RWA Conference?

Are any of you going? I'm not, but I am going to the literacy signing on Wednesday night.
I'm hoping to nose around a little and say hi to some of you. :-) And of course, meet my favorite authors!


Tabitha Bird said…
Have fun on the Wednesday night. Wish I was there.
kathy taylor said…
Where is it, Jessica? I guess you can see how new I am to all of this.
Katie Ganshert said…
I wish! But no, I won't be there.
patti said…
May God bless your time at the conference!!!

You're coming to ACFW, right?

Linda Kage said…
Wish I could go, but alas, it's not meant to be. I think I'll make it a goal in my life to go at least one year.

I have to friends going; they're Golden Heart Finalists. I'm so excited for them!!
Jessica Nelson said…
Oooh, Linda, that is extremely exciting for your friends! :-)

Patti, I wish I was going to ACFW. It's mostly a money thing, so if something amazing happens I'll go. If not, there's hopefully next year. :-)

Kathy, it's at the Dolphin hotel in Orlando!
Not me. Have fun, dear! Blessings,
Kristen Painter said…
Hey, stop by and say hi! I'll be there signing.
Jessica Nelson said…
Kristen, really!!! Woohoo! I will def. stop by!

Jeanette, thank you. :-)
Cindy R. Wilson said…
It would be fun, but no. I'm going to go to the ACFW conference instead. I hope you have a great time!
Tamika: said…
Sounds liks fun~ too bad I won't be able to attend. Have fun, and we're looking forward to hearing all about it.
Terri Tiffany said…
I think you need to take me!!LOL I hope I can get there next year!
Dara said…
I wish I was too! Maybe next year...although it's in NYC then so that's unlikely. Unless of course I finish my book in time to submit to the Golden Heart and I final. :P Again, highly unlikely but I can dream!
Keli Gwyn said…
Jessica, I'll be there. I'd LOVE to meet you in person when you're there Wednesday night. =)
Nancy said…
Have a great time.
kah said…
I will be there with bells on! :)

Well, I'm not actually wearing bells, but you know what I mean.

I can hardly wait!
Hi Jess -

I won't be attending because I'm not a romance writer. Even if I was, the funds are not there.

Susan :)
P.S. Love the new background color of your blog!
Jessica Nelson said…
Thanks Susan. I'm not attending the conference, but the literacy signing is open to the public. I just need to take a set amount of money and that's it! LOL So I don't buy too many books...
I hope your funds increase next year. :-)
Tana said…
I'm glad your going to a bit of it if not all, since it's in your neck of the woods. I hope you blog about your experience!!! Have a great time!
Julie Dao said…
Have fun, Jessica! I've never been to a writing conference and I hope to someday. Hope you enjoy yourself and tell us all about it :)
Deb Shucka said…
Have a great time. Looking forward to hearing how it goes, what adventures you find.
Kara said…
I wish I was going. I need to plan to go next time they are in Orlando! Enjoy:)

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