You Go, Girl!

The American Title V contest hosted by Romantic Times Magazine and Dorchester Publishing has announced its eight finalists.

I'm excited to know one of those finalists. Marie-Claude Bourque. Not only is she a kind lady who gives great critiques, she's also one awesome writer! It's pretty cool that she's finaled in this prestigious contest. Get this, the winner is promised . . . A Publishing Contract by Dorchester!! Too cool.

Good luck, Marie-Claude. I'm rooting for you.

You can check out her website and her Myspace for more info about her paranormal dark romance, Ancient Whispers.


Sarah said…
I'm not familiar with her, but I bet I will be soon! Good luck Marie-Claude!
Karen Hossink said…
Hi Jessica,
Regarding sucking the life out of, ahem...
Yeah, I started out a C, and went to B after number 1, A after number two and nearly A after number three. Guess why I decided to stop at three! LOL
Hey, at least it's good for a laugh now. *grin*

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