Going to the Keys

That's what I'm doing right now. Driving down the interstate, high with adrenaline, ready for fun. :-)

But if you're reading this after noon, then I'm already there and am lathering the boys with 50 spf, chasing them around the tiny condo where we stay. And there's no internet there. Sad sigh.


I won't be back until Saturday so I'm going to miss all of your wonderful posts. I hope all of you have a lovely week!


Jody Hedlund said…
Have fun! We'll miss you!
Good for you, Jessica! Have lots of fun with your boys, get rejuvenated and ready to pound the keyboard when you get back.

I'll be praying for safe journeying!
haleigh said…
have fun! hope you get lots of quiet time to read :)
You too, Jessica! Enjoy yourself!
Oooh, can I ride in your luggage? Have a great time with your family!

Susan :)
anita said…
Safe trip Jessie, and Godspeed! :-)

Soak up some sun for me.
Cindy R. Wilson said…
Have a wonderful time!
Tana said…
Lucky you have a great time!!!!!!!
You need the rest, Jessica. At least, i hope you get some rest!
Have fun. We'll miss you!
Danyelle L. said…
For a moment there I though you were driving to Kenya. I was wondering how you were going to do that. ;-) Hope you have a great week end!
Have fun! Wish I were there writing - because here there are carpenters making NOISE NOISE NOISE NOISE!!! argh! *laugh*
Have a wonderful trip!
Terri Tiffany said…
Enjoy!!! Wish I were there--at my own place:)) Have yet to make it down that far yet.
Deb Shucka said…
Have a wonderful break in the sunshine!
Karen Hossink said…
*pouty face*
This is me, being jealous.

And this is me, wishing you a great vacation!!!
Jessica Nelson said…
Thank you so much everyone! I'm back and ready to check out your bloggy news.
I had a great time too. Hope you all can visit there sometime. :-)

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