A Strange Phenomenon

Today I was at the end of a wonderful book. I had tears in my eyes during the "Black Moment". And then motherhood called. So I put the book down, waiting for bedtime to come so that I could finish it. Well, I had to run to the library to e-mail a contest entry. (I don't have Word, unfortunately.)
Guess what happened? Like an addict, I was lured to the fiction aisle.
And I rented the newest book by my favorite author. And then I had to resist reading it as I drove home. That's right. As I drove.
The funny thing was, I'd been obsessed with finishing the earlier book but once I saw this book I totally forgot about the first one.
It got me to thinking. Publishers, agents, and writers speculate on what really sells a book.
The cover? The blurb? The title?
I used to think the cover hooked me, then the blurb. But now I gotta admit, the name sold me. That is, the author.
After being so into the one book, I was pretty shocked when I suddenly wanted to toss it aside in favor of the newer book.

By the way, I finished Only Uni and it was great! Funny and deep. Really funny, actually. So I resisted temptation and now I'm glad I did.

But who knew a favorite author would be such a powerful hook?


Camy Tang said…
Thanks! I'm so glad you liked Only Uni!

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