Leaves the Color of Limes

Florida is beautiful right now. Everything is vibrant without the melting heat that will arrive in a few weeks. We had a great time in the Keys. Here's some pics of the boys.
I can't wait to visit everyone today!


Tamika: said…
Those amazing pictures! I'm so glad that you had a wonderful time. My daughter mentioned the beach last night, and I eyed hubby with an intense longing!
Awesome! I'm so glad you had a good time. And the boys are adorable! What a blast they had, it's apparent.
Unknown said…
Too cute! My girlfriends and I are considering a trip to the Keys.

Have I ever mentioned how much I love Green???
Love the pics. Wrote about a mental vacation today to live vicariously. ;)
~ Wendy
patti said…
Your pictures filled my heart with joy!!!!

Glad you are back, dear one!!!

Unknown said…
So cute. I can't wait to take my little guy to the beach.
Sarah Forgrave said…
Looks like you had lots of fun! I talked to my mom last week...she lives in FL, and she commented about how wonderful the orange blossoms smell right now. That's something I'll probably never smell here in Indiana. :-)
Jody Hedlund said…
Welcome back! Glad you had a great time!
Diane said…
I thought you'd be gone longer. I'll mail out your package today. Glad you had a great trip! :O)

Keli Gwyn said…
I'm glad you enjoyed your vacation. Thanks for sharing the cute pix.
Jessica Nelson said…
Tamika, now's an awesome time for the beach! I hope you get to go soon. :-)

It was, Jennifer!

Janna, they did! The older they get, the more fun I have at the beach too. LOL

MaryBeth, you might've mentioned it once or twice. *grin*
Jessica Nelson said…
Wendy, I'll be popping by later to read it. :)

Thanks Patti! I'm kind of glad to be home, or maybe I just wish I could move home down there? LOL

It's really, really fun, Julie. Thanks for stopping by. ;-)

Sarah, I don't have oranges in the area I'm at, but my MIL does. Living in FL def. has its perks!
Jessica Nelson said…
Thanks for stopping by, Jody. :-) I know you must be super busy!

Diane, you're still making my eyes tear up. What a kind person you are! Thank you.

Welcome, Keli. :-) I wish I could make them bigger but I can't figure out how!
Terri Tiffany said…
Are you home?? How's everything else going?
Lisa Jordan said…
I <3 Florida. I was at Melbourne Beach in February for a My Book Therapy retreat. Wasn't long enough.

Every other year we vacation on Sanibel Island. Someday I'd love to own a vacation home down there. Someday...sigh.
Hi Jess -

Welcome back! I missed your posts.

Great pics of the boys. The nice weather makes me long to get away.

Susan :)
Those pics are too fun! :-)
So fun! I'm jealous! :0)
Jill Kemerer said…
Look at those little surfers! Cute!
Jessica Nelson said…
Jill, it was so funny 'cause I never brought the boogie boards before but the kids just loved them and seemed to know what to do. :-)

Kristen, why're you jealous? LOL! You get to go to S. America and India!!!

Thanks Shannon. :-) My husband took them. I'm glad because I would've forgot.
Jessica Nelson said…
Hey Terri, yep, I'm back. Things are good. No job or anything, but other things seem to be okay. :-)

Hi Lisa,
I've been to Sanibel! It's very nice! How fun for all of you. You don't live in Florida though, do you?

Susan, I hope you do get a chance to get away. :-)
L. E. Neighbour said…
Ahhh I want to go back to FL someday... go see the Atlantic ocean this time. I know, how bad is it to go to FL and not go to the beach? I was visiting my great-grandma though and my grandma came along and had to visit everyone in central FL xD or so it seemed. *sigh*
Karen Lange said…
Looks like fun. Glad you shared these:)
Nancy J. Parra said…
Oh, sweet pics. Thanks for sharing. Cheers~
Jessie Oliveros said…
You are on the beach! I'm very jealous. I am going to Alligator Point Beach this summer with my extended family.
Oh how wonderful!!! I am so glad you had a great time!
Warren Baldwin said…
Great pics! Glad the trip was good.
Jessica Nelson said…
Hey LE Neighbor, I'm sorry you missed out of the beach! I hope you're able to get down again and go.

Jessie, I have no clue where that is but it sounds fun! :-)

Everyone else, :-), thanks for stopping by and looking at my pics!
Emily Conrad said…
Your pictures look wonderful. I'm glad things are smoothing out for you. :)
Julie Dao said…
So glad you had a good trip, Jessica! Thanks for sharing the pictures - the boys look like they're having an absolute blast in them :)
Nancy said…
Looks like the boys are having fun. Have lots more fun and then come back to us.
Elana Johnson said…
I'm so jealous! It's raining and snowing here. Cries a little. Okay, a lot of crying here.

Great pics, though. Glad you had fun.
Jessica Nelson said…
Yikes!!! Elana, are you for real? Raining and snowing? I'm sorry...that's not computing. LOL I hope the sun comes out soon for you. :-)

Nancy, no worries, I'm already back. *grin*

Julie, they were. Kids are so wonderful in the way they're just able to have uninhibited fun.

Thanks Emily! I'm glad too. LOL
Tana said…
Aww, am jealous!!! How I wish it were warmer where I am!!

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