I Have a Job

Today I start training for a waitressing job at the golf course next door so I'll be absent from the blogosphere.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!


I used to enjoy waitressing. And at a golf course...beautiful views! Score. Or is that four? ;)

Wow, it's going to be one of those Fridays for me.
~ Wendy
Diane said…
I have had numerous waitressing jobs and loved them. Hope the training goes well and it meets your family's needs. :O)
Terri Tiffany said…
And do you get free gold:))LOL COngrats on getting something. I know you wanted to. I hope the hours are good!
kah said…
Yay! Congrats! That's awesome news. Let us know how it goes. :)
Linda Kage said…
Have fun. See you when you come back.

And just think how great this will be for your writing. You'll meet so many new and varied people, you'll have lots more characteristics to write about!
Sarah Forgrave said…
I used to work at a golf course and LOVED the views from my "office." Good luck with the new job!
anita said…
Congrats and have fun at the training, Jessie! ;-) Can't wait to hear all about it.
Have fun, and I hope you make great tips :D
Angie Muresan said…
Best wishes for you. I just know you'll make a ton of great tips!
Keli Gwyn said…
Congrats on the new job, Jessie. How nice that it's close to home.

I wonder if there's a golf pro hero or heroine in your future.
Deb Shucka said…
I hope you find fun in this new adventure!
Jill Kemerer said…
Congratulations! You're going to have so many fun people to study for your books! :)
Elana Johnson said…
I hope it goes well for you! Have a great weekend.
Hi Jess -

Congrats on the job! Have a nice weekend.

Susan :)
Susanne Dietze said…
Congrats on the new job! I'll be praying for a great start. Have a good weekend.
Tana said…
Have fun! Make lots of tips!!!!
Jessie Oliveros said…
So when you are writing full-time and Oprah interviews you, you can tell her that once-upon-a-time you waited tables. She'll be so impressed.
Jessica Nelson said…
Thanks Ladies! It was great. Busy but it's fun meeting new people, etc. :-)
Very funny, Jessie. *grin*

I hope to pop on by your blogs later today!
Gwen Stewart said…
Hi Jessica,

I've been busy too...way too busy. I've missed the blogosphere, but hope to get back to it in full swing as summer resumes.

Best wishes in your new job. Waitressing is fun and fast-paced; I waitressed in no less than six restaurants, and loved each job!

God bless you this weekend.
Emily Conrad said…
I hope you enjoy the job!
Julie Musil said…
Good luck with the job. I love your "about me" as a Christian mommy. Two of the most important labels out there!
Wow. I'm proud of you! Make tons of tips!


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