Living in Query Land

For the past year I've been living in Query Land.

It's a strange place full of valleys and peaks, shadows and sunbeams.

Where have you been living lately? What's it like?


I haven't traveled to Queryland, but maybe this next year. ;) many rejections? How many requests?

Anything that brings hope?
Katie Ganshert said…
I've been living in the land of Waiting-for-Pub-Board since April. It doesn't have many valleys or peaks. It's mainly just like a long, long, long drive on a highway and I have no idea how far it is until the exit.

BUT, the good news, is that I get to work on other projects while I drive on this highway, which makes the drive much more tolerable. :)
Tabitha Bird said…
I have been living in editing land! I am OVER it! Oh to be in query land...
Terri Tiffany said…
Didn't you see me camped out there too? I'm right behind you.
I'm in the waiting room. But if I'm honest, I keep sneaking out to get outdoors. I write best outdoors.

~ Wendy
Living in edit/re-write/gally proof land! lawd . . .

Good luck in query land! It's a strange place indeed, twists and turns and seemingly dark places . . . :-D
Travis Erwin said…
I am slogging through Query Valley as we speak.
How is the progress? Do you keep track of who you've queried, and their response? I have a card file by alphabet, then a notebook by date and title of work sent out. It makes a good cross reference.

I've lived in praying for direction land lately. Writing columns and humor articles, but not sure where to head to next. I'd like to write a 3rd book, but haven't gotten an idea that I like yet.

kathy taylor said…
Revision land: salvaging the best building on it.
anita said…
Finish the Book land, as you well know. Heh.

What's it like? Ask me that in a couple weeks when hopefully I have my sanity back. ;-)
Jessica Nelson said…
Hahaaa! You all are hilarious!!! I'm loving your answers.

I think I have about 25 rejections? I'm counting no response as a rejection too. Wah! But...I've had a few partial requests and a few full requests. Of the fulls, I've had two offers...I'll tell you more in a week or two. *grin*
Jessica Nelson said…
Katie, that's quite the drive! Yikes. I hope the weather is nice. *snicker*

Hey Tabitha,
Editing land is a tough place. I've been there a lot and know I'll be there again. :-)

Terri, so you're the one taking all my firewood! Sheesh, girl. LOL
Jessica Nelson said…
Wendy, oh yeah, I feel you there. :-)

LOL Kathryn! I can't even pronounce that land's name! When I get there, maybe you can help me learn the language. *Grin*

Travis, I hope you hit a peak soon. :-) Thanks for popping by.
Jessica Nelson said…
Jeanette, I'm sure you get some answers soon. :-) I'm not good at keeping a notebook, but I try to just electronically file my submissions and responses. I just started using QueryTracker, which is an incredible help.

As for progress...there's an exit sign coming up. I see it!
Jessica Nelson said…
Hey Kathy, that sounds like an interesting place. I've been there too. I hope your building comes out beautifully. :-)

LOL Anita!! Of course I know where you're living.
Patti said…
I've been circling query land, too afraid to come in.
Cindy R. Wilson said…
First, I was in wonderful Storyland where all was blissful. Then I went to Revision land and wasn't quite as happy there. Conference land was great and now...I'm in query land, too. It's kind of scary in here :)
Jessica Nelson said…
Patti, don't be afraid. It has scary moments, true, and it'll test what you're made out of, but it's one of the only ways to get to Agent land.

Cindy, LOL, true, but like I said above, it's one of the few ways to get where we're headed. If I see you along the way, you can camp with me and Terri. :-)
Tana said…
I'm not crazy about queryland. I sent my last query in April and I hope to never send one again. Off to submission land. That's were I really want to be. =)
I've been in the same land as you, Jessica.
Erica Vetsch said…
I'm kinda in Riding-The-High-Speed-Bullet-Train-And-Hoping-You-Don't-Wreck Land.
Deb Shucka said…
I'm living in the wilderness of starting-over land and it's mostly dark and full of rocks and endless stretches of nothing. Best of luck with querying.
Deb Shucka said…
I'm living in the wilderness of starting-over land and it's mostly dark and full of rocks and endless stretches of nothing. Best of luck with querying.
Jessica Nelson said…
LOL T. Anne! I'd like to be there too. :-)

Glynis, it's not so bad, right? I mean mostly it's a few prickles and thorns and lots of waiting. I hope you exit soon. :-)

Yikes Erica! LOL Not sure I'll be visiting you anytime soon. *Grin*

Deb, I'm sorry. I hope the sun comes up. It's sometimes sunny there. You just have to make it through the darkness first. :-)
Sarah Forgrave said…
To coin a phrase from the ACFW conference, I'm in purgatory (that's the term they used for the waiting area for appts). My requested proposal is in an agent's hands, and now I wait to see if I should send my m/s straight to the editor who requested it or let my new agent handle it for me. :-)

Two offers!!!!!

I can't WAIT to hear allllll about it!
I have re-entered the query wars. *sigh* Here's hoping for more peaks and sunbeams than valleys and shadows! :-)
Jessica Nelson said…
Sarah, that's a nerve-wracking position to be in, but exciting!

Sherrinda, yeah, I'm excited but nervous too...

Shannon, I hope so!!! :-)
Unknown said…
I was in synopsis land for months. I've recently moved on to editing. Good luck!
Steena Holmes said…
I'm in queryland as well. 2 1/2 months - nothing compared to you. I'm anxious. I have fulls and partials out and my finger nails can't take any more nail biting!
Let's see!!! I've been living in "Write, Rewrite, Edit, and Rewrite Again Land!"

No matter what, God has a way of bringing us through things so we can move right into the next challenge! Will it ever end???
Linda Kage said…
Feels like I've been living in rejection land for the past six months.
Melissa said…
Still living in the world of the first draft. Sigh.
Jessica Nelson said…
Julie, ewww! LOL I don't like that place at all!

Steena, those are some great stats!! Quit nail-biting and start patting yourself on the shoulder. :-)

Cheryl, LOL! No, I don't think it ever will. Heh.
Jessica Nelson said…
Linda, I'm sorry. :-( That's not a fun place to be. Sometimes the scenery changes really quickly though...

Hey Melissa, that's an interesting world. Keep trekking, you won't be there forever. :-)
Tamika: said…
Yay Jessica! I'm sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to hear the news!

I'm living in Edit Land:) I pray that Query Land isn't too far down the road...
Rita Gerlach said…
Though you walk through the Valley of Query Land, Jessica --- fear no rejection.

Ladies, here's what is hot right now with publishers. Series. So finish the first book, and when you query let the publisher or agent know that you are writing a series. Each book must stand alone.

On my blog I am writing 'The Evolution of a Novel Series' where over the course of the next year I'm blogging about my journey writing 'Daughters of the Potomac' series.
Nancy said…
I love your titles. You could probably be a great headline writer.

I life in "day to day land." Life is running faster than I can keep up with it, so I just do my best each day.

Hope Query Land has a wonderful attraction just for you.
Angie Muresan said…
I'm still in the land of stories. Best wishes and many blessings in Query land for you, my friend.
Patti Lacy said…
I'm in deadline land.
Will be for another month.
It was fun to say hi today and to see where all my friends are!!!

Sigh. May we enjoy the going and not just the getting there!!! (Thank you, Harry Chapin)
Jody Hedlund said…
Hi Jessica!
Glad that you're still making time for some writing stuff inspite of your new job and all the work that involves! I'm in rewrite land, again. Seems like I'm there a lot! :-)
Hey, Jessica!

I didn't realize you lived in Ga. We'll have to meet up some time! That would be awesome!
Jessica Nelson said…
LOL Kristen, I DON'T live in Georgia! Hahaa! There's a Gainesville, FL. I guess I misunderstood in your post. Bad Me. LOL

Hey Jody, yeah, life is on a nice little roll right now. :-) Rewrite land...been there and will visit again. LOL

Yikes, Patti! I've never been there!!! ;-)
Jessica Nelson said…
Rita, thanks for stopping by and for the tip! That's good news for me. :-)

Nancy, thank you for your sweet comment. :-) I hope life slows down so you can enjoy the scenery!

Angie, the land of stories sounds like a great place to be. :-)
Jessica Nelson said…
Tamika, woohoo! You'll get to query land soon enough. Keep trekking!
Yvonne Osborne said…
Yes, I dwell in queryland midst all its caverns and foggy lowlands. Just when you think you have a foothold and your hand on the ledge someone gives you a push and down you go. But still we persevere. I hope I don't hasve to dwell in queryland all the days of my life.
Jaime Wright said…
I'm in edit/rewrite land. It's a somewhat discouraging country, but I'm trekking, jessica! :)
Katie Salidas said…
I've been living in marketing land, learning the ropes of what to do and not to do to promote your work. Even after almost a year, I still feel like I haven't a clue. It's fun though. =)
Jessica, hugs!

I'm wishing you the best through your query process.

I've been reassessing my spot on this path ahead of me. Tweaking and getting back to the root of writing.
I just saw your comment at Rachelle's. Congrats!!
Jessica Nelson said…
Thanks Caroline. ;-)

Thanks for the hugs, Janna! I love those! *grin* Reassessing seems to be a large part of writing. That and second-guessing. LOL

Oooh, Katie, I don't envy you. I'm impressed though, definitely! I hope you do well with it all!
Jessica Nelson said…
Good, Jaime! You can't reach the top if you don't keep moving, right? :-)

Oh, Yvonne, I'm sorry about those pushes. You won't dwell here forever. The land is constantly changing and exit signs can pop up just around a corner. Best to you, and thank you for popping by! ;-)
Anonymous said…
I'm here in queryland, too. I feel like I'm wandering around in the dark. Glad I found you. Good luck with your queries!
Catherine West said…
I'm in the waiting room. And it sucks. But it's one of those things I know I really can't do a thing about. Apparently editors don't appreciate a dozen emails asking them if they could hurry up and make a decision already, in one day...
Nah, I wouldn't do that, but some days it's very tempting!! So instead, I'm trying to forget what it is that I'm waiting for and work on something new.

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