Agent Land Exit: Straight Ahead

So I veered out of Query Land and into Agent Land about two weeks ago.

Agent Land is a vast place. The terrain is different for everyone, I've heard. When I took that exit, I was really scared. Nervous. Would there be more cacti in this new place? Pot holes? A smooth road?

Before taking your exit, talk to others who've taken the same exit. Scope out the lay of the land. Make sure you know what you're getting into, and that it will take you to where you want to go.

When you get out of Query Land and enter Agent Land, what are you expecting things to look like? What questions will you ask others about this new place? Is Agent Land exciting to you, or nerve-wracking?

I signed with Les Stobbe!


Jessica, this is huge! CONGRATULATIONS, and wishing you all the best. :)
kathy taylor said…
Anything to do with agents is something I find intimidating. I'm hoping the best for you, Jessica.
Karen Lange said…
Thanks for the advice. Hooray for your progress! Looking forward to hearing about how things are going.
Kristen Painter said…
Huge congrats! This is so awesome!
Warren Baldwin said…
Congratulations on your signing! Big day! Yes, I have sought advice about "agent land." I like how you put it!
Diane said…
I knew it was coming soon! So happy and proud of you!!! :O)
Erica Vetsch said…
Congratulations! I wish you all the best in your new agent/client relationship.
Rachna Chhabria said…
Congrats Jessica, thats great news. Wishing you all the best!

Wow! What an exciting day. This encourages me to try more submissions.
Jessica Nelson said…
Thanks Weronika. ;-) I kind of wish it could've been you since your enthusiasm is what made me decide to start querying!

Thanks Kathy. I hope you find it less intimidating. They're people with a lot of clout, true, but just people. :-)

Thanks Karen!!!
Jessica Nelson said…
Thank you, Kristen. :-) I was just thinking about you the other day and wondering if your Orbit series was out yet. Guess I should stop by your blog!

Thanks Warren and Diane. :-)

Erica, you've been so helpful with this. I appreciate it!
Jessica Nelson said…
Rachna, thanks for stopping by and for your congrats. :-)

Sandra, YES, if you're getting requests and not all form rejections, keep submitting! If you're getting only form rejects, reevaluate your query and how it's written. :-) Blessings!
anita said…
Woohoo! So proud of you, Jessie! Love the analogy to a new land, BTW. That's exactly what it feels like in the beginning. Like you've been plopped smack dab into some unplotted island. Hope you uncover lots of buried treasure on your journey! :-)

Sarah Forgrave said…
Congratulations! I hope to join you in Agent Land soon. :)
Keli Gwyn said…
Wow, Jessica! This is wonderful news. Mega congratulations! Les Stobbe is one of the best agents in the business.

I'd love to hear about The Agent Call. What were you doing when it came? How did you react? And how were you able to keep this awesome news to yourself for two whole weeks?
Woo Hoo for you! Congratulations.

You know, I'm excited for it. I really am. But guess what I'll do as soon as I step into Agent Land? (Well, I'll celebrate and do a goofy dance, of course...but after that I'll...) wait.

So much of this business is waiting so my plan is to be an expert at waiting.

Way to go!

You have a wild ride ahead.
~ Wendy
Faith said…
Oh wow, congratulations!!! I'm sure the journey ahead will be fraught with just as many ups and downs, but at least you're that much closer to the end goal :)
Cindy R. Wilson said…
Oh my gosh, Jessica! This is awesome! I've heard great things about your new agent--congratulations! Tell us more!
Tana said…
YAY!!!!!! ~HAPPY DANCING~ I'm So thrilled for you!!!! I want to hear all about the call and how it went!!!!!!
Deb Shucka said…
I am soooo happy for you! Big congratulations. I hope you'll keep us posted on this new territory you find yourself in.
Danyelle L. said…
Squeeee! Congratulations, Jessica!
Melissa said…
Congratulations!!!! This is super exciting!
Jill Kemerer said…
Wow!! What great news!!! I'm so happy for you, Jessica. I'm praying you have wonderful and exciting ride in AgentLand!
Congratulations!!!! That is wonderful news!
Diane J. said…
Congrats on the new terrain. Thank you for trip guiding. I hope (no, wait must be positive), when I get to that exit I will ask myself those questions.
Hi Jess -

Woohoo! I'm doing the Snoopy dance for you! Hopefully, we'll soon be celebrating another book deal.

Susan :)
Jessie Oliveros said…
This is GREAT news. You've worked hard. You deserve it.
Dara said…

Also I just got the book you reviewed from the library today. Looking forward to reading it.
Jessica Nelson said…
Ladies (and gentleman), thank you for all your comments and I'm sorry I couldn't respond to all of them! I'm fixing to come visit y'all. :-)
Stephanie Faris said…
I had a very organized method of searching for an agent. It involved an Excel spreadsheet where I listed out every agent I wanted to query and just went down the list, sending 10 queries a month, until finally I landed an agent. The only thing I would do differently if I had to do it over again was be choosier about which agents I queried. The problem with querying agents you aren't 100% excited about is, what if that's the offer you get? I ended up with an AWESOME agent, but right before her an agent had requested my ms. that, looking back, wasn't the best for my project.
Patti Lacy said…
Oh, Jessica, may you and Les team up to write stories that honor God.

Blessings, friend,
Nancy said…
I'm glad you got an agent you can work with. Hope all goes according to plan.
Caryn said…
Oh, that's wonderful! Congratulations! I hope that you are enjoying Agent Land. Good luck. :-)
MeganRebekah said…
Jessica, I can't believe I missed this!! I've been so caught up in my own life, I've been blog-free recently. I'm so sorry for my oversight.


I'm going to be emailing you for all the details and screams and dancing :)

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