for my kids though. We're a fairly conservative family so it's important to me that the books match our family values until I feel they are old enough to understand.
Unknown said…
How fun! I was a Nancy Drew fanatic as a kid, so I love the idea of this new series.

I don't read lots of middle grade fiction at this point, but every now and then I pick one up. This would definitely be a good one. :)
Patti said…
Reminds of when I was a kid and loved those kinds of books.
Lindsay Harrel said…
I totally LOVED Nancy Drew as a kid. And would probably love it still now...

Congrats to Cheryl!
Loree Huebner said…
I loved Nancy Drew! I do read some MG. Congrats Cheryl! I look forward to your book.
Thank you, Sandra! I had fun coming up with titles. Book Two (releasing on February 5, 2013) is Menehunes Missing and Book Three is Ukuleles Undercover.

Thank you, Krista, for your interest for your daughter. My books are wholesome and fun, but, as in life, there are issues like sibling conflicts. Leilani learns a great deal about life through her adventure and will continue to learn more in future books!

Thank you so much for visiting and commenting!
Aloha! --Cheryl
Thanks, Melissa, Patti, and Lindsay for visiting and commenting! I loved Nancy Drew as a kid as well. Always said that one day I was going to write a mystery. And I did it!!

Aloha! --Cheryl
Thanks, Loree, for your support! I'm so glad you visited and commented. If you loved Nancy Drew like I did, you'll love these wholesome mysteries with kids who are also learning about what it means to live your faith every day!

Aloha! --Cheryl
Thanks so much, Jessica, for sharing my book on your blog. Your support means so much to me.

Blessings to you as you continue in your writing journey.

Mahalo and Aloha! --Cheryl
Karen Lange said…
This sounds like a winner. Thanks for the info!

Btw - a lovely package of chocolate arrived this afternoon. Have already sampled a bit - it's delicious! Thank you very much! :)

Thanks for your uplifting comment, Karen! Glad you took the time to visit. Aloha! --Cheryl
Jessica Nelson said…
Thanks so much for stopping by, Cheryl! You've written a great series that I know kids will love.
Thanks, Jennifer, for visiting and for commenting. If you know any kids, let them know about Pineapples in Peril!

Thanks, Jessica, for posting this review and for your amazing support! Aloha! --Cheryl
I always enjoyed Nancy Drew. Hawaii is definitely a big draw. :)
Thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment, Susan! When I talked with day campers this summer at several community centers, they get very excited about Hawaii!

And after we did some crafts and talked a while, they were totally excited about Pineapples in Peril and the series!
Oh, fun! I loved Nancy Drew when I was a kid; this looks even better!
Thank you, Jeanette! I hope you can recommend Pineapples in Peril (Book One of The Hawaiian Island Detective Club Series) to kids, parents and teachers you know. I've had several young readers spread across the age range and they have loved it!

Thanks for visiting and commenting. Aloha! --Cheryl

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