Chocolate for Dinner? Why That Sounds Sublime.

I'm being interviewed over at the lovely Jill Kemerer's today. Stop by if you have time.

WINNER!!! Robyn Campbell, you are the winner of A Hope Undaunted by Julie Lessman. :-) I need your addy, please.

Thanks Tori for the Versatile blogger award! I can't play the game now, but maybe soon. Thank you!

I also have a thanks going out to Linda Rohrbrough, a fellow agency-mate who makes wonderful writer clocks. I met her at the conference and she kindly sent me one.

What are your plans for today? Any special items on the menu?


Congrats! And that clock is cool! :)
Jessica Nelson said…
Jessica,it is! Def. a cute idea.
Kara said…
Love the clock. I will head over to Jill's and check out your interview:) Have to take my sweet second daughter to the doc today:( But hopefully, this will get her well by Halloween.

Going to read your interview now. Hugs!
Linda Kage said…
I LOVE that clock. Must have one!

Congrats to Robyn. She always wins something :) LOL!
Love the interview. It was the chocolate that really drew me in. Congrats on the award!

~ Wendy
Joanne said…
Haha. Cute clock, is there a Coffee Break listed on those minutes?
Terri Tiffany said…
I want that clock!! I better check out your interview:))
Tamika Eason said…
Adore the clock!

Heading over to the interview...
Stina said…
Chocolate for dinner sounds great. My 11 yo is especially fond of chocolate for breakfast.

LOVE the clock. :D
Jessica Nelson said…
Kara, I hope your daughter feels better soon!

Thanks Janna. Hugs back atcha! :-)

Linda, it really is cute. I'm still trying to decide where to hang mine.

Joanne, there should be, right? Except I drink my coffee while writing, so maybe that's why. lol
Jessica Nelson said…
Thank you Terri and Tamika. I'll pop over too in a minute.

Stina, what a smart 11 yr old. *grin*
Janet, said…
I will definitely check out your interview and I love the clock!
Loree Huebner said…
Congrats on the award!

I love that clock!

Yes, I could have chocolate for dinner.
Loved that interview--can we come over for supper?
Talli Roland said…
Headed over to Jill's! I'm hungry now, thinking about supper.
Patti said…
Chocolate any time of the day is good. Congrats to Robyn.
Stacy Henrie said…
Love the clock! I'm hoping to finish up my big revision today before I have my beta reader (my DH - he's tough) reads it. Congrats on the award!
Brandi Boddie said…
Congratulations, Jessica! And I love that clock. It is awesome. I need one for the office :-)
Sarah Forgrave said…
I love Jill's interviews! Can't wait to hear on over and read yours. :)
I saw those clocks at conference. Waaaaay cool! I'm jealous you got one. Hugs, Jessica!
I'll be jumping over to Jill's. I've liked those clocks since I saw them in Dallas. You are so lucky to have one!!
Jessica Nelson said…
Loree, awesome, join the club! lol

Jeanette, absolutely! :-)

Hahaa, Talli. Hope you got something yummy!
Jessica Nelson said…
Thanks Patti! I should probably e-mail her...

Hi Stacie, I think it's so cool your DH reads your work. :-)

Thanks Brandi! I'm trying to decide where to hang mine, since I write in the living room.
Jessica Nelson said…
Sarah, they are pretty nifty, I think. And nice and short.

Cheryl, they were there? I completely missed them. Hmmm.

Eileen, you've seen them too? Wow, I must've been out of the loop. lol

Thank you Warren!
Barb said…
LOL, I never saw that clock, so I guess I've been out of the loop too. We have that in common. :P I don't mean to derail this thread, but I'm not sure where to comment on your new trailer. I like how the characters are sort of shadowy. It has other things that appeal to me, too: classical music, some sort of handwritten letter (that one always grabs my eye), and the intrigue of what the secrets are... Well done!

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'll be looking forward to your post about book trailers! :)
Julie Dao said…
I want that clock!! Congrats on your award - that's a pretty one :) And I think it's a sure bet that chocolate is going to be on my menu today, too!
Unknown said…
That clock is so cute!
Nancy said…
Everybody loves the clock. Well, it is so very cool.

I'll be seeing your interview soon.
Jessica Nelson said…
Hi Barb,
Thanks for popping by. :-) I haven't put my trailer up on the blog yet. I think somewhere on YouTube there's a place to comment, but I don't know how. I also posted it on Facebook but aren't sure we're friends. Thank you so much for your sweet comments! I appreciate them.

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