Winner of A Hope Undaunted, and other Books I've been Reading
And the winner is...

Molly!! Congrats! Shoot me an e-mail with your mailing info and we'll get your copy out to you. :-)
I've read a few books lately that I've loved.
A lady from work lent this book to me and I really enjoyed it. The genre and voice was a little different from my normal reads but guess what? The girl still gets the guy. :-) You'll have to read to find out which guy she gets! Besides the wonderful hero and romantic love of the story, there are some other great nuggets of wisdom in this read. I'd definitely recommend it.
I flew through this book. I felt like I had to know what happened next. I think what made this story so powerful was the characterization. From the first page you know you're dealing with a heroine who is both ruthless and incredibly loyal. These qualities really made the story compelling. That and the high level of personal stakes involved for the heroine.
I've been disappointed with most of Dekker's latest offerings but this one surprised me and gives me hope for future stories. A couple different things hooked me in this story. The unique worldview (gypsy), the mystery of what happened during the fire, and the romance. The twist in the story at the end is very intriguing, very Dekker (could be Healy too, I just haven't read enough of her to know for sure)
What have you enjoyed reading lately? Anything out of your norm? What's on your TBR list?

Molly!! Congrats! Shoot me an e-mail with your mailing info and we'll get your copy out to you. :-)
I've read a few books lately that I've loved.

What have you enjoyed reading lately? Anything out of your norm? What's on your TBR list?
Hey, thanks so much for the comment on my blog. I am so thankful for God's grace in bringing me through a really crappy childhood and I believe He has plans to use my pain and my life for His glory. Thanks for following Jess and for all the times you make the effort to come across and comment.
Tabitha, and likewise, I appreciate all the times you pop over here! Also, I learn sooo much from you. Thank you. :-)
I just finished Jody's book and picked up Every Good & Perfect Gift last night. Got into it right away. Love when a book does that.
~ Wendy
I appreciate your reviews.
Thanks for praying for Kate, Jess. Things don't look good right now. But all that can change with prayer. And besides, her Holly (her mama) and Aaron (her daddy) really need prayer too. They are faithful to trust in the Lord, (Aaron is a preacher) but they are drained. And I know where they are coming from. Having to worry about a child's health is THE WORST!
Hugs my friend. :)
Hey Robyn,
Yeah, I won't be reading the second and third 'cause I've heard that too. I'd rather stay happy with the first.
I can't imagine what it would be like to live with the pain of a sick child everyday. I'll keep praying for them.
I can't wait to read the Dekker/Tosca Lee book coming out soon. I don't know the title, but with those two, who cares?
Thanks for the comment about the teen post. I'm going to have all 3 lectures up eventually.
The coffehouse is so neat. I take my college daughter there every morning when there on a visit. Some nights, too. College town, so the place is hopping even at midnight. How do they sleep with all that caffein? Proceeds from the shop fund well drilling and food for an African nation. Pretty neat.
After that, it's a newer book, Chasing Lilacs by Carla Stewart. And then a couple Nora Roberts and JD Robb books--that's what I get for attending RWA this year!!
Woohoo, Terri! Better go and get it! *grin*
Warren, that's pretty awesome. What a cool place to go. :)
Oooh, Diane, I hadn't heard of that one but the title is intriguing!
Hey Cheryl, I've heard Chasing is really good! I hope you enjoy. And kudos for reading P&P. I probably won't ever read Austen. Loved To Kill A Mockingbird though!
Thanks for popping by, T. Anne. :-) It's easy to be honest about books I've liked, you know?
Thanks for the reading suggestions! Since Friday is payday I plan to treat myself to Jody's new book.
I'm reading comparison books for my proposal. Then Jody Hedlund's book is next on the list.
Congrats to Molly!
I've read a couple of Alton Gansky books the last few weeks. Good stuff. You'll be seeing them on my blog, so I won't say much here.
Susan :)
YAY! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I have sent you an email!!!
Can't wait to get it!
Now if I can dig out of the writers cave and READ!
Patti, those are books I've heard of, so they must be good!
Nancy, I've never heard of those but the titles are intriguing!
Tamika, you should. It sucks you in.
Sarah, you're reading them? That's pretty cool!
Lynn, oooh, I hadn't even heard of that one!It sounds intriguing.
You're welcome, Molly. :-) I hope you get it soon!
Deb, somehow I'm not surprised that you've read her. :-)
Jill, that title sounds really interesting! And yeah, even though I mostly read in the same genres, I like diversity. The one thing common to all three of these is a satisfying, romantic ending. *grin*