Using Characterization to Deepen POV
I'm reading Love Inspired author Cheryl Wyatt's novel Ready-Made Family . This is a sweet romance with an interesting plot and likeable characters. I'm really enjoying it. If you'd like to read a longer, more creative review, check out Jaime's blog. One of the things I noticed about the characterization in this book is how the hero, a pararescue jumper, constantly thinks of things in military terms. Here are a few examples: While they talked, questions popped through his mind like automatic weapon fire. As if Harker's words hauled a heavy rucksack off Amelia's shoulders, they lifted. The girl could scramble his brain faster than a missile lock scrambled fighter jet signals. So, anyone here know the sound of automatic weapon fire? (Maybe Kristen does, lol) Held a heavy rucksack? Seen fighter jet signals get scrambled? Nope. This is all in the hero's internal narrative, distinctly his POV. How do you like to show characterization? Have you ever used this...