What a Reader is Really Thinking

But first, another Huge Shout-Out to Katie Ganshert, who just landed a two book contract! You can read about her call HERE. Woohoo, I can't wait to read your books Katie!

Also, please keep Baby Annabelle and her parents Krista (my tree-climbing buddy)and Scott in your prayers. They have some major medical decisions looming.

On a side note, ever wonder what readers really think when they're ripped away from their current book? Check out the video below (rated PG for name calling)

How do you react when you get interrupted?


Tabitha Bird said…
Oh, man. I think I'd let that dude read his book!

Um... yeah I am nasty when interrupted, but not that nasty!
Katie Ganshert said…
Okay - that is hilarious! That dude is REALLY scary!

Thanks for the shout out Jessica!
Jessica Bell said…
LOLOL! Great vid! And wow, Katie! Mega congrats!!!! :o)
Tamika: said…
That's the way to get your point across!
I can get a little snippy.

Yeah for Katie and praying for sweet babe.
~ Wendy
Jessica Nelson said…
Tabitha, didn't you just love the part where he's like, "You're gonna see the nasty me, the nasty me." LOL!

You're welcome, Katie. :-) I'm super excited for you!

Jessica, I thought it was hilarious.
Jessica Nelson said…
Tamika, yep. I wonder if he reads in real life or if he knows someone like that...lol

Wendy, thanks for popping by. I'm glad you're praying because I guess Annabelle had a rough night.
Emily Conrad said…
Wow. That video is something else... :)

I will pray for your friends. I've just been reminded again that we serve a God who cares and moves on our behalf.

My heart soars a little everytime I find out about someone getting a contract. Our time is coming soon!
Lisa Jordan said…
Haha! Creepy guy in the house.

When I'm reading or writing and family interrupts, they are the brunt of the emotion I'm feeling at the time. Then I have to pull my head out of storyworld and focus on real life.

So many books, not enough time!
Jessica Nelson said…
Emily, my heart soars too! Their contract means it's possible for me too, you know?

Lisa, lol, he's creepy in a funny way! I know exactly how you feel about so many books!
Terri Tiffany said…
LOL I don't mind being interrupted by the right person for the right thing:)
Hope you enter your fabulous story in the contest!
Renae said…
That was hilarious. It guess all depends on who is inteupting me.

That's amazing news about your friend getting a contract. Give me hope!
anita said…
That cracks me up!!

Yep, that's pretty much me, minus the hoodie. Heh.

Sending up prayer for Scott, Krista, and little Annabelle.

Oh, and congrats Katie! WOW!
Keli Gwyn said…
I'm sooo happy for Katie.

Annabelle and her heart have been heavy on mine. Lotsa prayers lifted.

That guy is seriously scary. I'm not about to interrupt him when he's "readin' a book, readin' a book." It's cool to see a young performer promoting reading, though.
Sarah Forgrave said…
LOL, I'm not too scary when I get interrupted, but sometimes I'm known to give an impatient sigh that can scare people off. :)
Anonymous said…
I think I'll have to invest in a black hoodie! Usually I don't mind much when someone interrupts me while reading. Thank God for bookmarks!
Tana said…
Ha! My kids love him. Yikes, I know.
Jessica Nelson said…
Hey Terri,
Well, you sound nice if you don't mind being interrupted. :-)

Renae, thanks for stopping by. I love how you spell your name: very pretty. :-)

Hahaa, Anita, I'm trying to imagine you being like that...I just don't see it. Heh.
Jessica Nelson said…
Keli, Annabelle has been on my heart too.
I gotta wonder if that performer is a reader, or if he knows someone like tha? Either way, he's hilarious.

Sarah, heehee, I wanna hear that sigh!

Lynn, great idea about the hoodie! LOL

T. Anne, I'd never heard of him before. As much as I love this video, I'm a little afraid to check out his other videos! *grin*
Hi Jess -

I don't think I'd like to meet this guy while he's reading a book!

When I'm deep into a story, it takes me a minute to get back to real life. I'm not always happy about the interruption, but I try to be more patient than video man.

Congrats to Katie! Praying for Scott, Krista, and Baby Annabelle.

Susan :)
Diane said…
Funny and totally crazy!!! :O)
Patti said…
Too funny. My husband has often referred to me as booklore.
Kara said…
Love this! My family would accuse me of acting like this I am sure:)
amber colleen said…
I love Julian Smith videos! So amazing. :)
I tend to get grumpy when interrupted from my reading (or writing for that matter). Though not as angry as him... X)
Jill Kemerer said…
I HATE being interrupted from a book. I get ugly!!

Congrats Katie!!
Stina said…
I'm going to show this to my kids!!!! :D
Mary Curry said…
LOL I have students like that. This class loves to read.

I'm more likely just to look up with a glazed look because I didn't really hear the interruption.

Congrats again to Katie!

Ahhh, sweet Annabelle. She is always on my mind and in my heart and prayers.
Nancy said…
I will pray for your friends.

Wild video. I usually feel that way when I'm immersed in a great book, which is often. I hope my reactions are much better. Don't see how it is connected, but I loved the bagpiper at the end. Totally cool.
It depends on where I am. If it's the end of an incredible book, I'm not very happy. :0)

COngrats to Katie! And I am praying for Annabelle!
Linda Glaz said…
Usually means I have to get out of the tub, as that is where most of my reading takes place. Ugh, then I'm NOT happy.
Unknown said…
Bahahaha that guy is super scary, but still freaking funny!!! Hilarious!

Umm, I definitely act annoyed, not that crazy though!!!
Karen Lange said…
Congrats to Katie! That's exciting.

Yes, and still praying for sweet little Annabelle.

Hmm, when I get interrupted, I can be everything from impatient to gracious. Working to improve on the reaction with the bad attitude. :P

Deb Shucka said…
Big congrats to Katie. That's so cool.

Scary dude. The only person who ever interrupts me is my hubby, who never notices my irritation. :-)
Nancy said…
I've nominated you for the Stylish Blogger Award. If you wish to receive it, go to my blog.
Jessica Nelson said…
I love all your comments! Thanks everyone. :-)
jdsanc said…
Wow! So funny. I don't react at all when someone interrupts me. I just don't hear them. Drives my husband crazy. He can be yammering on for a good five minutes before he realizes I haven't heard a word.
Well, that's my story anyway;)
Saw this when you posted on fb. Hilarious! (And almost creepy.)

Congrats again to Katie, and I know we're all holding out on great news of Annabelle.
HAHAHAHA! This is great. Yes there are consequences for interrupting me when I'm reading.
Glory to God said…
This is creepy and funny at the same time. I'm not sure how those two go together, but if the dude wants to read a book, I'd let him.

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