Weekend Shout Outs!

First, Congrats to Jody for winning Daisy Chain by Mary DeMuth. Send me your snail mail and I'll get this out to you. :-)

Now, I'd like to give a Shout Out to a few amazing ladies whom I've met through the blogosphere and who have made their first sales.

Kathryn: Her debut novel Tender Graces sold to Bellebooks and you can now pre-order it here. Check out the amazing cover and trailer! Kathryn's blog is a fun place to land and I have a feeling her book, serious as it is, will also contain some of her cute humor.

Kristen: She's a generous writer her shares her knowledge about the craft by speaking at chapter meetings and by co-hosting Romance Divas, a place I'm planning to join when I get my booty in gear. It looks like it has all sorts of goodies to offer aspiring authors. Kristen just sold her novel All Fired Up to Samhain and has a release date for September.

Christina: She recently sold her first solo book to Moody publishing. Titled The Familiar Stranger, you can pre-order it here. You can also read a little about her story here and peruse some super cute pics of one excited writer. :-)

Rita : Rita is another generous writer who sold her historical fiction Surrender the Wind to Abingdon Press. She's the owner of Stepping Stones Magazine for Writers and Readers where she offers practical tips for writers and showcases authors' books. Surrender the Wind is also available for pre-order and Rita is holding a contest for anyone who pre-orders the discounted novel from Amazon. You can visit her website to read about the story.

I admire these fellow bloggers so much for their determination, perseverance and dedication to excelling in their craft and following their dreams. :-) The publishing road is long, narrow and rocky but here they are, at a major milestone, ready to enter a new phase. Here's to many, many more sales!

Congratulations ladies!


Jody Hedlund said…
Hi Jessica,

Wow! Thank you (or tell your son thanks for pulling my name). Seriously, I would love to read a book by Mary! I saw that she's the main speaker at the writer's conference at Wheaton this summer. So I'd love to see how she writes and pick up any tips I possibly can!

Thanks for doing the interview and the drawing! Hope you've gotten some great writing time in this weekend.

I'll email you my snail mail!
Jody Hedlund said…
Hi again,

What is your email address? Mine is jjhedlund (at) aol (dot) com. If you'd rather not post your email here, you could always email it to me.

Thanks Jessica!
Tana said…
Thank you for the links! I love staying connected!
Thanks for the info on these ladies - how inspiring!
Congratulations Jody!

Hi Jess - You're so nice to celebrate each of these talented writers. :)
Jessie Oliveros said…
Thanks for the recommendations, and you're right-the road is long, narrow, and rocky. And knowing that others have reached the milestone gives unpublished authors hope!
Jessica Nelson said…
Hi guys, thanks for stopping by. I'm inspired by them too.
It's so good to hear of first time sales in the midst of all the "tightening" gloom you hear in this industry. Congratulations to all these first time authors, and thanks for the Hope.

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