Cool News and Linkage

I had some news and links I wanted to share.

First, one of my best friends ever just recently sold her book to Abram's imprint Amulet!!! Anita is a superb writer who first guest posted here in 2008. You can read Anita's Call Story Here. Woohoo, Anita! I know there are many more sales in your future!

Secondly, one of my amazing critique partners Karla Akins just had a non-fiction book released. She's done a wonderful job with this book. If you homeschool or are Canadian, you may be interested in checking it out Here.

So, E-Readers are becoming more popular.

ACFW is so close! I'm going, are you? line edits arrived. At first I felt intimidated but as I'm going through them, I'm really enjoying it and finding some great nuggets from the editor (thank you!).

Do you use an e-reader? Are you going to ACFW?


I love my eReader! Although, I've loaned it to a friend to read a couple of books while I'm reviewing a paperback. :)

I am not going to make it to ACFW, but I'm trying to work out driving up for a day to meet with my agent and agency mates!

Thanks for the links! I'm gonna check them out. Happy Wednesday and good luck with your edits, I know you'll do great!
Yeah for line edits!

And we might be sleeping in the same bed, lady. :D

So excited to see you there!
~ Wendy
Jessica Nelson said…
Jessica, maybe I'll spot you? ;-) Have fun and drive safe!

Wendy, isn't it crazy? lol I can't promise I won't snore...
Erica Vetsch said…
I'm headed to ACFW, and I have KINDLE on my Christmas list in capital letters. :)
Anonymous said…
I'll be checking out the O Canada book. Thank you for the link! My e-reader is an I-Pad and I love it!
Katie Ganshert said…
Yay for good line edits!
Jessica Nelson said…
Woohoo Erica! I hope those capitals do the trick. lol

Lynn, I didn't even realize the iPad had an e-reader. Cool!

Katie, I know, right? :-)
Linda Kage said…
Congrats to both your buddies. That's so exciting to witness a friend's big moment. It almost feels as if you're reliving your own again when you watch them.

I read a bunch of stories on my iPad, either through kindle or PDF format.

No ACFW for me, sorry.
Sandra Orchard said…
Yes, yes, yes, and yes :) Looking forward to seeing you at ACFW, love my Ereader, am Canadian and graduated my last homeschooled child last year. I'll spread the word about Karla's new book. Thanks for the info!
Loree Huebner said…
I unfortunately cannot make it to the conference to meet all of you lovely authors. I hope to hear many reports and what you've learned in the blog posts to come.

Tackle those line edits!
Congrats to all; you sure know how to pick great friends!

I have great news, but cannot share it for a bit... sigh.

Not going to ACFW, but put an eReader on my wish list for Christmas, which will be here in a flash!
Aww! Thank you so much, my lovely friend! :) You're the best! *blushes*

You know I would've never kept my sanity w/out you. Heh

I'll check out those other links, and congrats to Karla. :) Now, as for you, get back to those line edits. ;)
Sarah Forgrave said…
I'm new to the e-reader world but love it so far! And yep, I'll be at ACFW. Can't wait to meet you! (And word on the street is I'll have to crane my neck to give you a hug.) :)
Jennifer Shirk said…
Congrats to Anita and Karla!!!

No ACFW. :( But yes on the ereader!

I read on my IPad but I still would like a Kindle for xmas.
Mary Curry said…
Hi Jessica,
I'm an eReader. I use the Nook and Kindle apps on my iPad and I also have a Nook.

I won't be seeing you at ACFW :(
I'd planned to go - even booked a hotel room - but then I had $5,000 in unexpected dental bills - 2 root canals, 2 crowns, buildups for both, etc., etc so no ACFW this year. I'll be rooting for you from home though!

I love my Kindle, but I have gotten soooo many books on it, I wonder if I will ever get them all read!

And alas, no ACFW for me. Maybe next year though!
Stina said…
I read off my iPod. It's perfect. It fits in my purse and I can use it for other things (like listen to music). I still love the real deal, but my bookshelf doesn't anymore.

What is ACFW? It sounds familiar.
Jessica Nelson said…
Hey Stina, ACFW is American Christian Fiction Writers. There's a huge conference coming up. :-) I'm amazed you read on your ipod!

LOL Sherrinda, I'm the same way!

Mary, I'm so sorry I won't be seeing you. I'm rooting for you big time! And for Pepper in the fantasy (or is it YA?) category. I'm sorry about your mouth but glad that you were able to fix those things. :-)
Jessica Nelson said…
Anita, *groan* I know, they're waiting!

Hey Loreee! I'm sure the reports will be flying. :-)

Linda, that's so true.

Sandra, thanks for spreading the word!!
Jessica Nelson said…
Hey Jeanette, you know I already think you're a tease. :-P

LOL Sarah! Probably true, esp. since I like to wear heels, which might put me close to 6 feet. :-)

Hey Jennifer! Well, I hope you get your Kindle. Then you can compare, right? :-)
Karla Akins said…
Thanks for the shout-out, dear critter! Have a blast at ACFW Conference!
Nancy said…
I'm glad you got your story back and that you are enjoying working on it. It's great when things we feared turn out better than we had hoped. I don't use an e-reader. I'm not up on such things.
Heather Sunseri said…
Very excited to meet you at ACFW, Jessica. And I love my Kindle.
Angie Muresan said…
I get a headache from reading off my iPad. I don't have a kindle and doubt that I'll be getting one.
Have a blessed week, Jessica!
Jessica Nelson said…
Angie, maybe the Nook? Its surface seems to me like easy reading...I'll let you know though. Don't think I could do an iPad.

Ditto!!! Heather. :-)

Hi Nancy, thanks for stopping by! Yes, I'm enjoying what I'm doing. :-) Busy, busy!

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