I Have Another Job

Well, I got another job at a bank (yay!). I'll be working Mondays and Fridays, so my new blogging day will be Wednesdays for a while. I like responding to your comments and hate when I miss you all from being too busy.

I'm going to be out of the blogosphere for the next two weeks because I have training.

Will miss you all and look forward to diving back in the blogosphere later on! Pray for me, if you would. :-)

And in return, do any of you need prayer for anything? I'll be getting an hour lunch, plenty of time to talk to God. :-)


Congrats! I hope it goes really well for you.

And I like your new color scheme here, too. :)
Terri Tiffany said…
I am so glad you got this! I know you have the experience and will enjoy it:)
kathy taylor said…
Jessica, I am so happy about your good news. Enjoy!
Lydia Kang said…
Congrats on your good news!
Congratulations! You will get lots of new ideas for your books in a bank! Just don't go to sleep...LOL!

Yes, please pray that our trip to CO. go smoothly, and that my DH have no pain in his shoulder. He's doing much better, thank God.

And Krista's baby Annabelle is on my heart, too. Pray for her on one of your lunches, please.

Danyelle L. said…
*hugs* Hope everything goes well for you. :D
Jennifer Shirk said…
Great news! Hope your training goes smoothly. Will catch up with you on Wedesdays then. :)
Melissa said…
What great news! Hope training goes well and my thoughts will be with you.
Katie Ganshert said…
Congrats Jessica! I'll pray for your transition. I could use the same prayers, as school starts next week!
Diane said…
I hope you really enjoy this job. Praying it is a fit for you and your family. :O)
Karen Lange said…
Congrats on the job! I will miss you though. Know we'll be thinking of and praying for you.
Happy weekend,
patti said…
Oh, Jessica, you dear one, offering to pray for US on your hour off.

What a sweetheart. May God bless you with loving coworkers and time to still pursue your other passions.

Tabitha Bird said…
Congrats for your Jessica. Enjoy the hour lunch break. Gosh, that sounds dreamy in itself :)
Congratulations. Hope to still see you around. I'll be by to read your posts.
~ Wendy
Congrats on new job! Way to go! Hope it works out well for you and you get lots of good story lines from your experience there!
anita said…
Hey Jessie! Congrats, and my prayers are with you that you'll enjoy the experience, make tons of new friends, and still have time for writing. :-) Oh, and I'll pray that your hubby and the boys get closer during their new bonding time on Mondays and Fridays. Heehee

You're so sweet to put us all in your prayers. You already know my biggest prayer request: my kiddos. Even more so since school's about to start.

Hope you have a great Saturday, dear friend!
Nancy said…
Wonderful. You get to dress up and look nice. I always enjoy doing that. Stay calm during the training. I know that they throw a lot at you at once. You can do it. I'll be glad when you get back to your blog.
Sarah Forgrave said…
Good idea on the new blog schedule. Hope the new job goes well!
Congratulations and have fun! Thinking of you.
Warren Baldwin said…
Congratulations on the job, and thanks for the offer of prayer. I have two kids starting new semesters next week - one the last semester of her senior year of college (she'll be student teaching) and the other his first semester of law school. I know we would appreciate prayer for them! Thanks. wb
Belle said…
Congratulations! Have fun with the training!
Linda Kage said…
Good Luck. I hope everything works out well for you.
kah said…
I'm late to the CONGRATS party but, yay!!!! Congratulations. Hope you love it. :)
Deb Shucka said…
I hope your new job goes well. Prayers are on their way. Love the new look. See you when you're ready.
Congrats on your new job! :)
Angie Muresan said…
Congratulations and best of wishes! May God be with you in all you do.
Jessica Nelson said…
Hi everyone! Thank you so much for your well-wishes. Today's my first day...Eeek! :-)
Jeanette, I will definitely be keeping you and your hubby's traveling in my prayers.
Anita, you always are. :-)
Warren, I'd be happy to pray for your children. :-)
Katie, you've probably already started, but I'll be thinking of you!
Jody Hedlund said…
Oh, Jessica! Sounds like a lot of changes in store for you over the fall! Hope that you're able to get into a good routine! Will miss you, but will be praying it all goes well! :-)
Debra E. Marvin said…
Things Change. Nuff said.
You built a nice community of followers and comment"ers" here who will continue to look for your Wednesday updates.

Enjoy your new job! Be blessed.
Keli Gwyn said…
Congrats on the new job, Jessie! I hope it's one you enjoy.
Tamika: said…
Congratulations Jessica! I understand about work breaking you away from the blogshere, I've been dealing with a bit of that myself.

Enjoy that hour lunch~ plenty of time to talk to God is a treat indeed:)
And you're going to do a GREAT job!!!
Robyn Campbell said…
CONGRATS! Can we come to you for all our banking needs? hehe

I shall come back Wednesday. *hugs*
Congratulations! Looking foward to your return.
Jill Kemerer said…
Wonderful! Hope the new transition is easy for you!
Robyn Campbell said…
Where are you?? I hope the new job is going great. Talk soon. *hugs*

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