Julie Lessman Has Done It Again! (huge contest!!!)

I just finished reading A Light In The Window, Julie Lessman's self-published prequel to her Daughters of Boston series and it is Fabulous!!!

Lessman brings her characters to life and every time I read her books, I never fail to both giggle and get teary-eyed. If you've read her other books and have always wanted to know Marcy and Patrick's story, you'll love this book!

If you HAVEN'T read her other books, then I highly suggest picking up this affordably priced e-book to get a taste of Lessman's writing. She's one of my favorite authors in the CBA market and I really enjoyed this story.

Click HERE to find out how you can win a Kindle Fire, gift cards and more!!

Who is your favorite romance author?


Julie Dao said…
I've never read any of Julie's books, but any stories that make me giggle and get teary-eyed are fine by me! :) Thanks for the recommendation. Going to check out the contest! Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving!
Lindsay Harrel said…
I've loved the Daughters of Boston series, so I need to read this book!
Jessica Nelson said…
Julie, they're full of romance if that's what you like. :-)

Lindsay, I think you'll love it then!!
Loree Huebner said…
I'm going to have to read this series! Thanks for the link to the contest, Jess!

I have too many favorites to pick just one...
Jessica Nelson said…
LOL Loree, I'm the same way!
Unknown said…
Ooh, must read this!
Patti said…
I love books that make you laugh and cry.
Julie Lessman said…
Oh WOW, JESSICA, talk about making one laugh or cry -- I'm pretty close to both right now over this WONDERFUL review, so THANK YOU, my friend -- MUCH appreciated!!!

I am entering you in my review contest, so please let me know if you post this on Amazon and B&N so I can give you additional points, okay?

And for anyone who has never read my books and want to check out if my "passion with a purpose" style of writing is for you, I encourage you to check out the EXCERPTS section of my website where I have listed my favorite romantic and spiritual scenes from each of my books, including A Light in the Window. Here's the link, FYI:


Thanks again, Jess -- you're a doll!!

Cindy R. Wilson said…
I've been seeing this book everywhere, and LOVE the cover! Sounds like a good read :)
I love Julie Lessman! She is one of my faves; the others are Jody Hedlund and Jessica Nelson.
Stina said…
My favorite romance writers are actually New Adult and YA authors. :D

I love books that made me teary-eyed, as long as there's a HEA ending.
Sarah Forgrave said…
Julie's a fave for sure! I also love MaryLu Tyndall's books in the historical genre. I can never put them down. :)
Unknown said…
hello, I'm Brazilian, I'm following you on your blog, I want every day to improve my English, I'm following your blog forever receive new posts when they are updated.
Hi Jess -

I've read all of Julie's books, and feel like I know her characters personally.

Susan :)
Jessica Nelson said…
She absolutely rocks at characterization, doesn't she?

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