Winner and Some News

First, congrats to the lovely Susan who won Katie Ganshert's Wildflowers From Winter! I'll be contacting you to get your addy. :)

Now for some news:

Lady Scribes and author Lily George are interviewing me today. I'll be giving away a copy of my debut. :-)

I read all your comments and think Monday sounds like a good day to blog, so I'll be changing things on that front.

Also, I'm planning a completely rocking End of Summer contest to promote my book Love On The Range (which isn't available in physical stores but is still available online). There will be big prizes involved, including Godiva, books, gift cards and maybe some author critiques? I've never done a contest like this that will involve tweeting and stuff, but I've seen other writers do it and it seems to work for them? So I'll announce the deets next Monday and go from there.

Summer is going by way too fast. My eight year old just told me the other day that he thinks this summer went faster than the others. LOL I'm inclined to agree.

How is your summer going? Any cool news?


Loree Huebner said…
Summer is going good!

Godiva? I'm there!
Jessica Nelson said…
Heeheeee, I love that company!
Terri Tiffany said…
Funny your child said that. When we get older our summers do go faster! When does school start up again down there?
You know my summer plans--in two weeks I pack our trucks and take the four day trek up north:))
Hope to be in Fl for a visit in Feb though:)
We talked about the same thing this morning...ON THE WAY TO SCHOOL! Where did summer go? Your contest sounds fabulous! Chocolate! Yay!
Julie Dao said…
Your contest sounds amazing, Jessica! If you ever want an interview or a blog hop or something at my blog around that time, let me know :D My space is your space!
Jessica Nelson said…
Terri, when you're here let me know! Maybe there will be time for a visit. :-) School starts Aug. 20th.

Jessica, it's depressing. lol I mean, I'm looking forward to all day to write, but getting up at 6? Ack.

Julie...thank you! That is so sweet of you. :) I might take you up on it someday!
Brandi Boddie said…
I can't believe how children go back to school so early now. Remember when we all went to school in September?

Jessica Nelson said…
Yep, I remember. I just don't get it. *sigh*
Unknown said…
Yay, fun!! I'll be a regular Monday visitor. :)
Jessica Nelson said…
Sounds good, Melissa. ;-)
Oh, yippee, Godiva! Soul food, comfort food, rainy and sunny day food!
V said…
WOOHOO! Chocolate :-) Your contest sounds fantastic. Can't wait to tweet about it!
Latane Barton said…
aw, I bet your eight year old is hating to see the summer vacation vanish. I'm like that too.
Lindsay Harrel said…
Fun, fun. I like how you said "deets." Made me smile.

Can't wait to hear them!
Yay! Thanks, Jess!

I sent you my address via email. I can't wait to read Wildflowers From Winter.

Susan :)
Jessica Nelson said…
LOL Lindsay! I couldn't resist. :-)

He definitely is, W. Latane.

Thanks ladies!
Amy DeTrempe said…
A late congrats on your book release. It was great to see you at LadyScribes.
Sandra Orchard said…
Happily we still have 4 weeks of summer to go here in Canada! I'm loving having hubby home. He's been making breakfast and lunch every day while I write!!
Stacy Henrie said…
You had me at Godiva. :) Sounds like a fun contest! My kids start school in less than two weeks - can't believe it's alreay time.
Andrew said…
Summer news? BIG summer news?

I'm still alive. After the last two years, I'll take that and run with it!

Each day's a gift.
Karen Lange said…
Will hop over to Lady Scribes. Yes, I agree, this summer is going quickly!
Jessica Nelson said…
Amy, it was great to see you too! It's been awhile. :-)

Sandra, you lucky lady!

I know Stacy. Time...smh
Jessica Nelson said…
Andrew, so true. Definitely a gift. :-)

Hi Karen!
Jennifer Shirk said…
We have a few more weeks before school starts so summer is going by just right for me. We've really made the most of it this year.
Nancy said…
Since you asked, I do have some great news. My daughter, her husband, and my new granddaughter are moving back to our area from Tenn. soon. Yeah!

Funny about your son thinking this summer went faster than others, remember when it felt as if summer went on forever? I do. Oh, those were golden days.
Angie Muresan said…
My summer's going well. Been eating chocolate every day: morning, noon and night. And that's about it.

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