Blog Buddy Meet-Ups

I've been blessed in the last few weeks to meet up with two different sets of bloggers. First, I met Megan Rebekah and Karen Amanda Hooper at Megan's very awesome, completely cool house. We had a great time and I wish I brought my camera!

Then, last week Janna came down for vacation with her family and was able to meet up with Terri Tiffany and me at Cracker Barrel. Here's the pic, thanks to Janna and her camera!

Meeting with fellow bloggers is always so wonderful and uplifting. Is there a group you regularly meet with that encourages you? How far would you drive to meet a blog buddy?


Jennifer Shirk said…
Oh, how fun!!! Wish I was there!
I've only met up with bloggers at conferences, but it was like we've been friends for years. :)
Ooooo, I'm jealous! I would love to meet face to face with fellow bloggers.
Jessica Nelson said…
It is like being friends for years! There's an amazing comradeship.

Sherrinda, I hope this will be the year of meeting bloggers for you. *grin*
anita said…
I have a crit group that I meet with every Wednesday, and am so blessed we all live right here in the TX panhandle so we don't have to go any farther than our hostess's house.

BUT, there's one particular blog/email buddy that I would drive all the way to FL to meet. (Not mentioning any names--heh). That would be a pretty looooong trip, but would be completely worth it just for the sweet memories. ;-)
I'll so pretend I was there in spirit. What a great crowd to be in! Those ladies are awesome (as are you). I'd make effort. I've felt such a huge support from bloggers.
~ Wendy
Jessica Nelson said…
Anita, awwww. *grin* I'd drive to Texas too!

Wendy, there really is support. It's pretty cool. Maybe because by nature bloggers are people who reach out? I'm not sure...
HOw wonderful for you! I have driven 2 1/2 hours several times to meet with Patti Lacy and her writers' group. Worth every minute and mile!
Jessica Nelson said…
I know, I'm jealous, Jeanette! Hahaaa. ;-) I think it's worth it too.
Jody Hedlund said…
I saw this picture over on Janna's blog and was completely jealous then, and I still am now!! I'm just glad I got to meet you at ACFW last year. I'm looking forward to it again in Sept. and seeing old friends and perhaps meeting new blogging friends. It's a huge blessing to meet face to face!
Keli Gwyn said…
I have a few local writer friends, including one agency mate who is in my Toastmasters club. I love my periodic lunch dates with them. No one can talk writing like another writer. :D

I'll be attending RWA® Nationals this year as well as the ACFW conference, and I'm oh, so eager to meet many of you, my awesome blogging buddies.
Anonymous said…
So fun to meet up with so many friends! :O) Great pic.
Susanne Dietze said…
How fun! I envy you, both for meeting up with writing friends, and for eating at Cracker Barrel! LOL we don't have one near us. Sigh.

I am hoping to meet up with one buddy in another state this summer, and I can't wait. We do form special friendships with fellow writer, don't we?
Tamika: said…
Add me to the jealous list! I want to meet blogger friends too. *Insert whine*
Angie Muresan said…
I am jealous too. I left such a comment on Janna's blog thinking with time I might feel better. Yet two days later, I'm still jealous. Not good.
Thinking of you, and I've been keeping you in my prayers since you started your little break. Hope the interview went well.
Julie Dao said…
That is sooo cool! I would love to have a blog buddy meet-up someday :)
Patti said…
Living in Canada makes it hard to meet up with anyone. One day I'll have to take a road trip.
How fun! I have not met any other bloggers, besides MB from Desperately Searching For My Inner Mary Poppins, but I met her before I started blogging. :)
Tana said…
Oh my goodness you ladies look awesome!!! How very fun. I wish I could say I've met at least one blogger buddy but no, not even one. There's always tomorrow, right? ;)
patti said…
I would travel all the way to Dallas, to Minnesota (and did!!) to meet fellow writers.

Diana and I just may connect soon and I'll only have to drive one hour!

Jeanette does it all the time (she gives up about two hours) to come to "NORMAL."

Love this place! And thanks Jessica, for all your encouragement!!!

Jessica Nelson said…
Jodi, I agree, Blessing is the right word!! :-) I hope I get to meet you again sometime. The conference was definitely wonderful because of all the blogging buddies I got to meet. :-)

Keli, you said no one can talk writing like another writer... Totally agree! *grin*

It was fun. Thanks for stopping by, Diane.
Jessica Nelson said…
We do, Susanne. There's just so many things I feel like writers have in common. Some just even personality traits. I hope you have an awesome time with your summer friend. :-)

LOL Tamika! A jealous list... I like that. Heehee.

Angie, I appreciate prayers so much! Thank you. :-) I think the interview went well. Guess I'll find out! I'm sorry you're still jealous. I understand that feeling. Maybe I need to pray that God will send a writing friend your way!
Jessica Nelson said…
Julie, I hope you do! I can't even explain how fun it is. :-)

Patti, that would be hard. I know of another Canadian blogger, but I'm not sure how far you are from each other.

Melinda!! You know MaryBeth? LOL Now that makes me feel a little green. :-) She's so funny. I hope you get to meet some other bloggers too.
Jessica Nelson said…
Eeek! T. Anne, I can't believe how many of you haven't met anyone. I hope you get too soon. You never know... :-)

Patti L, I'm like you. I'd drive quite a ways just to meet a blogging friend. :-)
Dara said…
I meet up with my crit group every week but I've only met one other fellow blogger and that was during NaNo. She lives about an hour's drive away and commutes for school (which is why I got to meet her).

I know a few other blogging buddies live in Cincy, which isn't more than an hour's drive, yet I haven't gotten the chance to meet up with them yet.
Project Journal said…
This would be AMAZING!!!!! I would love to meet some of my blogger friends *grin* Unfortunately, I'm still in high school, so mom wouldn't be so pleased with the idea.

I live pretty close (only a few hours away) to a couple of my buddies, but the others are all.....ummmm....not even close! Lol!

Glad you had lots of fun!
Elana Johnson said…
This is the ultimate kind of meeting. I've loved meeting my blogging friends in real life. I don't know how far I'd drive. I've driven about 50 miles before...

Such a great pic! Thanks for sharing.
Sarah Forgrave said…
What fun! I tend to leave my camera behind when I need it the most too. :-)

Hopefully I'll meet lots of blogging friends at the ACFW conference in September! I could even host a cookout since it's in my backyard. LOL
Hi Jess -

I saw Janna's post, as well as Terri's about your meet-up. What fun!

Susan :)
Deb Shucka said…
So glad you three had this time together! You all glow with happiness.
Terri Tiffany said…
I drove an hour and was SOOOO worth it!!:)) Do I look frumpy or what????
I wish I was there too! Looks like so much fun!
Jessica Nelson said…
Terri, You did NOT look frumpy.
Hi guys, FUN is the operative word!
Sarah, I hope you get to meet lots of bloggers at the conference. I guess that means you're going? ;)
How far would I drive? Oh, say 1500 miles or so. ;)

It was a blast. And I'm open to meeting as many as possible! I've met one other blogger/writer bud (Melissa Amateis), and have another one or two in the works. Can't beat it!
kah said…
Yay for meet ups! It's always so good to see you. We have to do it again soon. :)
Nancy said…
It looks like you had a wonderful time. What fun that would be. I don't drive the freeway anymore, so I couldn't go too far. Perhaps if I had an easy route I could.
What fun!

The furthest I've had to drive to meet someone is maybe an hour or so away. But, who knows what I'd do or how far I'd drive to say hello *laugh*!
PS = although I have driven or flown many many miles to visit family and hope to meet people while there - I misse dDeb Shucka in the Northwest at Christmas - so hope to see her next time I'm there!
C.L. Dyck said…
Well - I'm trying to figure out how to get to New Zealand to visit with a longtime bloggy buddy and critique partner. Other than that, a lot of places in the States. I'm blessed to have a family that loves to travel and appreciates the excuse to see new places. :-)

Still making the decision on ACFW conference for this year. I have a lot of reasons to go, but I'm trying to figure if it's the best means of approaching those reasons.

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