This Girl is on Fire (and she might Burn Up!)

Beware of can burn.

I feel like that song by Alicia Keys except I'm not sure I'm as competent as the heroine in the song. If I'm not careful, I might go up in flames! LOL Here's what's going on:

1. Love Inspired Historical bought a second book from me!!! I'm SO excited but I also have some revisions to do for the story.
2. I have two articles to write. Articles make me feel like I might suffocate. I don't know why but I just work through it, even if I turn blue.
3. I'm working hard on my WIP. Loving it but am sweating trying to get in 1k a day.
4. Before the end of 2013 I'll be indie/self-publishing a contemporary romance. Trying to get the cover, editing, etc. done has added some poundage to my plate.

So, all in all, this 2013 is going beautifully. I feel like I'm on a roll but I don't want to get too much friction going because that could lead to a spark which might lead to me running away from the computer, hair on fire. :-)

What's on your plate? How is 2013 turning out for you so far?

Below is a local radio interview I did with another author. Fun stuff!


Julie Jarnagin said…
So exciting! Sounds like you're having a great year!
Loree Huebner said…
Congrats on your new contract and your Indie venture! So happy for you, Jessica! Exciting things going on!! Woot!

Loved your interview! You did awesome. How fun!

Loree Huebner said…
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Keli Gwyn said…
Congratulations on your second contract, Jessie! I saw the news on Facebook last week and squealed.
Lindsay Harrel said…
Yay! So excited to read your next one. :) Congrats! Sounds like you're working hard.
Unknown said…
YAY! Congratulations on your new manuscript and on self-publishing your contemporary romance. Can't wait to read both!
Jessica Nelson said…
Julie, on the business end, I really am. :-) I feel very blessed!

Awww, thanks Loree!!

Keli, you are one the most awesome squealers I know. :-) thank you!
Jessica Nelson said…
Lindsay, I have a feeling I need to work harder. LOL

Thanks Melissa! I'm looking forward to reading yours as well.
Jennifer Shirk said…
That's GREAT news!!

You are on fire! I need a little of that now. LOL
Nancy said…
You are doing great with your goals. You looked cute and very confident in your interview. I'm glad you are doing another romance. I'll look forward to that.
Fun! And yes, stressful. But wow, what a great year, Jessica! :) Excited for you.
Cindy R. Wilson said…
Yay, congrats on your Love Inspired story and the contemporary romance you're going to publish. Fun things on the horizon!
Great news, Jessica! Way to rock it out!
Karen Lange said…
Congratulations! You are one busy girl! Looking forward to reading your upcoming books. :)
Brandi Boddie said…
Congratulations, Jessica! You are the face of the new writer, independent, knowledgeable of the changing market and at the forefront of your career :-)
Carol Kilgore said…
Congrats on all of that! You are on a roll :)

I'm hoping to get through this blog tour and A-Z and get back to a lot of writing to finish my WIP.

Good luck!
Linda Kage said…
Wow!! How exciting all the way around. Congrats!
Congrats, Jess! It looks like this is a banner year for you. I'm looking forward to ready your next book. The first one, Love on the Range, was excellent.

2013 has also been a special year for me. A book contract, an agent, a book launch happened in the space of 4 months.

So happy for you, my friend.

Susan :)
Oh, Jessica, I am soooooo happy for you! Praise God for all He is doing in your life. I will pray you don't burn up!

Susanne Dietze said…
Congratulations on your second contract! What a great year you've had so far.
Sandra Orchard said…
I'm late to the party, but so thrilled to hear your news! Congratulations! I have plenty to keep me busy, too. Lots of books to write. Releases to celebrate. But most important of all enjoying grandchild #1 and #2 debuting in late June. :)
Jessica Nelson said…
Thank you!!

Sandra, I can't get over that you're a grandma. :-)

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