Back In Business

Christmas is over, can you believe it? For my family it was a lovely time. No drama, no fighting, just yummy food and laughter.

But now it's time to shake off the addictive lethargy of dark chocolate and apple pie and push myself back into the groove of things.

My goals include finishing my wip before 2009, revising and submitting a different manuscript to an editor, and beginnning a new story. I also want to put my family before my writing and make sure they don't get shoved to the side. Which reminds me. I probably should make a goal of reading my Bible every day. It's ironic to sit down and write romances that glorify God, when I haven't even spoken to God before putting fingers to keyboard. But that's a post for another day. :-)

My fears: Seeing my eldest off to kindergarten. How humiliating to know that I feel teary thinking about it, and this big event is months away.

Finally, my dreams for 2009 include landing an agent or a contract. At this point in my writing, either feat would propell me to a state of bliss for weeks on end.

What are your goals, fears and dreams for 2009?


I, too, need to put more effort into my studying. It doesn't matter how diligent I may become, something always comes up to distract me. I'm weak, I guess.

I commiserate completely - my oldest is in kindergarten now. There's no hiding or downplaying all those mommy feelings. It's such a huge, bittersweet thing!

I've been compiling my '09 goals, and plan to post 'em New Year's Day. :)
It has been a hectic year full of trials and tribulations, and an increase of medical problems. Having a chronic health condition, fibromyalgia, has been a battle all year to control symptoms and improve my quality of life.

This year my goal is not to be controlled by my illness, but rather control it. I am writing goals and a get healthy program for myself. One of the most difficult things for me is to know my limitations and stop driving myself to be an overachiever. It will help with the symptoms.

I will be editing my first book, writing and submitting more short stories and hopefully winning more writing contests!

As always God is first in my life, husband and family second. I'm striving to be more attentive to both!
Anonymous said…
Well Jessie,

I LOVE the word count meter. Great job!

For 2009 my goals are to finish my current WIP, snag one of those ever elusive creatures, rarely seen although we do know they exist - the agent. And of course - a dream we all share, to sell a ms.

But those are my writing goals. For me, I plan to balance my home life, work life and time with my family better this year.

And kindergarten! Don't feel foolish about being teary eyed. I had to take the day off when each of my kids went their first day. And it was all I could do not to drive down to the school and hide behind stuff just to watch over my prescious children! LOL.

Glad you had a great - low stress holiday.

Angie Ledbetter said…
Great goals, lady. I'm working on my writing goals now too. And don't feel dorky because of the day (when you're old and have 3 teens maybe) you'll cry when they DON'T go to school. hehe
Danica Favorite said…
My baby is going in the fall and I think that one will be hard. We'll have to hold hands and wave them off to school.
Sarah said…
Well, after looking at your word count, I've decided I need to get on the ball and write! That's a major goal for me in the new year.

Great job Jess!
Cheryl Barker said…
Jessica, just wanted to pop in and thank you for visiting my blog the other day. Always fun to meet another writer :) Blessings to you in 09!
Hi Jessica -

Your word count is giving me a push to write again. I've been sooo bad this month.

I'm rooting for you. Don't forget about us when you're a rich and famous novelist. :)

Jessica Nelson said…
Hi Janna,
I'm sure I'll catch your goals whenever I mosey on over. :-) So, your oldest is in kindergarten? Then you know exactly how I feel. Sigh. btw, I'm weak too. All of weak people need to join together and form a support group for reading/studying the Word.
But then maybe we'd be to weak to even start. LOL
Seriously, I need to get a move on with it.
Thanks for stopping by!
Jessica Nelson said…
Donna, I had no clue you were battling that. Wow! Kudos to you for taking control of it! I hope you get many more writing awards too! You're on a roll. :-)
Jessica Nelson said…
Candi, I totally saw a mother hiding behind the bushes. Snort! Thanks for the encouragement. I didn't think I'd be so sentimental. Must be the hormones...
Thanks for stopping by! And let me know if that elusive creature comes your way and snags one of your wonderful, Alpha hero-laden manuscripts!
Jessica Nelson said…
You just cracked me up! You're so right. :-)
Jessica Nelson said…
I'll definitely hold your hand. We'll keep each other from stalking our children. Yeah, Candi has planted an idea in my head. Someone will have to hold me back.
Thanks for stopping by!
Jessica Nelson said…
Thanks about the word count, but it's actually going really slow. I should have been done by now. Thanks for the 'good job' though. :-) I can't wait to see what you come up with in your writing. Any ideas?
Jessica Nelson said…
It's definitely fun meeting other writers! Thanks for popping by. :-)
Jessica Nelson said…
Susan, I'm not sure I'll be rich or famous, but if it happens, I most definitely will never forget any of you!
This has been a busy month. Hopefully January will give us all more space to write.
Kristen Painter said…
I need to read my Bible more too. Here's hoping your 2009 dreams come true!
Jessica Nelson said…
Thank you Kristen! And yours too
Jennifer Shirk said…
My goals are to finish another book, pray more and be in the Word more.

PS. I was a MESS when my kiddo went to kindergarten. But it passes. :)
Anonymous said…
Wow, Jessie! You were missed! Look at all of the comments to this post. :-)

I agree, I need to read my bible every day instead of shirking it off to one or two times a week. Urg.

Your word count is AWESOME!! Go girl, go. And don't beat yourself up for being teary about the little guy going to school. Every step they make toward growing up is monumental to the mommies. It's hard to place them in someone else's care even for a few hours. But I guarantee, he'll have so much fun and make so many new friends, that it will all be a wonderful new journey for him!
Jessica Nelson said…
Thanks Jennifer! I'm hoping to forget the kindergarten thing until August, so that I'm only a mess for a month instead of eight months. Groan.
Hmm, pray more. That should definitely be on my list too. :-)
Jessica Nelson said…
LOL Anita,
I'm not sure I was missed. More like a sowing and reaping thing. I sow comments on other blogs and hope to reap them on mine. Seriously though, I have a great list of blogs to read every day.
I was telling him when he's five he'll go to kindergarten and he was like "But I'll miss you mommy." So of course I had to tell him the same thing you just said. Just because I'm sad doesn't mean I can let him be. I definitely want it to be something he looks forward to. :-)
Jennifer Taylor said…
I, too, struggle with putting my family first before writing. Because of my day job--it's a never ending battle. I also try to remember to read at least one chapter of the Bible before I write. I'm praying God will open the opportunity for me to write full-time at home and our bills to still be paid.
Jessica Nelson said…
I love how you read the Bible before you write. Excellent.
And you never know what God has up his sleeve! :-)
Thanks for stopping by.

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