My First Blog Tour

So, I'm going to be participating in a blog tour for author Marcia Gruver. I have her historical romance Diamond Duo sitting right here in front of me. The plot looks great. And the first line?

Well, it's pretty awesome. Here it is:

"With the tip of a satin shoe, the graceful turn of an ankle, the woman poured herself like cream from the northbound train out of Marshall and let the tomcats lap her up."

I love the metaphor.

Eek! I'm so excited. My first tour. And I'm thinking of giving out some kind of prize to people commenting whenever I do the interview.

What do you think is good? A bag full of gently used books or a Blockbuster gift card?


Kristen Painter said…
I got through about half the test, decided I could answer so many of the questions in more than one way and quit.

How's that for personality indicators?
Hi Jessica -

I vote for books. :)

Anonymous said…
What an AMAZING first line! Beatiful! I'm going to have to check out this lady's stuff. :0)

So, what exactly is a blog tour? Oh, and personally, I love gently used books. Because they can simply be passed along again to another avid reader when I've finished them, and thus the circle is unbroken.

Have fun!
Sarah said…
I'm with Anita...I love gently used books, and what is a blog tour?

Looking forward to the interview!
Jessica Nelson said…
A blog tour is when an author's info/interview goes around the net! I've never done one before but it seems really fun. They're going to send me info on her book to post and then I can either review the book or select an interview and add some questions.
Yay, I need to rid my floor of some books. Now I just have to decide which ones ...
Jessica Nelson said…
LOL Kristen,
It says alot!!
Rita Gerlach said…
Gently used books is always a nice prize. But a Blockbuster gift card is nice too with the Holidays coming up. It might help someone buy a favorite book in these tough economic times.

Best of luck with the blog tour.
Hi, Jessica:

Tours are a great way to discover authors you hadn't heard of before, and help market work of some that you know, too.

Have fun with it.


Jessica Nelson said…
LOL, Inspire.
Does blockbuster sell books? I'd be interested in where you live. I'm in FL and it's a movie store here (I thought)
That said, maybe a barnes and noble card would be good.
I got two last year for Christmas. Lucky me!!
Jessica Nelson said…
Thanks Eileen!
You do reviews alot, don't you?
I think I will have lots of fun :-)
Sarah said…
Sorry Jessica, I'm just not down with all of the blog lingo, yet. Blog tour, blog tour, blog tour...OK, it's filed away in my memory bank.

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