The Irascible WIP

I have maybe 3k left to finish my WIP and I'm going nuts.

This manuscript has taken me almost a year to write and I'm not sure I have a good excuse for it. Sure, I've had a lot of things happen in the last year but there were also times I was just lazy. *cringe*

What is driving you nuts today? Is there anything you can do to change it?


Erica Vetsch said…
You can do it, Jess!!! 3K words!

Nothing's driving me too crazy today, but I'm not very far into it yet, so that might change. :)
Yes, something IS already driving me nuts, but I've got a looong road before this issue can be resolved.
Went for a very hard run today. Drove me nuts at the time, but I powered through. Seriously though, I thought I was going to throw up the whole way. Glad you know that? ;-)

You are so close!!!

~ Wendy
Sandra Orchard said…
I'm going crazy with finishing my WIP, too...due Nov 1st and still a lot of wrinkles to iron out, on top of way too many blog posts to write for my October blog tour. Can you tell I'm procrastinating? :)
Linda Kage said…
Whew, almost there! Just think how nice it'll feel to finally write "The End". Maybe that's why it's taking you so long, so you'll feel like you accomplished an even bigger feat!

I'm good today. Yesterday, not so much. Someone had hacked into one of my email accounts which actually controls two of my emails. After the evil, mean hacker sent strange links to all my friends, then Yahoo shut me out and didn't let me email. What a mess. But two password changes, and a cell phone call verification later, and all is good again. Hackers are such meanies.
Julie Jarnagin said…
I feel your pain. It feels like I've been working on my current WIP forever. Go, Jessica, go!
Jessica Nelson said…
LOL Erica! You crack me up. :-)

Uh-oh, Georgiana! *hugs and prayers* coming your way.

Ooh, go you, Wendy!!! I miss running. I tore some ligaments a month ago and am still waiting for them to heal. Blech. I know that throw up feeling. LOL
Jessica Nelson said…
Oh dear! STOP procrastinating, Sandra! You can do it!! :-)

Linda, I'm with you. Hackers stink big time. I'm glad it all worked out in the end though. Whew!

Thanks Julie!
Terri Tiffany said…
Good that you are almost done! I just want to write more on my current wip.
Nancy said…
You need to get your book done so I can read it. How's that for motivation? I'm sure you aren't lazy. We all have so much to do.
Lindsay Harrel said…
You can do it!!!

It's driving me nuts that I have to be here at work (day job) when I really want to be home writing. Sigh. But I keep reminding myself I'm blessed to have a job.
Jennifer Shirk said…
3K? Oh my gosh, you can totally do it, girl!!!
Keli Gwyn said…
Wishing you well, Jess, as you wrestle with words and get the last 3,000 of them on the page.
Cindy R. Wilson said…
You're so close! I know you can do it!

Not having enough time is driving me crazy! But Mondays always feel like that for me. Then the rest of the week is better :)
Unknown said…
Hehe, good question. What's driving me nuts today is trying to balance a day job with my writing. Ack. :)
Sarah Forgrave said…
Oh boy, do I ever know laziness. I'm the girl who has needed to START my next book the last few weeks, but have I? Nope. Granted, a lot of life stuff has happened, but there have been plenty of lazy moments in there too. :)
Loree Huebner said…
Go Jess Go!!

You can do it! Yes you can!

Got my pom poms out just for you!
Beth K. Vogt said…
Joining the cheering team: You. Can. Do. This.
Forget about why you haven't finished the WIP and focus on getting 'er done.
Promise yourself something fun when you're done: a mani/pedi, a hike along your favorite trail, a bubble bath, a book by your favorite author ...

Praying for you!
Karen Lange said…
There are few things driving me to be super grouchy today and I keep reminding myself that God is bigger than all of it. Tomorrow will be much better. :)

Cheering you on! You can do it!
Hi Jess -

I like routine, and mine is totally out of whack today. With 6 hours of sleep last night, that's not a good thing.

Susan :)
Jessica, I can't seem to finish editing my novel, and it's driving me nuts! Three years seems WAY too long, but it's been such a steep learning curve. Any advice?

You are so close! Praying you are able to power through in the next month.

pol said…
Jess at least you did start your novel and it is pretty far along, some people want to write but never do-hang in there and the end will come.
Sometimes you just have to stop and smell the roses along the way.

thanks for sharing your talant.
Paula O(
Nick Wilford said…
Endings can be tricky. I'm sure you'll get there! Remember you don't have to get it perfect - you can sort it out in revisions. But that's another can of worms. A year is absolutely fine to write the draft. Sometimes we need those "lazy" times to let our mind tick over a bit on the WIP and refresh!

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