
The self-promotion madness has started!

Many of you know I sent out some of my book copies to those who wanted them for review purposes. Some sweet ladies have already posted their reviews so here's the linkage to that, as well as a guest post.

My memories of my grandma's silo (and a giveaway) at Anita Mae Draper's blog

Brandi Boddie gave an awesome review. I loved her breakdown of my characters. :-)

Rebecca Miller also did a sweet review of Love On The Range

Then, I came across some interesting articles.

Abingdon editor Ramona Richards on what can happen at a conference

Women on Writing dish out critique group advice


Oh Jessica, it's cool to see you encouraged in this way!
~ Wendy
Lindsay Harrel said…
Yay! I just finished your book and LOVED it. Will be sending you questions for an interview over at my blog soon! Woo hoo! Happy to cheer for you.
Sandra Orchard said…
The reviews are awesome. Congratulations!
Unknown said…
Great reviews! Excited to read your book myself. Congrats!
Jessica Nelson said…
Thanks Melissa, Sandra and Wendy! I paid them off, you know. *grin* JUST KIDDING (for anyone out there about to press a suit! lol)

Lindsay, cool, I'm so glad you liked it!! :-)
I thought your book was wonderful! Can't wait to have you in a week or so. I saw that article by Ramona, but haven't read it yet. On my way!
Terri Tiffany said…
I am so excited for you and happy to watch your progress:))) A book signing!!
Jessica Nelson said…
Thanks Jessica. :-) It was a cool article.

Hey Miss Terri!! Thanks for popping by. :-)
Cindy R. Wilson said…
Yay! Congrats on your book again. This is so exciting. I've been so behind on reading but I'm starting to get back into it, so I HAVE to put your book on my list :)
Linda Kage said…
It has begun!! Woo Hoo! Congrats on the good reviews and what a wonderful guest post.
Linda Kage said…
It has begun!! Woo Hoo! Congrats on the good reviews and what a wonderful guest post.
Loree Huebner said…
I read Brandi's awesome review yesterday, and I am really looking forward to reading your book! I'm so excited for you! You go girl! Woot!
Jessica Nelson said…
Hey Cindy, don't you hate when life gets in the way of our reading? Blech.

LOL Linda, yep, it's begun. Heehee.

Loree, I saw your sweet comment! Thanks. :-)
Julie Dao said…
So cool!! Congrats on your book - I really, really need to read it. Is it on Goodreads yet? I'm going to add it as soon as I get home.
Brandi Boddie said…
It was a great book, Jessica. I'll be placing my reviews on Amazon and B&N shortly!
Jessica Nelson said…
Hey Julie, yep, it's on goodreads. Are we friends on there? I should find you...

Brandi, your review sounded so professional! And of course it made me smile and squee (just a little, lol)
Isn't this entire process just so cool??? Congrats on your book, Jessica. I plan to do a review later in April. Hugs!
Stacy Henrie said…
Doing the happy dance for you, Jessica! :) Those are great reviews.
Sarah Forgrave said…
Are you pinching yourself yet? :) So fun to see the links!
Jessica Nelson said…
It is, Cheryl!

Yes, Sarah, I do have to keep pinching myself!! lol

Hi Stacy, Thanks! So far, so good. *crossing fingers*
Congrats, Jess! When does your book officially launch so the rest of us can get a copy?
Janet Smart said…
Congratulations! You have some great links there, I'm going to have to do some blog hopping.
Jennifer Shirk said…
YAY!! So looking forward to reading it!!
Nancy said…
Everything sounds so exciting. I'm glad you got such great reviews. I'm definitely going to get your book. Can't wait.
Karen Lange said…
Thanks for the links! Visited Anita's blog just a moment ago, and will check out these other links.

Yay, Jessie! Can't wait to see all the reviews. I know they'll be wonderful because your book is. HEE.

Off to check them out. <3
Jessica Nelson said…
Susan, it's on shelves in April. :-)

Thank you everyone for your sweet comments!!
Katie Ganshert said…
You're getting SO close, Jessica!!! How are you feeling?? Nervous? Nauseous? Uber uber excited?
Lauren F. Boyd said…
So excited for you and your debut novel!!!!

And glad to have you at my blog! Many thanks!
It was an awesome story and a fun read, plus I learned so much about that era! I will be posting a review soon!

Kara said…
My review will be coming soon. It was truly a wonderful book Jessica. You should be very proud!!
Linda Glaz said…
Excellent book, Jess, for another who's wondering. You're an amazing writer!!!

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