Butt On Chair
Butt In Seat
Butt Glue

This is what writers should do. Sit down and write. For many of us, especially if unpublished or without a contract, we tend to procrastinate. Right when we're about to write, we remember that our blinds need cleaning.

Back in the day, I used to pound out 1k a day. I'm trying to work back up to that but it's been pretty challenging.

Do you have daily goals with your writing? What area in life do you find yourself procrastinating the most?


Rachel said…
I'm really bad at procrastinating, either with the internet or with housework. Seriously, just knowing that there are chores needing done can make it harder to concentrate! I've started going to a cafe in town two afternoons a week and not letting myself leave until I've caught up with my writing. And always a cafe that doesn't have wifi ;)

My goal for June and July has been to write 1.5K a day so that I can finish my WIP by the end of July. Some days I write less, so I have to catch up at the weekends. So if I meet me goal during the week, I can relax on weekends.

I'm hoping to spend August editing my book but I've no idea how to approach editing goals. Any advice? Edit X number of chapters a day, etc?
Gwen Stewart said…
It's a funny thing, Jessica. I wrote gangbusters for a few years, then things stalled out. But I'm okay with it. I feel God telling me to just lie low and wait on Him. We'll see what He has in store--if anything--for my writing.

Happy summer!
Currently, spend at least 2 solid hours editing.

I just used Mod Podge for the first time. Kind of think Mod Podging myself to my chair would work well. But then I know my kiddos would find a way to pry me off. ;-)
~ Wendy
Katie Ganshert said…
We are totally going through the same thing! I used to pound out that sort of wordage too, easy. It's been a struggle lately!
Lindsay Harrel said…
I literally just finished revisions on an ms, so I'm taking a week or two off, but then I need to start brainstorming my next one! I've been revising for so long that it may take awhile to get used to writing that first draft again! I can usually pound out 1k an hour...though it's not a pretty 1k. LOL
Julie Dao said…
I was soooo tired when I came home yesterday, but I forced my butt into that chair and managed to get 3,000 words out. It's hard to start, but when you get into the groove, you're glad you did! Sounds like exercise, no? :D
Unknown said…
I'm trying to get my WIP edited, but I'm sooooo sick of this story. Ugh!
Jessica Nelson said…
Rachel, what a great idea to go to that cafe! :-) Wish I could do that. Internet is killer. lol
As for editing, I'm kind of bad at goals so I've never had a set editing goal, but I've always found it easier. I usually read through the story on the computer first, fixing things along the way (this is after critters have seen some chapters). Then I get a full read from writer friends. Maybe two? After they read, I go in and make changes, then I print out and read through for a final time. Do you have a crit group or critters? They're a wonderful help. :-)
Loree Huebner said…
I've just been through revisions - again. Today I'm going back to my new WIP. I'm so excited.

I try to do 1000K a day. I also work full time, and if I can stick to this, I can get a first draft done quickly.
Jessica Nelson said…
Gwen, I totally believe God does that and we all have different seasons for writing. :-)

Wendy, lol, what is mod podge??? *grin*

Katie, I don't know if it was me working and kids in school, or maybe it was selling and working so much on marketing, but I really would like to get back in the groove. I hope you do too! (though give yourself some leeway cuz you've got some crazy busy stuff going on!)
Jessica Nelson said…
That's what I got stuck in, I think. Revising, revising, then selling and more I'm trying to tell myself that this WIP doesn't have to be pretty either. Just get the words down!!!

Julie, completely true. If I can get the document open then the writing usually will start. Though 3k is way more than my norm. Kudos to you, girl!
Jessica Nelson said…
Oh Julie J, I've so been there! *hugs*

Yay Loree! It's awesome to be excited. 1k a day is doable and makes things go quickly. And you do it with a day job! My hat's off to you. :-)
Gabrielle Meyer said…
I am all over the place. I don't have a goal because I broke it so many times it became discouraging! With my four small kiddos life is never the same from one day to the next. I try to squeeze writing in throughout the day and I probably get at least two hours in, but it's so spread out that it's hard to keep my thoughts flowing! Someday, when the kiddos are a little older I hope to have a word count goal, but until they I'll keep plugging away!
Jessica Nelson said…
I know how that is! Two hours is a lot of time writing. If you can do!
Plugging away is key, I think. :-)
Unknown said…
My goal for the summer is to set up a writing plan ... a daily time when I sit and write. I'm a teacher, so I don't have the luxury of getting into a writing routine during the school year. I'm hoping a summer routine will lead to follow-through :-)
Jessica Nelson said…
Best wishes to you! It can be so hard. I hope during the school year you'll be able to find some time too. :-)
Cindy R. Wilson said…
Oh my gosh, my blinds always need to be dusted! I actually got around to it last week :) I'm trying really hard to get up to 1K a day, at least five days a week. I've been doing great this week, but I want to keep it up. I'm trying really hard to look at writing as a job, which means I need to get it done during the day, even if I have to write during kids' nap times and between doing loads of laundry. Keeps me busy, but I don't mind busy :)
Stacy Henrie said…
I hear you! :) Summer is really tough for me to write with my kids out of school, but I do what I can. Once school starts again, it's much easier to be consistent.
Andrew said…
I do at least 2K words per day. It's the best way I can think of to retain the sort of continuity I want.

I tend to put off some 'day job' stuff - not the smartest thing since I'm trying to build a business restoring airplanes

I put off the "ugh, not fun" in particular was mounting the attach points in a rebuilt Messerschmitt 109 tailcone. They are little cast aluminum nightmares that have to be precisely placed. The only way to do this right is to stick my head inside the structure.

Unfortunately, the opening's just a leetle too small, and I've gotten my head stuck in it on several occasions.

Makes those two thousand words seem a WHOLE lot easier.
Unknown said…
This summer my goal is 1,500 words a day--because I want to write a fast draft in two months. The pace is actually working well for me...well, it did until last night when my Macbook fan died. So, instead of writing tonight I'll be hanging out at the Apple store. But anyway, I'm finding I like the pace of a constant word count goal. Not always easy and some days I have to play catch-up...but having something to shoot for really helps me!
Jessica Nelson said…
Cindy, naptime was always a good writing time for me. :-) We have to be flexible when we're home with kids because they're so unpredictable.

Stacy, I'm daydreaming about this coming school year since all mine will be in school! lol
Jessica Nelson said…
Andrew, LOL, what a story about your head!!! I would def. procrastinate on that too. 2k is a healthy word count. I'd like to be able to get that in someday. Kudos to you! ;-)

Melissa, good for you!! Once we can get in a good pace, that helps.
Sarah Forgrave said…
I don't give myself word count goals right now...My kids are young and they always hijack word counts and make me feel like crud. :) But, I do have a goal to make the best use of the one hour of silence I get every day and crank out as much writing/editing as possible. :)
Hi Jess,

I'm in editing mode, so no word count goals right now.

Stina said…
When it comes to writing, I don't have too much problems with procrastination. Cleaning the house, now that's another story. :)
Janet Smart said…
Like Stina, I write a lot and hate housework. My house usually stays a mess and I find myself always writing one thing or another.
Karen Lange said…
Some days, procrastination is my middle name. :) Working on getting back to a writing routine as we speak. Thanks for the encouragement!
Jessica Nelson said…
Sarah, that's pretty smart of you to use your hour! That's def. bootie in the seat. :-)

Happy editing, Susan!

Stina and Janet, lucky you!!

Hey Miss Karen, You're welcome. ;-)
Nancy said…
I have been writing again, but it isn't a lot of volume. I am having a very good time and that's important, too.
Unknown said…
Great words of advice, Jessica! Yes, the only way a WIP becomes published is applying the BIC principle. I've been working on edits the past couple of weeks and look forward to submitting my book proposal. A BIG congratulations on Love on the Range!
Anonymous said…
Good reminder!
Linda Glaz said…
Very hard not to get sidetracked. errrrghhhh!
Latane Barton said…
I started a novel about 6 years ago and it was going great... then I had to take time off to take care of my husband with Alzheimers. Now I am having trouble being consistent with my writing. Want to get it finished.
Jaime Wright said…
Can we make "BOC" a new hash mark on Twitter? That is AWESOME!! #boc
Jessica Nelson said…
Aww, thanks for the congrats, Maria!

Nancy, definitely!!!

Linda, I know. Arghhh.
Jessica Nelson said…
Hi Mrs. Barton! Thank you for stopping by. Consistency is hard to come by when writing. Best wishes to you!

Yes, yes, yes, Jaime!!! GREAT idea!! LOL
Anonymous said…
Hi, Jessica! Ijust wanted to stop by and thank you for visiting and commenting on my post today!

We're actually in southeast Virginia, about 2 hours from the Outer Banks of North Carolina, where my photos were taken. The beach in early morning is breathtaking.
Thanks again - nice to "meet" you!

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