The Doctor's Lady by Jody Hedlund

They vowed to keep their marriage in name only.
But when the unexpected happens on the grueling journey west . . .
Their carefully constructed partnership will be put to the ultimate test.

Priscilla White knows she’ll never be a wife or mother and feels God’s call to the mission field.

Dr. Eli Ernest is back from Oregon Country only long enough to raise awareness of missions to the natives before heading out West once more. But then Priscilla and Eli both receive news from the mission board: No longer will they send unmarried men and women into the field. Left scrambling for options, the two realize the other might be the answer to their needs.

Priscilla and Eli agree to a partnership, a marriage in name only that will allow them to follow God’s leading into the mission field. But as they journey west, this decision will be tested by the hardships of the trip and by the unexpected turnings of their hearts.

After finishing Jody's debut The Preacher's Wife, I've been eagerly awaiting her next book.

The Doctor's Lady is newly released and I devoured it. The writing was great and Jody did an amazing job of bringing the characters and setting to life. As a young reader, I used to love reading the historical romances featuring Native Americans and their lifestyle. I found the accounts fascinating.

While I enjoyed the romance in The Doctor's Lady, what I really found myself appreciating (and what served as my biggest hook), ended up being the incredible details Jody incorporated. Things like food, smells, lodging and the dangers found on the trail. I just had to know who would survive the journey and how it would end.

Kudos to Jody for writing a wonderful book based on the true story of the first white women to ever cross into Oregon!!

Jody can be found at her blog, her website, facebook and twitter.

Don't forget to enter her Trailblazer Contest!

So, you now know that I adore western historicals. What time periods do you enjoy? Who is your favorite historical author?


Katie Ganshert said…
Hey Jess - what's the time period of your debut? I can't remember if you've ever shared this or not.

I really enjoyed The Doctor's Lady!
Love Jody & Rosslyn.

Excited to read Keli's work.

And to room with you!
~ Wendy
Linda Kage said…
Jody rocks! I still have to get A DOCTOR'S LADY, but I remember her first book well.
Jessica Nelson said…
I hope you like it, Linda. :-)

Wendy, I know!!! Can you believe ACFW is coming up so soon? LOL

Katie, mine is set in 1918. Not quite as historical. *grin* I don't know how well I'd handle the details and accuracy of a historical like this. I wouldn't mind writing one, I'd just worry about getting things wrong, you know?
I can't wait to get mine. Amazon still hasn't mailed it out to me. I'm bumbed. They must have run out and now I'm waiting for the next batch to arrive.
Jessica Nelson said…
Eileen, I hope you get it soon! It was a fascinating read. I'm still in awe of how she weaved history and story so seamlessly.
Sandra Orchard said…
Oh, I love a story that's rich in details deftly woven into the action so as not to slow the pace, but make you fell like you're right there.
Keli Gwyn said…
I realize I'm biased, but I loved The Doctor's Lady. I know how hard Jody worked and how much of her heart she put into this story. I finished reading the print version last week and am so impressed with the final product. She done good!!!
I can't wait to read this one--I devoured Jody's first book. She's an excellent writer and amazing lady.

My fave is Eugenia Price. Not sure if she's still living, but her Savannah series is stellar.
Susanne Dietze said…
Love the review! Jody's first book was fantastic and I've been eager to read this one.

As for which period I enjoy--just about all of them. But I can't resist Regencies or westerns.

Thanks, Jessica!
Sarah Forgrave said…
I loved Jody's book too. Great review, Jessica! :)
Brandi Boddie said…
Thanks for the review, Jessica. I have yet to read The Doctor's Lady, but I do have The Preacher's Wife on my kindle. A great read!
Jody Hedlund said…
Thank you for the incredibly lovely review, Jessica!! I'm so glad you thought I was able to weave in the historical details well. You know how it's always a struggle to know how much detail is too much or not enough. It's a fine balancing act to keep readers in the story!

Thank you, my dear, for your very sweet words! I'm looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks! :-)
Wilma said…
I couldn't put The Preacher's Wife down & looking forward to reading this one.
What an awesome review, Jessie! Now I want to read this. I <3historicals. My fave time period is Victorian era, as you know. :) And my fave historical writer is an as of now unknown but soon to be best selling writer named Jessica Nelson. YEP.
Hi Jess -

Jody's right up there with my favorite authors. She's on a roll. :)

Jessica Nelson said…
Heeheee, Susan, she sure is. :-)

Anita *blushing BIG time* You are SO sweet! But I have the feeling you'll be the bestseller. Yours is movie material too *crossing fingers and grinning like mad*

Jody, thank you for taking the time to come on over and comment! I appreciate it. :-) It's not hard to have sweet words for books I enjoy. :-)
Jessica Nelson said…
Hi Wilma! Thank you so much for stopping by. I hope you enjoy The Doctor's Lady too. :-)

Brandi, even on a kindle? LOL The longer these e-readers are out, the more I realize a story is a story is a story. The medium just doesn't matter as much, imo. I can't wait to try out my Nook.

Thanks Sarah!
Jessica Nelson said…
Hi Sandra, me too! I was just in awe when I was reading, but hooked too.

Keli, I'm pretty sure you're not biased. She did an incredible job. :-)

Jeanette, I've heard so much about Price. She's a pretty big seller, I think.

Hey Susie, thanks for popping by. :-) I'm looking forward to reading one of yours someday! :-)
Jessie Oliveros said…
Wow, I didn't know she had come out with a second book already! And you have a book coming out?! I've been away too long. Congrats.
Jennifer Shirk said…
Great review!!

I tend to read contemporaries more heavily, but I enjoy reading all time periods. :-)
Anonymous said…
I am looking forward to reading Jody's latest book when it hits our Canadian book stores. And my entire book club! Honestly, I thought I didn't like historical novels but read a few lately I've enjoyed. Dekker's Immanuel Veins especially, set in the 15th century. And last year I read the Preacher's Bride and loved it!
Jessica Nelson said…
Lynn, I'm so glad you mentioned Dekker. I was disappointed in some of his latest work but now that you've said that one was good, I HAVE to go check it out. I hope you enjoy Jody's book!
Jessica Bell said…
I devoured The Preacher's Bride so I'm really looking forward to reading this! :o)
Nancy said…
My favorite historical author is Elizabeth George Speare, the Newberry Award winner for The Bronze Bow and The Witch Of Blackbird Pond.

Congratulations to Jody. Her new book sounds most interesting.
Karen Lange said…
I just finished this book, it was wonderful! I too, relished the details. I felt like I was enjoying the story and appreciating and learning from her skill.

I love most any historical fiction. Jody is one of my newer favorites!
Liz Reinhardt said…
I just saw Jody's book featured on another blog! It looks fantastic!!

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