Swimming in New and Uncharted Waters (I did it!)

I did it.

I self-published (or, to use a more palatable term, independent published) one of my Christian contemporary romances. There is a ton of advice out there and lots of ways to do it, from formatting the manuscript yourself to hiring out that job.

So far, without much marketing, some copies have already sold on Amazon (squee!)

It's definitely been exciting and scary. Some authors who have already traveled this road are Virginia Carmichael and Julie Lessman and Heather Sunseri.

I am looking for reviewers and interview/guest post spots. If you're interested, e-mail me at Jessica_nelson7590 at yahoo dot com

Here is the blurb for the story:

Ten years ago, timid Katrina Ross left her hometown’s temperamental bad boy at the altar. After years away, Alec Munroe has returned, a successful businessman who is snooping around her bookstore with an avaricious gleam in his eye. She’d like to tell him to leave, despite still being in love with him, but the secret she's kept all these years demands to be told.
Alec Munroe has been successful in all ways but one: he has never been able to escape his memories of Katrina Ross. When he discovers the secret she's kept from him, he's faced with hard decisions. Justice or the forgiveness God calls him to offer...
Can Alec and Katrina leave the past behind to embrace the promise of a love they have never forgotten?

You can buy it at AMAZON or B&N.

When you download e-books, how do you know if they're self-published? Do you look at the publisher or does it even matter to you?


Jennifer Shirk said…
WOW!! That's huge! Congrats!!!

You are ALWAYS welcome on my blog, girl!! <3
Jessica Nelson said…
Awww!!! Is that the mojito talking? *grin*
Terri Tiffany said…
I love the cover!!! Congrats!!!
Jessica Nelson said…
Thank you, Terri! My brother-in-law made it. ;-)
Beth said…
Congratulations, Jessica! :D
Unknown said…
OH yay! This is awesome. Heading on over to Amazon to check it out. :)
Julie Jarnagin said…
Congrats! That's awesome!
Loree Huebner said…
Congrats! Super happy for you!!!
Julie Dao said…
Congrats, Jessica! That is AWESOME! *throws confetti*
Brandi Boddie said…
Congratulations, Jessica! As for ebooks I buy, it doesn't matter to me whether they're self-published or not. If I like the story premise, genre, setting, etc., I'm good to go :-) I love supporting authors and discovering new stories.
Cindy R. Wilson said…
Congratulations, Jessica! Great news and your cover is so nice!
Lindsay Harrel said…
Congrats on your new book, girl!
Linda Kage said…
YAY!!! Got my copy. Lots of good luck to you for many happy sales. And congrats on completely such a huge undertaking!
What a wonderful cover. I love it. Congrats to you :-)
Karen Lange said…
Congratulations! I am excited for you! Wish you all the best! :)

I am tied up with my book deadline and related stuff or I would offer to review it. But I would be happy to share the news in my next post.

I don't care if a book is self or traditionally published as long as it's well written.
Jessica Nelson said…
Me too Brandi!

Thank you everyone!

Karen, you're too sweet. :-) I understand being busy and appreciate whatever you do!
Sandra Orchard said…
AWesome cover, Jessica! Congratulations!
Anonymous said…
congratulations and good luck!
Congrats, Jess! I purchased your book, but haven't read it yet. Next one up. :)
So proud of you, BQE! Let me know if you ever want me to tweet it up and send some social media love your way.

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