A New Agent in Town and Linkage
Last week I found out that my long-time critique partner Linda Glaz was just made an agent at Hartline Literary !!! Woohoo! So apparently for years I've been rubbing shoulders with an agent in the making. :-) Linda is a kind and funny person. She's very savvy regarding the industry and craft and she loves romance. If you're looking for an agent to query, I'd recommend Linda. She mostly loves any subgenre of romance and suspense, but she'll never turn down a great story regardless of genre. The guidelines for querying Linda are HERE . Congrats Linda! As for linkage, there some news on the digital royalties publishing front. Here are a few interesting links. Harlequin Raises E-book Royalties Agent Kristin Nelson's Take So Far Dear Author Asks Harlequin Some Other Publishers Royalty Rates Brenda Hiatt's Show Me The Money (this site is a good representation of what publishers pay on average) What do you think about digital royalties? Had you heard an...