Tangled Lies by Connie Mann

Tangled Lies was a treat to read! I've read Mann's work before, so I knew to expect solid writing and great chemistry between the main characters. What I didn't expect was how deftly she wove the plot. It kept me guessing! I love thrillers and mysteries and romantic suspense, but I can usually guess who the villain is, what they want, etc, before the end of the book. Not so with this one. Mann dropped enough hints so that I was constantly formulating theories, but I could never exactly solve the mystery. Kept me hooked!! And yet, when I reached the end, everything just fell into place.
I also love Mann's ability to show sexual tension in a clean way. She writes CLEAN romances that are great for spiritual and nonspiritual audiences. She knows how to write realistic passion without overstepping the boundaries of her genre. I really, really enjoyed this book. Great characters and I hope that the heroine's sisters will get their Happily Ever After in future books! I'm eagerly awaiting those stories.


Connie Mann said…
Thanks so much for taking the time to read Tangled Lies, Jessica, and I so appreciate the lovely review. It means so much!

Have a fabulous day,

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