When One Lays Dying

It happens all the time, across the world. Intellectually, I know there are people who starve to death.

But I've never seen their hollowed cheeks, never heard their groans or smelled their fear. I've never held a starving person in my arms, her dry skin warm against mine, and prayed she'd live.

Renee has.



I found the story of Nabakoza and Betty on the blog Kisses From Katie. They're the last two August 2010 posts. From there I've learned that Renee, who is a missionary with Serving His Children, is in need of transportation. If you're interested in learning how you can help, this is their website:

Learning about Betty and Nabakoza ripped my heart a little. I want the tears to stay, to hurt and to remind me.

How do you feel about ministries like this? Do you support any? Is your main character involved with a mission or charity?


Tabitha Bird said…
Very cool. My heart goes out to them all. We support World Vision and some other more local charities. It is the least I can do :)
Katie Ganshert said…
Man, those pictures rip my heart too. Like you, I want the tears to remain. When I went to Afria, I thought I'd never ever forget. But you do forget. I get so caught up in life here. I hate forgetting.
I seriously could give up my comfy life here in the states to go be a missionary. Bring the fam. with me. But right now my husband isn't there.

World Vision, Compassion, Bibles for China.

Sending love,
Jessica Nelson said…
Tabitha, that's how I feel too.

Katie, you're so right. I'm def. caught up in myself more than is right.

Wendy, I hear you!!! Same boat here. Thanks for the list of places. I didn't know about those, except Compassion.
Jennifer Shirk said…
I was drawn to children and stories like this a few months ago and now support Compassion International and sponsored a child.
I look at all my child has and can't believe how much we take for granted.
Diane said…
We do support a child through World Vision. It is hard to know who to support and how best to do that. :O)
Jessica Nelson said…
Jennifer, I'd like to sponsor a child someday. My children have a lot too and to see what other children do without...it's horrible. I can't imagine...

Diane, that's true. Wish we could help them all. :-(
We need to hear and see this kind of thing, so we don't get so wrapped up in our little worlds, don't you think? Thanks for posting it.

We support Joyce Meyer, who travels all over the world helping poor people. She especially has a heart for children. Just like Jesus.

God, forgive me for whining about my little bitty problems.
anita said…
Jessie, like you I'd like to support a child one day. My SIL (bro's wife) has been supporting one for years. I need to find out who she goes through; she gets update letters from the child and pictures...

It's so easy to get caught up in our own personal challenges, to put blinders on and forget that there's a whole world of misery out there that never touches us.

I'm guilty of this, and need to change. Thanks for the kick in the pants. ;-)
Jessica Nelson said…
Jeanette, I know I for sure need to hear and see this stuff. Joyce Meyer is great!

Anita, I'd like to change too. Things are so much worse for so many. :-(
Tamika: said…
These are the stories that grip your heart, and make you want to leap into action.

We have group at my church that visits Belize every year and support there.
Jill Kemerer said…
It's so hard to see pictures like this when I have so much and so many others have so little. Thank you for spotlighting this.
Even when I grew up without much money, even when I was hungry at times in my life when there wasn't quite enough, even when it seemed we were "poor" - we were never starving. There was someone somewhere who would help if it came down to that.

This breaks my heart. So much waste in this world, and to have people still starving...it makes no sense.
Karen Lange said…
We have supported ministries like this; thanks for sharing about this one. And that's a good idea as well, having characters that are missions or 'others' minded. Filing that idea away for future reference, thanks!
Jessica Nelson said…
Hi Karen,
Yeah, after I posted this I realized my characters help with some local things, but never anything on an international level.

It really doesn't make sense. :-(

You're welcome, Jill. I know that I needed to see this because ... well, I just do. Life is so busy and I forget that my life is not what's necessarily normal for the world.

Agreed! Sounds like your church is doing a great thing.
It always breaks my heart to see the suffering in the world and know I can't help everyone. I believe God places opportunities in front of us and we need to respond to those, knowing there are others we can't respond to.

How wonderful there are people like Renee who have the desire and the ability to help this particular group of people. Bless them, Lord.

And make me totally aware of your prodding and your placement of things in my unique path for me to do. Amen.
Kara said…
We do have so much and it is sometimes hard to imagine what some people go through. I'm always so torn, because I know that other countries need our help, but there are so many right here in our country who go without as well. So I try to divide my efforts my supporting local food kitchens and charities along with ones overseas.
Jessica Nelson said…
Kara, that's a good idea. I like what Cheryl said about letting God help us see opportunities, knowing there are some we won't be able to help.

Cheryl, thanks for popping by. :-) Great, wise comment!
Hi Jess -

I have several friends serving as missionaries in Ghana. They feed the elderly, have an orphanage, and run a Bible School to train native pastors.

None of my characters are involved in missions' work. They're too busy trying to stay alive.

Susan :)
Angie Ledbetter said…
I'm involved in several helping ministries, but my fav for years has been cooking/serving supper at a local mens shelter. Always always, I am fed more than I feed!
denise petrovich said…
I would love to do missionary work but at the moment am not in the right place. I am believing in God to get us there, finacially and spiritually. Great post. Love Mom
Nancy said…
Yes, stories like this are very important. There is always something one can do to help. Many Christian concerts have relief ministries attached to them and churches such as ours sponsor missionaries.
I hadn't thought about a character supporting a missianary or project, but it is a very good idea.
Gwen Stewart said…
Like others, my family has sponsored a child for years and years. She's grown up with my children--it's really cool. Now, with a couple of health issues, I doubt I could travel abroad...my conditions are quite easily managed here, but might be problematic in other areas of the world. But God has work here for me--I teach about a thousand children a week, and love and pray for them. They're not as needy as the children in your picture, but many of them bleed on the inside, where it doesn't show. :( I try to hug and love them when I can, and singing is definitely a means of healing for some. (I'm a music teacher)

I deeply admire those who travel so far to spread the love of Jesus Christ. I wish I were more courageous, and it was in my nature to long for such sacrifice. I pray that I become more adventurous for God. May He bless you richly, Jessica.
People wonder about Angelina Jolie's constant weight loss appearance.

I have thought it might be her memories of holding starving children like Betty. When she picks up a fork of food, she remembers how they looked, how brittle their hair and skin was, and how hollow their eyes.

And remembering, she puts the fork of food down and weeps.
Terri Tiffany said…
YOur sweet heart shows through even more from this post:)

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