Please Pray

Right now I'm driving to Minnesota to see my Grandma. She's been very sick. I'll be offline for the next week, probably.
Please pray for her and for safe travels for me. Thank you!


Praying for you and your travels and your grandma!
~ Wendy
Linda Kage said…
Sending prayers your way.
Keli Gwyn said…
Said a prayer for you and your grandmother. May your time with her be extra special.
Lacie Nezbeth said…
I'm sorry to hear that your Grandma has been sick. Praying that you have a good visit and safe travels.
Loree Huebner said…
Sending prayers up right now.
Tamika: said…
I'm praying for you Jessica!
Hey sweetie! Praying!

Erica Vetsch said…
Hey, praying for you. If you're coming through/to Rochester, gimme a shout.
Bless your heart, and your family's. Yes, I'm praying for you and your grandmother.
Lord, please comfort Jessica; keep her safe while traveling, and hold her heart in your hands. Bless her grandmother in ways she cannot imagine. In Jesus' name, so be it.
Laila Knight said…
I'm sorry to hear about your grandma...will keep you in my prayers.
Nancy J. Parra said…
Will do~ Wishing you and her all the best! (((hugs)))
Deb Shucka said…
Praying for safe travels and for your whole family.
ali cross said…
((hugs)) Jessica. Prayers and positive thoughts for both you and your grandma.
Stephanie Faris said…
Oh gosh, I'll be praying. Be safe and hope all is well.
Nancy said…
Jessica - So sorry to hear this. I'll be praying for your grandma and for your safety in travel. I hope you sense His nearness as you visit and care for your loved one.
Lauren F. Boyd said…
Praying for you and your grandma.
Natalie said…
Oh, I'm so sorry! I hope your trip is going well, you are safe, and she is better. Take care.
Caryn Caldwell said…
Oh, no. I'm so sorry that she's not doing well! I hope that she's better by now and that you're on your way home.
Hi Jess -

Sorry to hear about your grandma. Praying for safe travels and for her healing.

I just read this, but it's never too late to pray.

So I am.
Payers for your grandma, safety for your journey, and best wishes for your book.
Sorry to hear this. I'm lifting you both in prayer.
Mary Curry said…
Just read this today, Jessica, so I don't know any updates, but definitely praying.
Warren Baldwin said…
Hpe your grandma is ok. Cheryl's dad is awaiting surgery even as I type this. We understand the anxiety. wb

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