Interview with Debut Author Camille Eide (and winners!)

Camille Eide graciously answered some questions I had for her. If you hadn't heard, her debut novella just released and is available in Kindle format.

1. Me: So Camille, what's your favorite part about writing romance? Probably the moment the hero knows he's got it bad for the heroine. :-) I like writing emotionally wrenching scenes and tingly moments. To dig a little deeper, I like to read, watch AND write about how a person finds himself drawn to something far beyond outer attraction, something that speaks to a deep need in him, that thing she completes in him. :-) Oooh! Romantic!

2. Me: When did you start writing? I started writing with the intent of publishing nearly 5 yrs ago. The first novel took a while to polish, but eventually attracted my agent and made it to a pub house board (where it sits to this day...) My second in the series will be shopping for a publishing home soon. This Christmas novella is my first book to be published, but not my first. So even though it only took a month (it's short & sweet), there was a lot of craft development that went before, and I think what helped me write it so quickly.

3. Me: Any advice for unpublished writers? Depends on where the unpub is at in the pursuit of your craft. If you KNOW you have a love of story and a knack for words, put a sticky note above your computer screen that says, "You have a God-given gift. If you need help with it, just ask." If you love to write and haven't reached Pub Heaven, please don't give up. Some seasons just feel like they go on and on (like Oregon winters that last 10 months) but hang in there. The only writers certain to fail are the ones who quit. None of us ever "arrive," no matter where we are in the process. Give yourself permission to be where you are, and keep at it.

4. Me: What's your favorite kind of chocolate? I LOVE LINDOR WHITE CHOCOLATE BALLS AND I'M NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE THEM. Thanks for asking, though. Sorry I yelled. I quit sugar a while back and I get a little cranky sometimes. (You all see how sweet and happy Jessica looks, right? Do you know she believes chocolate is one of the 4 food groups?) Wait, isn't it???

Thank you so much, Camille, for taking the time to answer my nosy questions. You can check out Camille's book HERE and she also has a book trailer.

Now for winners. Last week I posted about Camille and Linda's debut novellas. The winners of those are Jeanette Levellie and Linda Kage!! Congrats, ladies. ;-)


Joanne said…
Thanks for the interview, ladies. I always enjoy seeing a little behind the page of a writer's life. And best wishes with your Christmas novella, it looks very heartwarmng :)
Janet, said…
I enjoyed the interview. I sometimes think of chocolate as one of the food groups, too, but I am trying to cut back a little. Congratulations to the winners.
I love that sticky note advice. Sometimes that's all it comes down to to keep me encouraged--a true reminder from a sticky note.
~ Wendy
Jessica Nelson said…
LOL Wendy, I agree.

Janet, I need to cut back to. It's addicting stuff! I tell myself that at least it has some antioxidants, right? Heeeeheeee!

Me too, Joanne. :-)
Unknown said…
Great interview. And I just ordered the novella. :) I love a good Christmas romance!
Julie Dao said…
I'm going to write myself an inspirational sticky note right now :) Great interview! I really don't read enough romance. I also love Lindt chocolate, but my scale doesn't so I restrain myself!
Jessica Nelson said…
Julie J, hope you enjoy!

Julie D...scales are pesky nuisances, aren't they? *grin*
Sandra Orchard said…
Great interview, Camille and Jessica. I love your line which is so true in whatever we pursue, the only ones who are certain to fail are those who quit.
Stacy Henrie said…
Great interview! I LOVE that line that the only writers who fail are those who quit. Excellent advice. Thanks, you two.
Beth K. Vogt said…
I'm so sorry to hear that we need to hide the Lindor chocolates from Camille. But kudos for giving up sugar!
Her novella, Savanna's Gift, is a delightful read!
Yippeee dippee and thanks! I am so excited to win this book! Thanks for your generosity. Merry Christmas,
Unknown said…
I really enjoyed the interview. An author who loves writing the moment when the hero realizes he's in deep with the heroine, sounds like my kind of author! I'm off to check out Camille's book. :-)

Thanks again for stopping by my blog, Jessica!
Linda Kage said…
Hey Camille, I loved you sticky note comment. Congrats on your sale. That's wonderful.

And thank you-thank you-thank you for the win, Jessica. This is soooo exciting.
Loree Huebner said…
Great interview!

I also love the sticky note. It's so important to remind ourselves that our talent is God-given and should not be wasted with doubt or worry.
Brandi Boddie said…
Nice to meet you, Camille, and congratulations on your novel!

Thanks for the great advice: Give yourself permission to be where you are, and keep at it.

Great interview, Jessica!
Sarah Forgrave said…
Great interview, Jessica! And I loved your words of advice, Camille, especially about the sticky note. :)
Jessica Nelson said…
Thanks ladies, but I just asked the questions. Miss Camille is the witty one. *grin* I'm so glad her advice resonated. She's a wise one. :-)
Chocolate! Gotta have chocolate!

Thanks for the encouragement to keep pressing on. I needed it today. Okay, I've needed it for the last two months.
Camille Eide said…
Thanks for all the kind words, and thanks Jessie for letting me visit. Sorry for the delay in responding, I've been out of touch all day.

Loree - great point, I forget about how easy it is to waste time & talent with worry. (usually self-absorbed worry!)

Congrats to the winners! I'll get your eBook to you asap - just need an email address & book file type preference: PDF, ePub, Kindle?

Merry Christmas, Jessica & all!
Jessica Nelson said…
Susan, I can't imagine how busy you've been. Take care!

Camille, thanks for stopping by! The ladies already received their books; no worries. ;-)
Keli Gwyn said…
That sticky note advice is the best! Love it.

I know Camille is talented. I remember sitting beside her at the Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference when she was one of three of the finalists for a HUGE contest. My memory fails me (help me out, Camille), but it was run by a publisher who would publish the winner's book. Camille didn't win, but she was one of the three finalists out of zillions of entrants. I was sooo impressed--and too intimidated to introduce myself. Little did I know we'd end up agency mates and friends. Love that!
Congrats to Camille, and thanks for sharing, Jessica!
Congrats Camille! Great interview, Jessie! And what a lovely trailer. :) This story sounds wonderful and so emotional. Mmm. Those are my favorites. :) That book would sure make a great stocking stuffer. I might have to throw out some hints to hubbie. Hee
Downloaded my Kindle app last night, and started Camille's book. Thanks so much!
Nancy said…
Congratulations to Jeanette and Linda.

Sounds like Camille has a good system going. Blessings on her novella and all.
Camille Eide said…
Keli - I'm the intimidated one, you web-genius, debut author, you. :-) It was a contest by Zondervan in conjunction with Mt Hermon for MH's 40th anniversary. Yes, the winner received a publishing contract, very thrilling. That was very gratifying (& surprising to be part of), and I do remember sitting beside you. Thanks for sharing that, and for sharing my near win moment. :-)

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