Deep Cover by Sandra Orchard

Maintaining his cover cost undercover cop Rick Gray the woman he loved. Sweet Ginny Bryson never really knew Rick. He never gave her the chance. Not then, and not now, when he's back with a new alias to gather evidence against Ginny's uncle. The man's crimes led to Rick's partner's death, and Rick wants justice to be served. But his investigation is stirring up trouble, and Ginny is smack-dab in the middle. Someone wants Ginny to pay the price for what her uncle has done. But how can Rick protect her without blowing his cover, jeopardizing his assignment...and risking both their lives?

Deep Cover is the first book in the series, Undercover Cops: Fighting for justice puts their lives—and hearts—on the line.

Book 2 ~ Shades of Truth ~ March 2012
A compassionate youth worker fighting to preserve her dying father’s legacy battles the justice-driven detective who threatens her mission and her heart.

Book 3 ~ Dose of Deception ~ TBA (title tentative)
A nurse. An undercover cop. A killer who’ll stop at nothing to avoid being caught.

Sandra Orchard lives in rural Ontario, Canada where inspiration abounds for her romantic suspense novels set in the fictional Niagara town she's created as their backdrop. Married with three grown children, when not writing, she enjoys hanging out with family, brainstorming new stories with fellow writers, and hiking or kayaking in God's beautiful creation. She’s an active member of American Christian Fiction Writers, The Word Guild, and several RWA chapters.

You can find her at her blog or website. You can buy Deep Cover HERE.

I cyber-met Sandra a few years ago when she responded to one of my questions on a writing loop. She was knowledgeable and always helpful. I'm excited to post that her debut from Love Inspired Suspense released this month. I really enjoyed reading it and thought her premise was genius.

That is, how does a Christian undercover policeman handle the lying aspect of his job?

To be honest, I've never even considered this before.

Sandra has written a fast-paced read with smart hooks and sweet romance. You can find her book on Walmart shelves still, I bet! Or better yet, meet Sandra in person at the ACFW conference this week.

Have you ever known an undercover policeman? What do you think about lying, and is it ever okay?


Sandra Orchard said…
Genius!! Oh, Jessica, my head is swelling! Looking forward to meeting you in one more day. Yee! I've met a number of undercover policeman...fascinating stories.
Jessica Nelson said…
Hahaaa, Sandra, let it swell. :-) You should be proud of yourself! But I forgot your pic so am going to repost...
Karen Lange said…
This looks interesting! Thanks so much for bringing it to my attention. :)

I've known a few police officers but never asked them about their undercover work - I figured it was something they couldn't talk about. This question makes me curious though...
Sandra Orchard said…
Probably depends on what kind of work they do, Karen, and whether the case has already been tried. One officer told me to make sure I never let on that I know him if I se him "working":D
Loree Huebner said…
I am soooo looking forward to reading your book. I will be reading it in October.
Sandra Orchard said…
Thanks Loree. Jessica, I'm scrambling to find a new flight to ACFW mine has been cancelled!!!
Kav said…
Hey Sandra -- Guess what I spotted at three different bookstores this weekend??? Deep Cover! At Zellers, Coles and my Christian bookstore! I was so excited! And I flogged it shamelessly at the Christian bookstore and sold a copy for you. :-) Carrying the Love Inspired line is new for them (just started last month), but they seem to be selling quite well.
Sandra Orchard said…
That's awesome Kav. Thanks so much!
Diane said…
Congrats Sandra on your book! :O)
I've never thought of this either! I did know an undercover cop a number of years ago. A rather interesting situation. Did you know that if they're undercover as a shady character, they can be dressed in gross clothes and they smell!!!??? And--look horrible!!?

This series sounds wonderful. Thanks for the post, Jessica!
Liz Reinhardt said…
Sandra, your series sounds awesome! I love the moral dilemma...I wish you so much luck! Thanks for the post, Jessica!
Sandra Orchard said…
Yes, Cheryl, my hero has that thought about the special kind of woman it takes to be married to a guy who comes home smelling like a bottle of whiskey...or cheap perfume.

Thank you Elizabeth!
Jessica Nelson said…
Sandra, thanks so much for participating in the comments! I'm sorry I was out yesterday.

Love your comments everyone! Undercover work is definitely intriguing.
Linda Kage said…
Love the premise of that book. Congrats to Sandra!!
Jessica Nelson said…
Thanks for stopping by Linda!
Oh, I really want to read this book. I've seen several reviews and it looks marvelous!

We had an undercover narcotics agent in our church in L.A. Every now and then he'd say he was going under for a week, and ask for prayer. It was unreal. I think in this kind of case, it's not lying; it's more like acting.

But in general, I hate lies and refuse to lie. Sometimes I find myself embellishing a story to impress someone and the Holy Spirit pokes me.
Hi Jess -

LOL! We both reviewed Love Inspired books today!

This series sounds like a winner. I enjoy the mix of romance and mystery.

Susan :)
Laura Barnes said…
Hello, fellow WrAHM. I gave you two awards on my blog today, FYI.
Jackie S. said…
This books sounds great...and I love series!!!
Great review, Jessie! And what an awesome cover/premise. Congrats to Sandra! I hope you sell a ton of books next week!
Jessica Nelson said…
Hi Jeanette,
That's so interesting about the man in your congregation. What a stressful thing for him, but I'm sure rewarding as well.
And you're too funny about pokes from the HS. lol

Heeheee, Susan. LI must be in the air. :-)

Wow, Laura! Thank you! I'll come by and check it out. :-)
Jessica Nelson said…
Hi Jackie, thanks for popping by! I def. enjoyed reading this book. :-)

Hellloooo Mrs. Howard. :-) Thank you for popping by and I hope she sells a lot too!
Sandra Orchard said…
Thank you, Linda!

Jeannette, what a wonderful resource he would be!!

Thanks Jackie S and Susan.

Anita!! It's already sold out at ACFW...pretty cool :D

Wonderful meeting you in person, Jessica :D
I loved Sandra's book. Can't wait for the next one to come out!
4 Life said…
This sounds intriguing! I'll have to check it out - one of my bookclub gals just posted about this on facebook too.
Sandra Orchard said…
You're so sweet, Eileen.

Thanks Texas! It's so cool to hear that people are talking about the book :)

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