I'd Forgotten about Myself
Last Friday I did my first day of training for a waitress position. It's been eight years since I last waitressed, but on Friday I remembered something about myself.
I like it.
I like serving people their food, getting drinks, writing down orders, bustling around and being busy. It made me think of my characters and of the careers I give them. Remembering also made me think about the different types of personalities and how funny that I, someone who doesn't necessarily seek out social situations, like waitressing.
What kind of job do you have right now? Do you like it? What does your main character do and what does that job say about your MC's personality?
I like it.
I like serving people their food, getting drinks, writing down orders, bustling around and being busy. It made me think of my characters and of the careers I give them. Remembering also made me think about the different types of personalities and how funny that I, someone who doesn't necessarily seek out social situations, like waitressing.
What kind of job do you have right now? Do you like it? What does your main character do and what does that job say about your MC's personality?
I am an attendance clerk/registrar at an elementary school. It is a demanding job and I would like it a whole lot better if I didn't have to be a receptionist too. I get interrupted so much I can't get my "real" job done. :)
My current characters are:
heroine: fashion model
hero: successful fashion photographer turned construction worker
My MC of my WIP (I swear I'm not rapping) is a realtor, but she'd rather be an artist.
~ Wendy
Wendy, I KNOW what you mean. My almost three year old def. has his moments. Heh.
Cool MC! My husband is a realtor too.
I'm not working now, although I've been approached lately to go back to being a pharmacist. Not sure what I'll do.
I waitressed for two months and hated it. Although I'm sociable, the pecking order and drama among the girls I worked with was too much stupidity for the money I made. Sounds like you have a much better working environment.
I love my current job--office manager at a family-owned office supply store. I indulge my addiction to pens and post-it notes, and get a sneak peek at what new supplies are coming out. Yippee Dippee!
Maybe you like making people happy. A people pleaser!
I am a homemaker and I love it. Even better, I get to balance it with writing. A good deal all around :)
Jeanette, I agree with you about God. He is sweet. That's so funny you didn't like waitressing! You're right, there's drama. It usually floats right past me though. LOL I ignore it easily. I'm so glad you have a job you like!
Cindy, being a homemaker is a wonderful thing. I'll confess that while I love being with my kids, I don't much care for cooking for my family. lol
I can't remember orders either. Thus my handy pad. :-)
Property management is where I ended up and so far I have yet to spill anything on anyone. So it's a much better fit. ;)
Just started working as a cashier in a pharmacy, and last night I really enjoyed it. Some, er, MOST days are crazy busy, but last night was relaxed busy. I like having the opportunity to interact with all kinds of people - especially love it when there are kids involved.
Right now I'm a writer/editor for English language teaching materials. 'She' sits at a desk all day writing and editing monotonous material she's seen a hundred times and wishing she was writing her book. :)
I love this title. It holds so much meaning. I think we become so busy with life we do forget about ourselves and what crazy things we like. I've never waitress-ed, but I think I would like the hustle and bustle and people, too. Cheers~
I was a waitress from the age of 14 to 18 and loved it. It was a summer job, hard but fun. I loved the banter with the customers. I suppose my nursing career was along those lines too.
My POV is a seamstress. I am fortunate to have the chance to stay at home now. So I write.
How are your feet holding up?
I'm glad you're enjoying the waitressing job. At this point, I'm unemployed. However, I'm working on my small business and writing so make the best use of my time while I search.
Susan :)
Right now I'm a mommy and a writer, and the two do not always play nice!
My MC works for a wine distributor, so she gets paid to drink wine...a job that I would likely enjoy :P
Have fun with the new job!
You know what I do--and trying to find a job again in the social service field.
TOday I am meeting with some missionaires to possibly volunteer to teach them computer and how to write memoirs --if that's what they need. Have to get out of this house!!LOL
Thanks for stopping by my blog. What a wonderful teacher your child had to write a personal note! If only all of our kids could be so blessed!
Can't imagine being a waitress. They work so hard and have so much to do and remember. I'm so glad you found something that you like.
Lynn, it actually wasn't for my son's grade but I heard from other parents how effective it was. :-)
LOL Terri! Huge tips would be awesome. :-) I hope your meeting goes well!
My current MCs don't have careers since the stories often take place in a time before women worked outside the home. My current one did some side work as a seamstress, and she liked the work when all she could focus on was the needle and creating her garments. She didn't like it so much when she had to work with people--she's rather solitary, but that's due to being viewed as an outcast all her life.
Pffbbttt! My real job, writing,
What does that say? I should do more writing...
I used to be a waitress and decided to make the main character in my current wip a waitress. You meet so many interesting people and have so many funny situations...It made for some great story fodder. :-)