
Remember how I was sucked into buying Janet Dean's debut novel Courting Miss Adelaide? (By Walmart, not by her).
Well, yesterday I received an e-mail saying I had won the book on Lena Nelson Dooley's blog a few days ago. Haha. Talk about ironic.

There are still free copies floating around. Today Janet Dean's interview is posted at Romance Writers on the Journey.

I started the book yesterday and am half-through already because it's so cute! I love the heroine and the hero. Dean has a lot of plot threads subtly woven throughout these beginning chapters and I'm interested to see what the end result is.

Does anyone notice the time? Yeah, 6:15. My two and four year old woke me up.
argghhh!! I miss the days when they slept until eight.


Karen Hossink said…
But look at it this way - now you have more time in your day to get things done! 6:15 isn't so bad.
Sleep is highly over-rated, anyway.
*I jest!!!*
Jessica Nelson said…
It's funny but I do feel like I get more done. Of course, by 2 pm I'm about ready to drop :-)
Keli Gwyn said…

When you visited Romance Writers on the Journey last week and left a comment on my post, "Romance Writer's Road Map: Part One," you entered a drawing for a set of java note cards. I held the drawing, and you're the winner. Congrats!

My poor computer is in the shop today, and I'm using hubby's, so I don't have all my email addresses. Thus, I'm contacting you this way. If you will send me an email with your address, I'll get the cards on their way to you.

Keli Gwyn

(If you need the address, you can go to my website for the link. My website is linked on my blogger profile.)

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