Giveaway Winner and a Kid Who Takes After His Momma

Congrats to Loree Huebner!! You won the giveaway for an autographed copy of Stacy Henrie's debut historical Lady Outlaw. Send me your snail mail and we'll get that out to you.
jessica_nelson7590 AT yahoodot COM

And now here's my youngest with a request that mirrors my own (although his asking skills need some work).

Ever wanted something so bad you threw a little fit to get it?


Terri Tiffany said…
LOL! THat boy knows his stuff:)) Did you give him one for dessert at least?? Your kitchen looks so much like mine did in Fl--the door and table in the corner. Boo hoo. I miss my house.
Jennifer Shirk said…
I could go for brownies for dinner! lol!
Connie Keller said…
I once made chicken in mole sauce for dinner, explaining that it was "Chocolate for dinner." My kids weren't impressed. :)
Karen Lange said…
You know, I feel exactly the same way when we can't have brownies for dinner. I hope he got some for dessert? :) Btw - he's very cute!

Congrats to Loree!
Lindsay Harrel said…
I like how you taunted him for the camera. hehe. He was soooo sad!

I'm sure I have thrown fits for what I wanted. Lately I've been wanting more sleep cuz the puppy keeps waking us up at 4 am...
Sandra Orchard said…
Must be the moon, Lindsay, my pup's done the same thing the last couple of nights.
Jessica, your son's obviously inherited your chocoholism. LOL
Jessica Nelson said…
LOL Terri, NO, I did not reward his behavior with chocolate....even though it was the cutest thing ever! But I told him he's not allowed to behave like that when he wants something. Heh.

Jennifer, who wouldn't? *grin*
Jessica Nelson said…
Hahaaa, nice try, Connie!

Karen, I feel that way too. :-) Thanks!

Lindsay, you picked up on the taunting, huh? *wicked grin* I knew telling him no would make the fit funnier. lol I'm bad. Good luck with the puppy!
Jessica Nelson said…
Sandra...sad but true.
Linda Kage said…
Make his hair a little longer, turn brownies to popcorn and that would so be my kid!! Congrats to the winner!
Cindy R. Wilson said…
Aww! Give the kid some brownies! :) My middle kiddo wanted pancakes for lunch yesterday and she was pretty upset when we had biscuits and gravy instead.
Katie Ganshert said…
Oh, this makes me laugh.

I'm glad my child isn't the only one who is completely devastated by minor things. Although....not getting a brownie for dinner is quite traumatic.
Jessica Nelson said…
But Linda...mine is FIVE. lol If it wasn't so cute, he'd be in big trouble for that little fit.

Cindy, I can totally understand that! lol never ends. LOL
Erica Vetsch said…
LOL! Kinda picked up on the taunting thing. :)

What did you have for dinner, and did he eat it?

Now I want a brownie!
Jaime Wright said…
I'm sending that kid some BROWNIES ;)
Loree Huebner said…
I'm with your son - BROWNIES! Hey, why not? I'm wondering if he ate dinner? haha...

Wow! Very excited to receive a signed copy of Stacy's book! Thanks! I'll get in touch.
Nancy said…
He's so cute. Hope he gets what he wants when he asks nicely.
Julie Jarnagin said…
My favorite part is when he glances up at you at about 33 seconds like he wants to see if it's working. LOL.
Oh, I felt so sorry for the little guy. I would have whipped up a bunch of brownies and make them a part of my dinner, if he quit crying and said "please."

I'm such a pushover for a kids' tears.
Susanne Dietze said…
Oh my goodness! LOL. Thanks for the smile!
Brownies are way up there on my favorites list. :)

Loved the video and getting to hear your voice.

Congrats to Loree!

Janet Smart said…
He's so cute, reminds me of mine when they were little with that blonde hair. Brownies are always good for dessert!
Jill Kemerer said…
I want brownies, too, Jessica!!
Jessica Nelson said…
Hahaaa, your comments make me laugh!! You all are awesome (and much more soft-hearted than me, lol). Have a great weekend!!

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