Books on the ... Floor

No bookshelves, so I have books stacked on my floor, my closet floor, and the backboards of all the beds in my house.

Some good books I read recently are Hidden Places by Lynn Austin (Thank you Susan!), His Little Cowgirl by Brenda Minton and then a memoir called Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt. The romances were great and pretty well written. I enjoyed them.

I had to put Angela's Ashes down for awhile. The prose was incredible but the story is so sad that I found myself feeling very depressed. The good news is that McCourt survived his childhood and had a successful career (and hopefully successful life) so I'd like to pick this book up again once my soul is prepared for the pain of it.

In the meantime, I'm on the hunt for another book. I'm thinking of reading My Sister Dilly by Maureen Lang next.

What are you reading? Put anything down lately? Why?


Anonymous said…
Well, you know that I read Angela's Ashes and loved it. But it is super depressing. I hope you can get back into it, because the ending is well worth it.

I'm reading Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder at the moment and am enjoying it. It's an easy read fantasy and I think if I can just dedicate an hour a day to it, I can have it read within a couple of weeks. I'll let you know what I think of it!

The last book that I "put down" was The Caterbury Tales. The writing is a tad archaic, but that's never stopped me from finishing a book before. I know that I'll pick it up again when I'm in the mood for a classic.
Kristen Painter said…
I'm about to put down a Nora Roberts book a friend lent me because it's too scary. lol I just don't like scary books!
Hi Jessica -

I'm reading, "William Henry is a Fine Name," by Cathy Gohlke. I've just started, "White Chocolate Moments," by Lori Wick.

My reading time is limited, so it takes me awhile to finish a book.

Thanks for the link. I'm glad you enjoyed the book. Watch for more book drawings in the near future.

Susan :)
Jessica Nelson said…
Hey Anita,
Definitely let me know how Poison Study goes. I heard a lot about it.
Jessica Nelson said…
Hey Kristen,
I'd love to know which one you're reading. That's so funny about you and a scary book! I confess, I never, ever watch horror movies. Guess you don't either. LOL
Jessica Nelson said…
I'm always keeping an eye out for free books! I've heard of Lori Wick (read some of her older books) but not the other lady. Looking forward to a review!
Rita Gerlach said…
Currently, I am reading The Widow of Larkspur Inn by Lawana Blackwell, and Native Son by JM Hockstetler.
Sarah said…
I haven't put any books down, lately, but I did put one down a few months ago. It's called "Middlesex". It got rave reviews, won the nobel literary prize, was featured on Oprah, and I heard it was great from a ton of people, but I could barely get through the first chapter.

The writing was good. The things that happened in the book--not so much. I won't go into it, but I would never recommend this book to anyone.
Kevin said…
I am reading a wonderful devotional called "Daily Devotions for Writers" published by the Writing Academy. It is super encouraging! Written by many published and non-published writers, about their sucesses and failures and cheerleading to keep writing. I highly recommend it to any writer.
Jessica Nelson said…
I've heard of both those authors but haven't had the chance to read them yet. Hope you're enjoying them. :-)
Jessica Nelson said…
Hey Sarah, it seems like some of the books that win those prizes are just really HARD. Thanks for the heads up.
Jessica Nelson said…
Hi Jen,
Interesting. I could really use a devotional to get my bootie into gear with actually thinking about stuff. You know, Godly stuff. Thanks for sharing.
Karen Hossink said…
I soooo want to be reading! OK, I'm reading my Bible. That counts, right?
My grandma told me she has a couple books to loan me and I'll be seeing her next Friday. Until then, I seem to be doing just fine filling up my time. Just looking forward to having something to read for a few minutes before I go to sleep each night.
Jessica Nelson said…
Hey Karen,
I hope you enjoy those books she gives you. A good book is wonderful to have. Very cool that your grandma is giving you books!

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