Skeeter and the Mystery of the Lost Mosquito Treasure

Hi everyone,
I'm heading out early today for a niece's birthday part FAR away, so I thought I'd post this review for some of you moms.

I just received Max Lucado's Hermie and Friends DVD in the mail. Whenever Lucado switched from books to movies is beyond me, but he's done well. Skeeter and the Mystery of the Lost Mosquito Treasure kept my kids on the couch.

The movie is all about this little mosquito who has always felt like less because his stinger is crooked. When his "perfect" brother comes home, everybody fawns over him. His stinger is long and straight, plus he's a famous explorer. When the brothers discover a treasure map from their father, they decide to work together to find the treasure. In the process, they discover that they're each special and are formed the way they are for a special purpose.

It's a cute little movie set in a garden. Like I said, both the 4 year old and the 2 1/2 year old sat down and watched it. I liked letting them because there's the spiritual element to the movie which I usually only see in Veggie Tales (yes, I know there are more out there but I don't have them). The story is fun to watch but it also left the kids with the moral that God made us all unique and being different is good.

I like that. :-)

Do any of you have these Hermie movies? Did you even know Max Lucado was making cartoons now? Any other good movie suggestions for me?


Anonymous said…
Aw, that sounds like a great movie! :-) I didn't know that about Lucado. He's a gifted man.

My kids were just outgrowing the little kid movie faze when Veggie Tales started coming out. But there was this cartoon series called "Little Dogs on the Prairie" that taught morals and bible lessons in a fun way and my kiddos LOVED it.

If you'll go to Amazon's VHS section and type in "Little Dogs on the Prairie", it will give you a bunch of titles from the series to look at. :-)
Anonymous said…
In fact, to make it really easy for you, I just emailed you a link to take you to the series.

Have a great day, Jessie!
That's great! I didn't know they'd started the movies, either. I'll have to check into them.

Other than Veggie Tales, I know of no others. But they have to be out there, right?
Jessie Oliveros said…
I'm a big fan of Veggie Tales. We own a three-disc DVD set of sing-along-songs by the Cedarmont Kids, which of the 100 songs, many are Sunday School songs. My son likes it. Good to know about Max Lucado.
Angie Ledbetter said…
My kidlet movie suggestions are over a decade old, so of no use to you. Glad you found the one on Skeeter...we do love our State "bird" here in Louisiana. :)
Jessica Nelson said…
Anita, Thanks for the link! :-)

Janna, I think if you hit a Christian bookstore they may have something there, but I only go to Walmart so it's hard to get good stuff.

Hi Jessie, my kiddos like Veggie Tales too. They like Dora and Diego more though. Though they don't have much spiritual input, at least they offer certain moral qualities, like sharing, being kind, etc.

Hi Angie, had no clue your "bird" is a mosquito. Eek! Remind me to never visit. LOL
Tana said…
My DD has Gigi by Sheila Walsh, she loves it! I'm looking forward to getting the one you reviewed for the kids as well!
Jessica Nelson said…
I've never heard of Gigi before. It's great to have good stories for the kids, right?

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