Pace Yourself

I've confessed my willingness to clean, but don't think I'm manic. When it comes to housework, I pace myself.

Going crazy trying to be perfect or do everything never helps anyone. Pacing can make or break a great story: I think it can make or break a great life too.

How do you pace yourself when it comes to chores, family and career? When the craziness starts creeping in, what do you do?


Jennifer Shirk said…
Yes, I do. I'm not the type to spend hours doing a full-on cleaning. More like one day, I'll vacuum, another day I'll tackle the bathrooms, etc..

When craziness starts creeping in, I wake up earlier to get more things done (and to have a little mmore time to myself) :)
Jessica Nelson said…
True, Jennifer. That's how I do it too. A few goals for each day, manageable stuff.
You wake up earlier? I'm impressed. :-)
I'm a control, perfectionist, Type A who has schedules for everything! But what I'm learning to do is be flexible and spontaneous! It's tough to my age...! But it keeps me calm and brings often wonderful surprises!
Jessica Nelson said…
That's true Donna! Why is it so hard for us to let go? Usually being spontaneous is more fun than we ever expect. :-)
The balancing act never seems to get easier. Sometimes I go in bursts, and pray it all gets gone :D
Linda Kage said…
usually, I just cry. But there's got to be something more productive than that! Stepping back and making a snack might work though!
Jessica Nelson said…
Linda, I'm with you on the snack. I've noticed I'm much grumpier and stressed when I'm hungry. I hope your daughter starts sleeping at night soon. :-)
Cleaning? What's that? To pace myself I ask the tough questions, like do I really need this in my life right now. If not, I cut it out. Stuff like that.

~ Wendy
denise petrovich said…
I was horrible at pacing when I was younger and spent many years rushing to and fro and missing alot of my girls in the interim. Now, Thanks to God and his grace, I have learned to pace and do enjoy my life and family much, much more. Take a deep breath and enjoy.
Jessica Nelson said…
Sounds good to me. Like when I'm stressing about my bed not being made, I just don't need that. Heehee. Good advice Wendy!
Jessica Nelson said…
Yay for mom! You were pretty fast-paced, but I still think we had some fun experiences together. :-)
patti said…
Jessica, a hard one, huh?
The Holy Spirit offers fabulous and perfect counsel when life creeps in. After prayer, I make a to-do list and use it as a guideline. He will help you know what NEEDS to be done.

Blessings for your sweet, desirous heart!!

Jessica Nelson said…
Prayer. LOL That should be first on my list, right? Thanks for the wise words Patti. :-)
Tamika: said…
Pacing. P-A-C-I-N-G. I am never good in the department.

With chore, I'm frantic. From room to room in a flurry. My husband trips over chord, and chokes on cleaning agents, praying I'll be finished soon.

Family, they do a good job of keeping me grounded.

And writing, looks a lot like my chores.

Jaime Wright said…
First I panic. Then I drink a gallon of coffee. Then I give up and watch TV ;)
Jessica Nelson said…
Jaime! Too funny. :-)

Tamika, eek, I think I might be like you. Kind of. I always do my chores fast, but I only do them in the morning. So once it's afternoon, my life sloooooows. I hope you stop choking your hubby with all those fumes! LOL
Angie Muresan said…
I write before my kids wake up, blog after they're done with breakfast, take them to the playground after lunch, clean like mad, start dinner, spend time with the family, tuck the kids into bed, clean like mad, and finally call it a day. Phew!!!
Hi Jess -

To-do lists keep me sane. I love checking off each item as it's done. Too bad there's always something to replace it. :)

I try to be flexible, especially if someone needs me.

Julie Dao said…
Luckily I don't have to balance writing with a family just yet! Right now it's all about me, me, me. I like cleaning but am not manic either - I just like to neaten things up every now and then :)
Elana Johnson said…
You mean I have to apply pacing to my real life as well?? Yeah, okay. I do. When things get too crazy, I curl up with a blanket and a movie. It's the best medicine for a busy life.
Surround myself with friends who remind me to breathe. :0) And I force myself to stop. Easier said than done.
Tana said…
OK Jessica, we need to have a serious talk. Tel me now how to keep my nest clean, I just can't seem to do it. I clean everyday and then some and still cannot win this battle. When the kids were babies it was much easier. The dogs and my husband don't help either. I once had a male housekeeper but he was so sexed up I made my husband fire him or I threatened to sleep with him. He was gone the next day. I'd blog about it but I'm afraid he'd read it! LOL.
Dawn Simon said…
You're right, pacing yourself is important. Sometimes I have to remind myself to balance everything, but having a schedule helps. I totally tackle cleaning in little blasts. Usually my whole house isn't clean at the same time unless company is coming. ;)
Karen Hossink said…
Ah, this sounds an awful lot like BALANCE. And I am not always very good with that. But I'm getting better.
The biggest thing for me has been learning to say NO and YES at the right times.
And being OK with getting little jobs done. Yes. Baby steps are my friend! *grin*
Jessica Nelson said…
Well, most of you sound like you got this DOWN. :-)
Jessica Nelson said…
T. Anne....I hope that story you just told was a joke. *grin* And not some deep, inner dream. Snort.

Heehee, you cracked me up!
Amy DeTrempe said…
Every time I set a schedule that makes sure the is family time, work, clearning, excercising, writing, etc. something happens that ruins it - lol. I just do the best I can.
Jessica Nelson said…
Too funny Amy! Gotta love the schedule-ruiners. Heh.
Jessie Oliveros said…
Oh isn't that THE question?? My house is messy and my ms is far from done. There aren't enough hours in a day.
Pacing myself when it comes to home and family? That's difficult - mostly I just try to seize the moments that I have and try to get when I can done, and then just try not to sweat whatever is left unfinished.
Kathy said…
I would say I just prioritize. I can't juggle too many things at once or I do get crazy.

Some things just have to go on a back burner until I can get to them.
Deb Shucka said…
Routine helps. And when craziness happens, I go for a walk or go to yoga, then disappear into a good book.
Warren Baldwin said…
I make a list of priorities then I ignore it. I get behind then have to stay up late and work frantically to finish it. Since I have been doing this for 30 years I suppose that is my style. Still don't like it.
Jessica Nelson said…
Jessie, if we had more hours I bet we'd still be as busy. That's the real kicker. *sigh*

Kathy, yep. :-)

Deb, I love disappearing into a book too. :-) It's a great stress reliever.

Warren!!! LOL You're supposed to say what works for you, not what you fail at. Heehee! I love it though. Thanks for the comment and the laugh. I think we've all done that.
Kara said…
I'm constantly trying to revamp my schedule to fit everything in. Somedays I just let it all go and enjoy the moment and know that tomorrow I will try to catch up:)

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