Interview with Fellow Blogger Susan J Reinhardt

I am so very excited to have Susan J. Reinhardt at my blog today. She and I have been blogging buddies for several years and she is a true inspiration. Not only for her caring heart, but for her tenacity. She has quite the writing story and now her book, The Moses Conspiracy , has been contracted and is available! I can't wait to read it. The cover is amazing and I know the story is going to rock!! Susan was kind enough to do a short interview with me. :-) 1. How long have you been writing fiction with the intent of publication? Thanks for having me on your blog, Jess! I've been writing fiction since August of 2005. Originally, I wrote non-fiction and still submit to periodicals/devotionals/compilations on occasion. The switch occurred in 2005 after a trip to Gettysburg with my late husband. While standing in an old town square, I "heard" the voices of the forefathers. They were fading like a distant echo. After several attempts to write a non-fiction pi...