What I've Been Reading (and Giveaway)

I've been eagerly awaiting this book and Katie's writing didn't disappoint! The characters were interesting but I really enjoyed Katie's prose the most. It's strong and unique. I'll definitely be picking up her next book.

I whipped through this book! Williamson is a new author to me but I thought the pacing of the story was great. Have I read/watched clone stuff before? Sure, but the characters came across very real and I enjoyed the dialogue. Looking forward to more by her!

This was a sweet story. I particularly loved the secondary characters, esp. the jilted fiance. I'd love to see him with his own story because I think he'd have a great character arc. The best friend was a lot of fun too. I'm looking forward to reading more of Beth's work. What drew me to this story, besides her being a blogging buddy, was the premise. :-) Very hooky!

The two books below are not my normal type reads but I enjoyed both of them. Besides being drawn into the plots and interesting characters, it's always fun to read genres where the writing "rules" are much different (pov, for example, is played with more loosely).

So today I'm going to be giving away Katie Ganshert's debut novel Wildflowers From Winter! Just let me know in the comments if you'd like to be entered. :-)

What are you reading today? Anything outside your preferred genre?

P.S. I've got a short post over at Craftie Ladies of Romance today if you feel like stopping by.


Terri Tiffany said…
You have been busy reading! I loved Katie's book--can't wait to read her next one. Haven't ready Beth's yet but it is on my list.
Enjoy your day!
Gabrielle Meyer said…
I've read Katie's book and I loved it! (No need to enter me in the drawing.) Right now I'm reading Love on the Line by Deeanne Gist - it's really sweet and fun to read.
Lindsay Harrel said…
I've been reading a lot lately! Just finished Keli Gwyn's A BRIDE OPEN SHOP IN EL DORADO, CALIFORNIA. I highly recommend it!

Next I'm starting A TALE OF TWO CITIES. I've never read it and my husband and I are trying to read a classic together every month or so and then have a fun discussion after we finish. I'd better get cracking! :)
Jessica Nelson said…
Hey Terri! Yep, I love to read. :-)

Gabrielle, I read that one recently too. It was cute. ;-)

Oh my goodness, Lindsay, you're ambitious! Have fun with your hubs! lol
Loree Huebner said…
I read Katie's book - loved it.
I have Beth's book, I'm looking forward to reading it, and will pick it up after I finish Keli Gwyn's debut novel.

I recently read Darlene Czchech's, Extravagant Worship. So good. Her words about worship touched my heart. I cried through most of it.
Stacy Henrie said…
I've been reading my first Jenny B. Jones book - she's hilarious! Love the mix of humor and serious topics.
Jessica Nelson said…
Stacy, I've only read one of her books but it rocked! I'd definitely read more.

Loree, you know a book is great when it makes you cry. :-)
Linda Kage said…
They all look so good. Thanks for the list. I can never have enough books in my TBR pile!
Brandi Boddie said…
I'm reading Beth's book now. Going to take a look at the others soon. Thanks for the recommended reading.
Jessica Nelson said…
Me neither, Linda!

Brandi, I'd love to see what you think about it. :-)
Beth K. Vogt said…
Hi, Jessica!
So glad you enjoyed Wish You Were Here.
And I agree ... I would love to see more of Seth's story. I will definitely keep you and the rest of my readers posted on that possibility.
I just finished Keli's debut novel & thoroughly enjoyed it!
Oh, I'd love to win Katie's book! Please enter me.

I read a wide variety of genres. It keeps me from getting bored. Since I recommend books on my blog, I try to find ones my readers will like.
Erica Vetsch said…
I LOVED Katie's book! :) She's got such a great voice.

I'm currently on a Michael Connelly kick. Only a couple of his left to go until I have to wait until the new release in November!
Amy C said…
I would love to be entered for Katie's debut. I'm currently reading Glamorous Illusions on kindle and Veil of Pearls in print. Loving both! Next in my stack is Mary's Blessing by Lena Nelson Dooley.

Campbellamyd at gmail dot com
Andrew said…
Today...it's "One Bullet Away", by Nathaniel Fick. It's his memoir of serving in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Tomorrow..."The Vow", by Kim and Krickitt Carpenter.

Did I just win the eclectic reading list prize?

Please enter me for Katie's book, too.
Julie Dao said…
Wow! You've been reading a LOT :D That cover for Wildflowers in Winter is absolutely beautiful. I need to catch up on my reading list!
Jessica Nelson said…
LOL Julie, you think this is a lot, you should see how much I used to read! teeheee. I think it's a lovely cover too. :-)

Hey Andrew,
You're entered. That memoir sounds like it would be interesting.

Hi Amy,
I've heard of those two. I think Veil is in my stack of TBR. I'll make sure you're entered. ;-)
Jessica Nelson said…
Beth, I'll be keeping an eye out! ;-)

Hi Susan, you are a wide reader. I enjoy your reviews. Will make sure you're entered. ;-)

Hey Miss Erica! She does have a lovely voice, I agree. I've never read Connelly....sounds like he's great though!
Katie Ganshert said…
Aw! Thanks so much for the shout out, Jessica! And for giving away a copy of my book! You rock, chica!

I've read Beth's book and really enjoyed it. Reading Keli's now. She totally has me hooked. LOVE her characters.

After that, I'm reading Divergent by Veronica Roth....but I'm afraid to start while I'm revising b/c books such as those usually suck me in and it's impossible for me to do anything else but read.
Nick Wilford said…
I'm too slow with reading! Interesting mix you've got there. I'm very much reading within my genre right now, even the same theme - it's a book that I was waiting til I finished my WIP before starting because I was worried it might be too similar! (Before I Go To Sleep by SJ Watson - and I'm not worried any more). Gosh, sorry for going on! I'd love to read Wildflowers In Winter. It looks lovely. :)
YAY!! I actually read one of these. I also found PEACHES to be a fun, sweet read.
V said…
Love the cover of 'Replication.'

And I totally agree with your comment about Katie's book. The writing was just great!
Nancy said…
These books look great. Prayers for Sale seems the most mysterious. I always love a blue cover. It gets me every time. I may not judge a book by its cover, but I will always give a blue book a second look.
You've been a busy reader, Jessie-lou!

Hmmm. Prayers for Sale seems familiar. ;) And Replication looks amazing! No need to enter me in the giveaway. I've already got a dangerously teetering TBR tower.

*waves to Bethany*
Wow, you are reading a lot this summer! Good for you! I already have Katie's book, and loved it, so give it to someone else.

I am reading Many Ways to Say I Love You by Fred Rogers, God Unwrapped, about emotional healing.
Karen Lange said…
I'd love to be entered! I've heard good things about Katie's book. Thanks for the info on the other books too. Heading over to Craftie Ladies! :)
Latane Barton said…
I haven't heard about Katie's writing so I'd love to be entered in the draw. That sounds like a great book to read.

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