I'm Home

I'm back and it's wonderful! I can't wait to delve into your blogs. :-)

The winner of the drawing is Christina Berry. Congratulations. Send me your snail mail and I'll get A Gift of Grace out to you. :-)

On the writing front, I received a rejection on a partial. All the more stimulus to get to work on my revisions.

How's writing going for you?


Angie Ledbetter said…
Welcome home, and good luck on those WIP revisions! Love your attitude.
Jessica: We missed you! Hope you had a fun, relaxing time with your guys.
You are so mature re: rejection. God will honor you for your excellent attitude. I would love some of that to rub off on moi!
Alas, I have been spending so much time working on my proposal that I've done very little writing. I did start a new devo last night about pack rats, but it's barely conceived. Thanks for asking!
Jessica Nelson said…
Thanks Angie! I'm kind of slogging through them, but once in awhile I feel a bolt of inspiration. :-)
Jessica Nelson said…
LOL Jen.
I've had so many rejections now, plus I realize that it doesn't mean the end of my hopes, so I think that helps. I have a lot of irons in the fire too. :-)
Working on your proposal is as important as the writing itself, imo. :-) Sounds like you've been busy!
anita said…
So glad you're home, Jessie!

And that's a great attitude about the rejection and revisions. That's the kind of outlook that'll see you published in the not to distant future. :-)
Welcome back! Missed you!

Sorry about rejection. Always a bummer!

I'm working on revisions to a couple of short stories and starting a new one.
Jessica Nelson said…
Crossing my fingers, Anita! LOL
Jessica Nelson said…
Thanks Donna. :-)

Ahhh, revisions. Have fun with those.
Jody Hedlund said…
WELCOME BACK!!! I missed your smiling face and positive comments this past week! It's funny how I get used to seeing the same people around cyberspace, and then when they're gone, I really notice!

Are you making good progress for getting ready for ACFW? I still have to buy my plane ticket! My hubby keeps checking prices trying to get the best deal!
Tana said…
I hope it was nice and warm unlike my stomping grounds which may as well be fall for all the lousy weather we're having. SOrry about the partial but welcome to my world. :(
Terri Tiffany said…
Glad you are back --to this heat:) I am sorry about the rejection-- I think it still hurts for abit every time.
Welcome back! Sorry to hear about the rejection, but you have a great attitude - just work even harder on those revisions and you will get there!
Dara said…
Well, I'm still trying to get back into the writing routine after the mini vacation. Otherwise, it's going ok.
Welcome back! You were missed! :)
Deb Shucka said…
Welcome back. Best of luck with your revisions.
Welcome back!

Okay, I promise, I'll start submitting in the fall so that I can join your rejection party of revisions. Sorry to hear about it, though. But you are such a smart person about how to handle them. I'm taking lessons from you!
Jessica Nelson said…
Hi Jody,
Kind of. LOL I haven't made a one sheet or anything. I've just been very slowly doing revisions on the book. I know I need to get moving but I have a very strong urge to procrastinate. Bleck.
You better get your tickets! :-) They might get pricier the closer the time comes. I'm SO excited!!! I'll bet you are too. :-)
Jessica Nelson said…
Hey T. Anne,
Girl, it was more than warm. It was so hot that I almost couldn't handle it. Even the water was disgustingly warm in the afternoon. But we still had fun.
Jessica Nelson said…
Thanks Terri.
It does sting a little, but it helps that it's an older manuscript. I'm sure when I start querying Bridegroom's I'm going to be much less laidback about rejections.
Jessica Nelson said…
Hey Dara,
That's so true. Getting out of routine can really mess things up. Hope you can slide back into things. :-)
Jessica Nelson said…
Thanks Sherrinda and Deb! I'm glad to be back. :-)
Hi Jess -

Welcome home! We missed you. :)

Congratulations, Christina. It's always fun winning a book.

Jessica Nelson said…
LOL Eileen,
I've gotten so many I'm probably just calloused, not smart. But you might not even face any, if things go super well at ACFW. *wink*
Jessica Nelson said…
Thanks Susan! I'm glad to be back.
Unknown said…
Seems like everyone is taking vacations lately....maybe I should take that as advice??? Welcome back!!! We missed you! Sorry about the rejection.
Jessica Nelson said…
Hey Marybeth,
Vacations are awesome. :-) Maybe you should take one. LOL
Karen Hossink said…
Welcome home!
So, when's the next trip? *grin*
I love your positive out-look, Jessica. I hope the revisions go well.
I actually want to do some writing, but am having an awful time finding, um, TIME! Previously I would write a lot after the kids went to bed at night, but now I want to go to bed before they do! Need to find a new plan.
Jessica Nelson said…
LOL Karen.
I find myself wanting to go to sleep early too. I used to be such a night owl! Good luck finding the time. ;-)
Danyelle L. said…
Welcome home!

*hugs* about the partial. :D
Jessica Nelson said…
Thanks Danyelle. :-) I like your new pic. Very pretty. :-)

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