The Preacher's Bride by Jody Hedlund: A Review

I haven't read many books in the Christian market featuring Puritans. This story was wonderful! The writing was smooth and easy to get into. I loved the romantic dynamic between heroine and hero. I'm a sucker for "ugly duckling" heroines. Add to that a healthy dose of danger and intrigue, and you've got an engrossing read.
Besides the interesting plot and realistic, strong characters, Jody planted me in Puritan England effortlessly. She is genius when it comes to weaving history into the story. I learned all sorts of interesting things, like it was against the law to dance. Can you imagine? And to even preach about Jesus without a special license...
I flew through the story and finished with a happy sigh.
If you want to read more reviews, fellow blogger Jill Kemerer posted some wonderful quotes about The Preacher's Bride. You can find the author, Jody Hedlund, on facebook and at her blog.
The Preacher's Bride is based on a true story. Do you like fiction based on historical figures? What was the last book that left you with a happy sigh?
Happy sigh? Yes. Love that.
Thank you for posting such a lovely review! One of the things I really had to work on was NOT dumping loads of history in specific spots. During my revision process I had to go through and weave the information in better. It's tough to do in historicals and I think there will always be a tad bit more description because of the nature of trying to convey a particular time period. But I think the goal for any of us is to try to get in the info without overwhelming the reader!
Thanks again for your shout-out today! :-)
Tabitha, thanks for stopping by! If you like historical romance, I think you'll like this. :-)
~ Wendy
I enjoyed it very much!
Thanks for stopping by, Diane. I LOVE your profile pic. Beautiful!
Jaime, cool! It's always fun to hear others like the same stuff as me. It's kind of validation of my opinion. *grin!*
Erica, I'm looking forward to seeing your review. :)
I thought I might find you out on the blogasphere today. :-)
As for the no dancing? I grew up in a staunch Baptist home, and my parents were very strict about no dancing. But by some lovely miracle (not to mention some schmoozing on my part) they let me go to Homecoming my 11th grade year and prom as a senior. So I can sympathize with that character to some degree ... but at least I finally got to wear my dancing shoes. Heh.
Have a great day!
T. Anne!!! No HEAs??? I don't know how you do it. :-)
Hi Keli,
Yep, I totally agree about her dialogue. It was awesome.
Also, I just finished The Forbidden Rose by Joanna Bourne--amazing!! She's one of my favorite authors.
I'm 3/4 of the way through The Preacher's Bride and love it! I can't wait to post a review.
Susan :)
Susan, Looking forward to your review. :-)
Jill, I think I remember you mentioning that book. I'll have to keep a look out for it.
I think it was also illegal to celebrate Christmas too. A lot of things were illegal with the Puritans--they were super legalistic in many ways.
I just read "The Season of Second Chances" by Diane Meier that I really enjoyed - I love happy endings, even if they aren't tied up in a pink bow - this one had hope and joy at the end, so I was left with a good feeling!
There are others, but since that's the one I just finished, I remember it first!
I love stories based on true events. Preacher's Bride was the last book I read which gave me a happy sigh. I hated it to end!
The last book I read that gave me a happy sigh was Kristan Higgins' book All I Ever Wanted. It was hilarious but also sweet and sigh worthy at the end.