Sore Feet, Happy Heart

The biggest, most wonderful part of the conference was meeting all my writing friends. My feet still hurt from walking in heels and my heart is still happy from bonding with these lovely women.
It was cool to see who these ladies are, and hear their voices, outside the cyber world.

Left to Right:
Eileen, Jeannie, Jaime, Me, Katie, Jody

Done anything lately that was somewhat painful but you didn't care because you were so happy? Ever met other writers? Or someone who had a similar passion to yours? How'd it go?


Gwen Stewart said…
Hi Jessica,

It was great to meet you! I love meeting other writers. It's fun to know that I'm not the only one "like me".

As far as feeling good and hurting at the same time: writing feels that way to me most every day. I wouldn't have it any other way, though!

Take care today and God bless!
Jessica Nelson said…
Hi Gwen,
Oooh, you're up early! :-(
LOL about your comment. It's definitely nice to know we're not as weird as maybe some people have told us. LOL
It was great to meet you and hear about your writing/teaching. :-) Thank you for stopping by.
Those pictures look so fun! I'm so glad all of you got to meet each other in the flesh!

I have recently found out that a woman at my new church is just starting her writing journey! I've never had someone I KNOW be a writer and I am so excited!
Gwen Stewart said…
Dear Jessica,

I cherish your feedback on my blog...but blogger ate your comment! I clicked "publish" on your comment, but it disappeared.
:( I don't know why blogger does that sometimes. Just wanted you to know that I so value your feedback and I am so sorry it doesn't show up. Feel free to try again if you have time, but I understand if you don't.

God bless you today...
anita said…
That looks soooo fun! There's nothing in this world like meeting / socializing with other writers. :-)

Jessie, I love the jacket you wore with the dress! The perfect accessory. Is it velvet?

You all looked beautiful, BTW!
What a blast! There's nothing more uplifting (except being published!) than sharing writing with other writers. I never wanted the conferences to end that I went to. I was flying high the whole time! I have other local writers to share my passion with and it's such an inspiration and fun too!
Terri Tiffany said…
Love the pictures! Did I mention I'm headed to Seattle next week and meeting a writer there that I met online? Can't wait. It's Jan.
Linda Kage said…
I think I'm about to do something somewhat painful, but I won't care because then I'll have my own little baby to hold afterward.

But in the writing wold, yeah, I visited a new writing group a little over a week ago. Meeting new people with similar passions is very inspiring and energizing.

Glad you had fun at your conference. Awesome pictures.
MeganRebekah said…
I love seeing the pictures and hearing all the stories about online bloggers and friends meeting up like this. It looks like you all had a great time. I can't wait to hear more about the trip and what you learned!
So fun! Great pictures. I'm really glad you had a good time, Jessica, heels or no.

My last writerly group meeting was awesome, except for that stinkin' migraine... ;)
Unknown said…
Haven't met any writers face to face...but I'd like to! Maybe next year.

And I had that same problem on my wedding day. SUPER sore feet, but totally worth the pain :)
Diane said…
Volunteering at the school cafeteria. "Welcome to the jungle" keeps replaying in my mind! :O)
Deb Shucka said…
So glad you had such a great time. You're beaming in the pictures. The hanging from the tree one is still my favorite. :-)
You know, Jessica, you really DID NOT need those heels!!!!

I still feel overwhelmed with gratitude when I think of my time with you ladies. God really did bless me with each and every one of you at conference. And lucky me, my feet didn't hurt doing so.
Kara said…
It sounds like you had a wonderful time, so glad!
Giving birth comes to mind;)
Jessica Nelson said…
LOL! I love all of your comments! Thanks so much for sharing what hurts and yet gives you joy.
I completely agree with the birth comments (didn't use an epidural, lol).
MaryBeth, you really, really need to meet up with some writers!!! There has to be a way to find some for you. :-)
denise petrovich said…
It is nice for us bloggers to connect the names with the faces of the writers you met. Thanks for the pictures. Love Mom
It's the best feeling because you know they understand. I love that!

So glad you had a great time!
you were an absolute joy to meet as well, jess. sorry bout your feet! hope they feel better to match the happiness in your heart. :)

The Character Therapist
Warren Baldwin said…
Looks like it was a great trip! Glad you had a good time.
Oh, Jessie, you wore HEELS to a conference? I feel your pain.

Yes, I've done lots of painful things that were worth it. Marriage being at the top of the list. HA!

Glad you had such fun with these lovely buddies.
Jody Hedlund said…
LOVE all of the pictures! Heels are so fun! And as a SAHM, I found that being able to dress up a bit was SO much fun! I don't usually have that chance!!
Unknown said…
Well I live the closest to Jody and Jill...but those are some busy ladies! I'm going to try a local writers group this October. Hopefully I'll meet some cool writers there :)
Sarah Forgrave said…
Hi Jessica! I've seen you in passing over at Seekerville and thought I'd pop in. I didn't get to make it to the ACFW conf. this year and was bummed...maybe I'll get to connect w/ my cyberfriends next year! Tonight I'm actually meeting w/ a couple writing friends from my church for the first time. I didn't realize they were fellow writers (we go to a HUGE church) for the longest time, but God plunked them right in front of me. I love it when He does things like that!
I really would have loved to be there with you fabulous ladies! Honestly, sometimes I really don't feel like writing (stomach ache yesterday) and I do it b/c I'm almost always relieved and at peace when I'm done.
~ Wendy
I loved meeting you, Jessica. And I came away with sore feet (and happy heart) too. In fact, my right middle toe still feels squished! Ahh, what we do for a good pair of shoes--and a chance to wear them.
Looking forward to getting to know you better here in cyber world, but I will never forget your warmth and friendliness face-to-face.
Jessie Oliveros said…
Hmmm, pregnancy can be painful, but I guess I don't care because kids make me happy. Still waiting until I get to meet my cyber friends one day. You look very happy in those pictures-can't even tell you have sore feet.
Jessica Nelson said…
Jeanette, you're too funny, but exactly right. Marriage definitely ranks up there. LOL

Kristen, I think that's true. Remember Anne of Green Gables and her search for kindred spirits? That's kind of what it feels like to me, meeting other writers.

Thanks Jeannie. :-) You were fun too! I love your sense of humor.
Jessica Nelson said…
I felt the same way. I never, ever wear clothes like that and so it was just really fun. :-)

Yay MaryBeth! I almost thought to put a call out over the internet. LOL! I'm sure you'll meet some really nice people there. :-)

Hi Sarah, thank you for stopping by. :-) Like you, I'm in a large church and I've wondered if there are other writers lurking somewhere. LOL I hope you have tons of fun!
Jessica Nelson said…
Me too Wendy! It's like we know we have to get it done and once it's accomplished we feel freer to do whatever we want. Like eat chocolate and read. LOL! I hope you get to go to a conference soon. :-)
Jessica Nelson said…
That's so funny about your middle toe Evangeline! I wore open toed shoes so it's the balls of my feet that are still protesting. LOL
You were very warm too, and smart!

Hey Jessie,
How's your pregnancy going, btw? Kids are wonderful and I'm so excited for you! (I know you already have a son, but the more the merrier, right? LOL)
Jessie Oliveros said…
It's fine. Not comfortable, but I guess it's not supposed to be. 2 1/2 more months! And I agree-the more the merrier. I want four.
Jessica Nelson said…
Four is great. Very even for like when you go to the fair and stuff. LOL
kah said…
Aww you all look great! I wished I would have taken pics at my conference. I totally forgot. :(
I tagged you on my blog today.
Angie Ledbetter said…
Well worth the sore feet it looks like! So glad you had a blast. :D
Tana said…
I'm still on vacay, but I'm sooo jealous! Great pix!
Jennifer Shirk said…
Love the pics! It looks like you ladies had a BLAST!
tamika said…
Hi Jessica!

You are indeed glowing for all the right reasons. I'm glad you had such a fulfilling time deepening relationships and talking about all things writing!

Too many times I feel like I'm floating on a cloud that no one can see. Writers are a unique breed of people that are often only understood by other writers.

Look forward to chatting again.
Blessings to you...
Jill Kemerer said…
Love all the pictures! Have a wonderful weekend!
Jessica Nelson said…
Hi everyone, thanks for stopping! :-)
thank you for commenting. ;-) I totally agree about the cloud. LOL
Angie Muresan said…
Hi Jessica,
I'm a Christian mommy too, but as of yet, I'm not sure what it is I'm really writing. Research is keeping me busy, busy. Still, love your blog. Here via Steph in the City... how do you women write and blog every day? You're truly inspirational!
By the way, I've got a giveaway on my blog. Just in time for the holidays!!! If you'd like to be entered just leave comment on any of the posts. :)
Catherine West said…
Hi, Jessica,
I am glad you had a great time at ACFW. I can definitely relate to the sore feet part. I wasn't able to go this year, but definitely will try to get there next year. Perhaps we shall meet!
Anonymous said…
What great pictures!! Thanks for sharing.
Keli Gwyn said…
Jessica, I'm so glad you got to meet so many of your cyber writing pals. How I wish I'd been one of them, but my week was spent preparing for our DD's move to college that weekend. I'd love to be able to attend the ACFW conference next year. I'll have to see what the Lord has in store for me.

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