Follow the Trail You've Laid

Last night hubby and I watched a comic strip movie. You know, one of the ones with a genetically altered superhero? I'm not going to say the name 'cause I don't want to spoil it for anyone.

Anyways, I really liked the movie, up until the end.

To me, the heroine was a great foil for the superhero and through her gentle strength he discovers how to control his own power. It was great.

And then the ending...

Had nothing to do with romance or their love, but basically sets up questions for a sequel. All well and good, but not fulfilling in any way because the sequel was never hinted at in the movie. They just up and bam it at you in the end.

The last scene was in the wrong place, in my opinion. For the movie to have left me with satisfaction, I think it should have ended with the heroine gazing at the pic she has of the hero, or something to that effect.

The trail laid was one of love conquering anger. At least that's what I got out of it.

Then, at the end, it's suddenly as though that trail ends abruptly and a new one way over to the left starts.

In your writing, how do you do endings? How do you make sure that they leave the reader feeling fulfilled with the story?


Angie Ledbetter said…
Gotta have that "full meal" completion factor. (Don't you hate that as a writer, the editor in you always sees these things in books/movies?) :)
Jessica Nelson said…
Yes! But even before, I think I would have felt dissatisfied but probably unable to pinpoint why.
But yeah, now I'm always dissecting stuff.
Two of the parts of my stories that I rewrite the most are beginnings and endings. I want to capture you and have you hold your breath until the end and after the last word you say, "AAAAH!" and feel full and happy!
Katie Salidas said…
Still figuring out that whole "good ending" thing. It's so hard to wrap everything up into a nice fulfilling end.
Hi Jessica -

I don't like an ending that leaves you hanging. The immediate storyline needs resolution.

In my book, one of the bad guys escapes capture. Guess what? He's showing up in Book 2.

Susan :)
Sarah said…
Oooh! I know what movie you watched!

I agree with you. It definitely focused more on setting up the sequel then wrapping up the movie.

I would love to be able to end my book having everything tied with a shiny, red bow, but sometimes that just ain't possible. But I wouldn't leave the readers hanging. That's just mean.

I just got through reading a thriller that completely left me hanging at the end and then asked me to buy the next book when it comes out later this year. Grrr!
Karen Hossink said…
Neither of my books was a "story" where I could make my own ending. But in both of them I referred in the end to something I'd written in the beginning. Guess I was sort of writing to myself - the way I like to read. I like things to go "full circle" in order to feel complete.
Know what I mean?
Jessica Nelson said…
Hey Karen,
Yep, I know exactly what you mean. I like to do that to, set up something in the first chapter that gets resolved in the last, even if it's just a little thing.
Jessica Nelson said…
I'm with you. It's so important to hook your reader. Go you!
Jessica Nelson said…
This is true, Quixotic. It can be hard, but if you can muscle through it an excellent ending can really make a story.
Jessica Nelson said…
Hi Susuan,
Ooh, you have a bad guy? :-) Sounds exciting!
Jessica Nelson said…
Hey Sarah,
That's why I hate series books that can't stand alone. I get all involved, only to have to go get the next one. Erk. Now, I don't even bother reading books that have ones coming after.
So you know which movie it was? :-)

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