Sweet Summer

Summer is almost here, and I can hardly wait! No more six o'clock alarm blasting me from my comfy bed. :-) I plan to finish the WIP I've been playing with for five months and submit it to LIH. Maybe in the fall I'll have another contract? I'm also thinking of going to the American Christian Fiction Writer's conference this year too.

What are your summer plans? What do you look forward to in summer?


Looking forward to a mini family reunion in Maryland and just chilling for a good portion of the summer.

~ Wendy
Looking forward to a mini family reunion in Maryland and just chilling for a good portion of the summer.

~ Wendy
Stina said…
I'll still be getting up at 5 am. With my kids home, that will be the only time I have to write. :(
Terri Tiffany said…
Your summer sounds good! I have no plans except to make plans--maybe make a change again in where I live:)))
Summer means poolside, cookouts on weekends and not getting up at 4 am! :) I'm going to ACFW so I think you should too! lol
Jessica Nelson said…
Hi Wendy, I love reunions!! Hope you have a blast.

Oh Stina, that stinks. I guess you need quiet to write? I'm lucky that I can tune my kiddos out. lol (when they're playing, not fighting)

Terri, I'm loving all those smileys. :) I hope your plans turn out awesomely!

Hey Miss Jessica! You're so right. Per your logic, I should def. go to ACFW. *grin*
Julie Dao said…
Yay, good luck, Jessica! I'm ready for summer myself! Sunshine and a new apartment and a fresh WIP await me :)
Erica Vetsch said…
Excellent summer plans! :)

I'm working on a manuscript, hanging with my kids, and that's about it for summer.

And planning on ACFW, too. I hope to see you there!
Katie Ganshert said…
Not wearing shoes and not having much of a schedule! My hubs is having a pretty major surgery, so taking care of him when he gets home from the hospital.
Lindsay Harrel said…
Yes, you should totally come to ACFW! I'd love to meet you in person. :)

I wish I still had summer break like in college, but alas, I have to work through summer. But the first week of July, we're taking a weeklong cruise out of Puerto Rico. I'm sooooo excited! It'll be a much-needed break.

I also plan to finish up my current ms and start my second!
Jessica Nelson said…
Lindsay, I'd love to meet you too! ;-) Your cruise sounds awesome. Enjoy!

Oooh, Katie, I forgot about his surgery. Praying for you all! Enjoy the lack of shoes. That's my norm. lol

Erica, sounds like we're of like mind. lol
Jessica Nelson said…
Hey Julie! Sounds fun, fun!
Getting my edits done for good. Finally. *whimper*

Go you on your WIP! I hope you make great strides this summer. :)
Jessica Nelson said…
Me too, Anita. Blech.
Your whimpering makes me think of a poor, beaten dog. :-( *hugs*
Hi Jess,

I don't have any plans other than a day trip here and there.

Have a fun summer!

Susan :)
Patti said…
I'm looking forward to not making any more lunches.
Sarah Forgrave said…
Yay for sleeping in! Unfortunately, my alarm clock is a little boy who doesn't know that he's supposed to sleep in during the summer. :) Enjoy!
Hi Jessica,
I'm planning on the ACFW too. Hope to meet you there.

P. S. My teenage son was impressed when when in reply to his question about who you were, I said: "A fellow blogger who is a published author!"

Thanks for stopping by! :-)
Traci Kenworth said…
Working on current wip, trying to e-publish another, and enjoying time with my family.
Karen Lange said…
Summer finds me with a bit more free time - a good time to buckle down and attack the WIP! Enjoy your days!
Linda Kage said…
Good luck on your submission! Have a happy Memorial Day weekend.
Nancy said…
I hope you get another contract. I just finished your book and I have to tell you I read thee-fourths of it right away. I have never read anything quite like it. What a great story. Your ending was perfect. What a great job. So, by all means, write another one.
Enjoy your summer! Have fun with your family. Good luck with your edits and fingers x'd for you.

I am looking forward to September. I fly to UK to hold my grandaughter on her first birthday. Then I fly out to Vancouver to see my son for the first time for three years! Exciting times. I am also editing novel two.
Jessica Nelson said…
Thanks Glynis! How fun to see your granddaughter and son. Sounds like your summer is going to be awesome. :-)

Nancy...wow, thank you!!! *blushing*

Thanks Linda. YOu too!
Jessica Nelson said…
Susan, well, I hope you enjoy those trips. :-)

Hahahaa! Me too, Patti!

LOL Sarah. It's better when they're older. Mine wake up early but most of the time will play really nicely for an hour or so. I'm forced out of bed when they start fighting. ;-)
Jessica Nelson said…
Hi Ava! Too funny about your son. :-) Thank you for stopping by!

Good for you, Traci! Sounds like you'll be busy. :-)

Karen, that's how I'm feeling!
Janet Smart said…
Summer is definitely here! It is so hot! Good luck with your current WIP. We have our family reunion this Saturday and the following weekend I will be attending the WVWriters Writing Conference at Cedar Lakes. Then I would like to take a tiny break and go on a little trip before the garden and berries come in.

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