Monkey Business During a Conference

What happens when Krista (and her poor, unsuspecting husband...)and I get together for dinner?

You can see more pics from our dinner on Krista's post.

Would you climb a tree while dressed business casual? When was the last time you laughed like a child?


Jody Hedlund said…

I wish I could have been there to see it!! You are one of the sweetest young ladies I think that I've ever had the privilege of meeting! And you hanging from the tree is totally too Krista! She put you up to it, didn't she?

I'm so glad we could link up at ACFW! I hope we can get to see each other at future ones too! I'm already looking forward to next year and a reunion!
Rita Gerlach said…
Great pictures, Krista, and such a fun post to read.
Katie Ganshert said…
LOVE the pics! I would SO climb a tree! Even in formal wear. :) Loved meeting you, Jess! You're one awesome chica!
So very funny! I admire you for just doing it, despite the clothes, despite who may have been around. I need to be more like that.
Linda Kage said…
I don't think I've been tree climbing since I was twelve. But it looks like you had fun!
Those are awesome pics!!! You are one seriously beautiful woman and I'm so glad I got to meet you, Jessica. I would have loved watching you climb that tree, and ten years ago I might have joined you, but with my joints now, I definitely wouldn't for fear of breaking something.

Bet those little guys were so glad to have you back!!! THey are so cute!
Jessica Nelson said…
LOL Jody! I can't remember whose idea it was, but Krista is definitely a fun and relaxing person to be around. :-)
I wish you could've been there too, but it was actually during your agency dinner so that would've stunk for you to miss it. I loved meeting you too!
Jessica Nelson said…
Krista got even funnier pics and posted them on her blog. :-) I actually met your editor B Scott there. She was extremely nice. :-)
Jessica Nelson said…
You're awesome to Katie! I can so see you climbing a tree. Next time, right? LOL
Love the pics! I've always loved climbing trees and if my husband didn't worry so much, I'd probably go climb one now! Great fun and therapy!
Jessica Nelson said…
Hey Janna,
I'll bet you would've done it. :-) There actually wasn't a whole lot of people around, cars driving past, maybe, but now I can't even remember.
I can be very self-conscious, but these trees were irresistable. :-)
Jessica Nelson said…
I did Linda. And they were very small, very safe trees. LOL
Jessica Nelson said…
You're beautiful too, Eileen, and such a sweet natured person. :-) I really enjoyed meeting you.
Jessica Nelson said…
Go you Donna! I wish we had really good climbing trees down here, but I haven't seen many. Maybe I'm in the wrong part of the state?
Hope your health is good. :-)
Karen Hossink said…
I just LOVE the hanging upside down picture!
And, yes, I would totally climb a tree in business casual - if I didn't think the bark would rip my pants, and if you were there with me. *grin*
I laughed like (and with!) a child Sunday night. Saying goodnight to my daughter something struck her as funny and she started giggling. And she couldn't stop. Which made me start laughing. And soon the two of us just sat there laughing, unable to control ourselves.
It was fun!
Jessica Nelson said…
Oh, that is SO sweet Karen. Don't you just love how a kid giggle?
I'm glad you would climb a tree with me. *grin*
Danyelle L. said…
You are lovely! It looks like you had a blast. :) *cheers*
So Jessica, looks like you were doing more "hanging around" than getting filled up on writing tips! Was this your way of letting it all "hang loose" after the conference? :)

I have no clue when the last time I laughed like a child. I guess I'd better work on it.

Jessica Nelson said…
Hey Danyelle,
Lovely while hanging upside down? LOL!!!

Hi Katie,
We did have fun. :-) I'm thankful too, because my first conference was a much more serious thing for me, pretty much because I didn't know anyone.
Jessica Nelson said…
Hi Larie, LOL, kind of. It was only the second night so were just relaxing. I actually went to an agent chat afterwards. :-)
I love to laugh so hard my ribs hurt. I hope you get to soon. :-)
I'm in love with this post and the pictures! So cool!

Yes, I would do that in a heartbeat.
~ Wendy
Deb Shucka said…
You look so joyful and young and free. What great pictures!
Krista Phillips said…
I don't remember whose idea it was either. It started by my desire of having some silly/crazy picture... and we were thinking of different things that would be funny. At one point and time I was going to have to lay out in the grass and pretend to be passed out. yeah, we didn't go there:-)

Had a BLAST tree climbing with you, maybe we can do it again in Indianapolis! Surely they have some good climbing trees there....

OH OH OH, maybe we can have our "blogger" picture in a tree! How cool would that be!
I have a "heights issue" so I wouldn't climb the tree. But I would applaud you--especially for the business casual!
Jessica Nelson said…
I'm going to remember you said that. *evil grin*

You know, at that moment I did feel joyful, young and free. :-) It's a beautiful feeling.
Jessica Nelson said…
LOL Krista! I forgot about the laying in the grass thingy. I think you mentioned that. Heeehee!'s a state I've never visited. Hmmm. LOL It would definitely be fun to do this again.
Jessica Nelson said…
Hey Kristen,
That stinks, but the tree was actually low to the ground. I swung off that limb, expecting to drop to the ground, and amazingly, my feet touched. I didn't even get to jump. :-)
Terri Tiffany said…
LOL It looks like you did way more than eat fancy dessert!!
Jessie Oliveros said…
Yes, what good is a writer's conference without a good tree climb?
Elana Johnson said…
I can't climb trees. I can barely climb stairs. I'm accident prone like that. But I laugh like a child every single day. I must. :)
A good way to relieve stress! I wouldn't do it in a floor-length formal, but in anything else, sure!
What fun!
I would do this if I were your age again, but not today, thanks.
I'm so happy you were able to attend this, Jessie.

Looking forward to your posts on what you learned...
Such fun, but I'll leave the tree climbing to you, Jess. :) I'm glad you managed to include some playing in your trip to ACFW.

Unknown said…
You girls are too funny! I love crazy moments! I try to do as many as possible. Glad you had fun!
kah said…
What a great pic of you! It made me giggle cuz I knew how much fun you were having. :) And you're just as cute in person which makes me smile even more.
Nancy said…
No, I would not because I only have one pair of good slacks and I'd ruin them if I did. Not a funny answer, but true.
The last time I laughed like a child when I was watching a rerun of "Perfect Strangers." In fact, the first seasons were so funny I laughed out loud several times. That's unusual for me.
Debra E. Marvin said…
Great photos and I can hear you all laughing when I see them.

with the right shoes I might have joined you . . . okay, maybe not. I forgot for a moment how bad my shoulder is.

I enjoyed meeting you Jessica. Even prettier in person. And then we have the Mary C book moment to share!
Jessica Nelson said…
I know, right? Debra, did you get my e-mail about that book? I enjoyed meeting you too! That's really nice to say I'm prettier in person, but did you see my pic on Seekerville? *snort*
I didn't know you have a bad shoulder. :-( I hope it gets better.
LAUGHING!!!!! Give me a vodka tonic or two and maybe . . . *haw* no, I'd not even need the vodka tonic.... :)

This made me laugh - will check out the others!
Jessica Nelson said…
Kathryn, you seem to laugh a lot. :-) I love that.
Jessica Nelson said…
You have it exactly! Your comment made me laugh. :-)

Nancy, I might scare you then. When something is really funny, I tend to laugh really loud. I've never heard of the show you mentioned. Might have to check it out. :-)
Jessica Nelson said…
That's awesome! I def. forget to laugh on some days, so you wanna share the secret? LOL

Wooohoo! Another tree climber to join the crowd. :-)
Jessica Nelson said…
Oh Christina, I knew there was more for me to say. YES, it did relieve stress. When I got back to my room and then to the agent panel, I felt so relaxed and happy. It was wonderful. :-)

Jeanette, I probably wouldn't climb trees past forty. I'm not surprised you'd do it when you were my age though. :-) You seem like that kind of person.
Jessica Nelson said…
Hey MaryBeth,
LOL! I'll bet you'd do all sorts of funny stuff, just based on your blog personality. :)

Hi Karen,
That was a sweet comment. :-) Thank you. It's so weird because I've never seen myself as cute, more as a kind of homely, quiet person. Hmmmm.... LOL Maybe we can all meet up again sometime?
Victoria Dixon said…
I think I gave up laughing like a child. It happens rarely. How sad. That's probably why I'm emotionally constipated. Sigh. Thanks for the post! It made me smile.
Jessica Nelson said…
Victoria, we need to get you some emotional ex-lax. LOL I'm so sorry though, that you haven't laughed like that in a while. I'm going to pray that this week something happens to make you belly laugh.
Genny said…
Good for you! Hope the conference was great. Looks like the dinner was!
Jessica Nelson said…
It was all really, super wonderful. :-)
Anne Lang Bundy said…
Jessica, you look familiar. Did we meet at the conference? How I would have loved to climb that tree with you.

I followed you over from Gwen's blog. Great photos from the conference!
Jessica Nelson said…
Hi Anne,
Yep, I was the girl at the table with editor B Monds. You told us about how beautiful Gwen's writing was, and then you shared about your writing and Israel and how everything relates. Fascinating stuff! Thanks for stopping by!

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