Weekend Greetings

Good morning everyone! I hope your weekend is going well.

Yesterday I met with a group of writers in the Tampa area and it was SO wonderful. Meeting people online is wonderful, but in person is even better. Though I admit to being extremely nervous and probably talking too much about myself.


Anyways, do you guys have other writers you talk to? Or are you like me and sit solitary in the chair, writing but never talking. The whole face-to-face thing is awesome. If you don't know anyone who writes, I encourage you to get on the net and see if there's a group nearby.

Writers often have many things in common. I used to feel a little weird (and alone) with my imagination, quietness, bookworminess. But meeting other writers for the first time two years ago at the Florida Christian Writer Conference, and then again yesterday, has been incredible. And if nerve-wracking, it was also a great rush.

How do you feel about writing groups? Or do you prefer the keyboard?


Hi Jessica -

While the Internet is great, nothing compares to meeting other writers in person. In my opinion, writers' conferences, booksignings, and writers' groups provide a support mechanism that cannot be duplicated on the Internet.

I'm glad you enjoyed the day.

Susan :)
Jessica Nelson said…
Yep, I agree with you. :-) Thanks for stopping by.
Anonymous said…
I'm so glad you had fun, Jessie!

And I agree with Susan that face-to-face is awesome. But I have to admit that personally, some of my best and most supportive writing pals I have yet to even meet (you included :-)) but that doesn't make them any less appreciated or real to me.

Any writer friend who's willing to trade readings with you, help you improve your craft, and give you pep talks when you're about to lose your mind to the ups and downs of this crazy business is priceless--be they online or on-site.
Jennifer Shirk said…
I belong to a crit group of about 10 or so and we chat all the time. I finally got to meet a few them at a conference in person and it was like we'd known each other forever. We had a blast together.
I totally agree with everyone. Online or otherwise, writer friends are who keep us going.

I've attended three writer's conferences in the last three years, and at each one I feel a little more normal.

I'm glad you got this opportunity, Jessica. Hopefully it will become a more common occurance for you.
Travis said…
Hello, I found you through a comment you left on Amy Deardon's blog site. While this comment is a little off topic, I wanted to tell you of a blog that I've found that is incredibly encouraging for writers. It's called Singer-Scribe and it's hosted by Gwen Stewart. She writes a fantastic post every day or so that is inspiring and dynamic. As a writer, I find depth and meaning in her blog and I wanted to invite you to visit her site. http://singer-scribe.blogspot.com
Jessica Nelson said…
This is true, Anita. I wouldn't trade my online friends for anything! You all are very special to me.
Jessica Nelson said…
Hey Jen and Eileen,
It is SO fun! I hope I get more opportunities too, although, it does seem as though I'm more 'myself' when I can write my feelings instead of show them.
Jessica Nelson said…
Hi Travis,
I'll check that out. :-) Thanks for leaving the link.
Terri Tiffany said…
I love to meet face to face with other writers so much that I started a Christian writer's group here in Clermont! We meet once a month. Are you going to the Florida Christian Writers group this year? I plan to somehow!! It is being held much closer to where I live.
Glad you had an awesome time!
Sarah said…
I'm with you on the whole feeling wierd, alone with my imagination thing, but I also like to meet writers face to face. I can't say I get to do that often, though. I hope to get to go to the Blue Ridge Writer's Conference this year and change that.
Jessica Nelson said…
Terri, I'm going to hop over to your blog to answer your questions.
Jessica Nelson said…
Hey Sarah, that's supposed to be a great conference! I hope you get to go. What an experience...
Stacia said…
Hi Jessica,

Just saw your comment on Writer Beware and wanted to stop by to encourage you to join Absolute Write. Obviously you don't need to join to read all the boards, but it is a great place to be a member--lots of people who care about writing and helping other writers.

Don't be intimidated (if that's your reason for not taking the plunge; if it isn't, I hope I didn't offend)! There's special subforums just for romance, and just for inspirational/Christian writers too.

I've never been to a writing group, myself. But I am lucky enough to have made some great writing friends online, and it made a world of difference to me--AW in particular.

Hope to see you there!
Jessica Nelson said…
Hi Stacia,
It's really nice of you to stop by. I'll have to look into becoming a member. Thank you for letting me know the details. :-)

And how did you know I was intimidated? LOL I am, a little.
Debby Mayne said…
Hi, Jessica! I enjoyed meeting you in person. Hopefully, this group will grow, and we'll have an active community of writers for workshops, support, sharing good news, and motivation.
Jessica Nelson said…
That would be awesome, Debby.
Stacia said…
And how did you know I was intimidated? LOL I am, a little.

Hee, because I was before I joined. :-) I lurked there without registering for over a year before I finally took the plunge.

And I'm really glad I did!

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