
Showing posts from December, 2012

On the Red Carpet With the Guys of Splintered!!! (international giveaway!)

Thanks to everyone who participated in the giveaway. It’s now ended, and winners will be announced on A.G. Howard’s website ( within the next few days. Welcome to the Morpheus side of SPLINTERED'S INTERNATIONAL RED CARPET EVENT AND GIVEAWAY! Check out Splintered author AG Howard's website for a ROCKING intro to this international giveaway . This is also where you'll enter to WIN amazing prizes!! Don't forget to head over to Bethany Crandell's for the other half of this interview with they other guy in Splintered, Jebediah Holt! Now for our interview with the enigmatic and extremely interesting Morpheus (did I mention he has a British accent? And some very cool wings?)!! I'm SO excited to have you on my blog, Morpheus! I really admire your loyalty to Wonderland. I know you're busy taking care of some crazy things over there and am super appreciative you're taking the ti...

Stephen King On Writing

Okay...I'll admit that I'm horrible at reading craft books. I love to learn craft and try to always better my writing, but I usually stick with articles. So after years of hearing about this book, it finally decided to bonk me on the head (actually, it was in my RWA chapter's library and I snagged it). I wish I would have read it sooner. Seriously. EVERY page is loaded with so much. About life. About writing. Plus King is just an interesting person. His writing resonates and every other sentence contains some kind of nugget that I'd love to tape up on my wall. Needless to say, after I finish King's memoir I'll be checking out some of his fiction. I've asked before about your favorite writing craft book, but now I'm wondering why it's your favorite? What makes it stand out? And if you could choose to meet any author, who would it be and why?

Playing With the Blog Tour

Blog tours: can they make you or break you? I did a blog tour (however informal) when my book came out and I can see NO drawbacks to doing one. I think blog tours are excellent ways to get the word out about your book. Will they sell it? Nope. That's what the blurb, cover and writing are for. But at least they tell people the book is out there. How do you get involved with a blog tour? Well, you could go the professional, cost-money route. There are a lot of companies who offer different packages and it could be worth your while. Since I've been blogging a long time, I just asked my blogger friends if anyone wanted to have me over. I was really blessed that many of you did. :-) I heartily recommend blog tours! In fact, I'm a guest later today at Diane Estrella's blog! (and I said I didn't have a celebrity crush, but I forgot how much I like Channing Tatum! lol). Would you pay for a blog tour or do your own? Do you like hearing about different books when ...