Getting Ready to Submit

I'm knee-deep in the last read of my WIP before I submit it to my publisher. My nerves are...well, they're doing something like jangling, quivering, buzzing, freaking out....LOL

I thought today would be fun to participate in a fun bloghop I was invited to join by two other authors:

Brandi Boddie
Connie Mann

Here we go:

What is your working title of your book? Family On The Range

Where did the idea come from for the book? I don't know...ideas just show up. :-)

What genre does your book fall under? Inspirational historical romance

Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition? Eeek! That's so hard!! I'm not visual. I do think my hero looks kind of like Brad Pitt. Not sure about the heroine....

What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book? A reclusive housekeeper defies the employer she's in love with in order to rescue a child.

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency? Represented by me and submitted to a traditional publisher.

How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript? WAY longer than it should of. *shamefaced*

What other books would you compare this story to within your genre? Oh dear, that's a tricky one! There are actually a lot of Love Inspired Historicals that have had a bit of suspense to them, and that's what mine is. Mostly a love story but there elements of suspense/mystery.

Who or what inspired you to write this book? What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?
The characters probably inspired me. They were part of the cast in Love On the Range and I wanted them to have their own Happily Ever After. :-) I don't know what might pique a reader's interest, but I do think the time period is intriguing. It's set right at the beginning of Prohibition and there was quite a bit of political unrest happening.

I don't have anyone to tag but would love if you'd choose a question or two to answer in the comments. It's a New Year and we're all working on something, I'd bet. What are you working on in this New Year?


Jennifer Shirk said…
Oooh, sounds good! I think the time period is interesting too.

I'm STILL trying to edit my wip and I want to start writing a cute little novella for a series in the next few weeks.
Unknown said…
Fun to hear about what you're working on, Jessica. Best wishes!

I'm working on my second contracted book. Thankfully I got the first draft done in early it's the fun part (for me, anyway). I LOVE revisions. :)
Sandra Orchard said…
Oh, I love it went historicals have some suspense. I can totally relate to feeling like the draft takes way longer to write than it should. :)
Your first book was so good, Jess! I'm looking forward to this one.

My book is, "The Moses Conspiracy." I'm shopping it around. :)

Julie Dao said…
YAY, how exciting!!! Good luck wrapping that up :) Love on the Range is on my to-read list and I can't wait!
Loree Huebner said…
I'm excited for you! The book sounds good! Best wishes, Jessica.
Lindsay Harrel said…
How fun! Can't wait to read another of your books. :)

I'm revising my wip. Yay! Revisions are soooo much better than drafting, IMO.
Janet said…
Good luck on submitting! I love when a manuscript is at that point in its journey. I also love historical fiction, I enjoyed reading your answers.
Jessica Nelson said…
Jennifer, a novella? Kudos! And good luck. LOL

Woohooo, Melissa! I actually love revisions too. It's the rough draft that makes me sweat. Heh.

Hey Sandra! I like suspense in almost all romances. Gives it an edge, imo. ;-)
Jessica Nelson said…
Thank you, Susan. I'm so glad to hear you're shopping yours! Best wishes to you!

Thanks Julie and Loree! :-)

Totally agreed, Lindsay!

Thanks Janet. I'm soooo nervous. lol
Nancy said…
I'm excited about your new book. That will be fun to read because I loved your previous characters.

Right now, I am helping a friend who has a new site. She wants some articles from me so I am trying to deliver.
Jessica, so fun to hear about your next project. I'm slowly chipping away on edits & reading craft books. :)
Brandi Boddie said…
Hurray! I can't wait to read your next book! I loved the characters in Love on the Range, so I look forward to seeing what happens in Family on the Range :-)
LisaAnn said…
Good luck with your submission! It's so nice to see characters move from book to book. Makes them feel a bit like old friends... :)
Angie Muresan said…
Jessica, I am so thrilled for you! Best wishes and blessings for this WIP.
Karen Lange said…
Love this! It's fun to learn more about your next book. Looking forward to reading it! :)
Linda Kage said…
YAY!! Another Jessica Nelson book. My fingers are crossed for you, but I'm sure your submission will go beautifully!

I think I have the same answer on the "where did you come up with the story idea" too. I hardly EVER know where some of my ideas come from!
Dropping by to say Happy New Year. Good luck for 2013.
It took me 4 months to write the first of my "first drafts." LOL! I cut my writing teeth on that first book.

You go, girl! I can't wait for you to get that submitted. I wish so hard that I could help you crit this one. Which leads me to my answer: I'm working on the second book of my contract and under a big ugly scary deadline... *cough*
Susanne Dietze said…
Sounds great! I'm excited to read your new book.

Oh dear, it's taking me so long to finish my wip. Ugh.
Jessica Nelson said…
Thanks Susie! I feel you on that too. Blerg.

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